7 Sources of Strength
Barry Lewis Green
Forward together, stronger; 6 Strategies across 6 Temperaments for elevated conversations, capacities and Character Leadership. I teach, speak, coach, write, and create for noble, purposeful, united action. Aim High.
This month, I am exploring KNOWledge and Strength, and I have already shared on what I am calling 4 Bricks that are foundational for the kind of Strength needed in times of great change, challenge and even chaos. They include starting within and behind?and the?dual nature of Purpose... plus?our own?Understanding?of Life and God... inspired by my reading of Soul Boom by Rainn Wilson; 1 of 4 books I am reading and reflecting on this month.
Indeed, this month I have shared on Just and Wise Power and MADD Practice and Skill as well... in exploring that notion of building resolute Strength, and forward. And, before I move onto the content around Stoicism this month, I just thought to offer up three more munches from Soul Boom. I am almost done with the read, but the reflect will be ongoing, and I may share more later. But, for now, there are three thoughts that are resonating for me in how we fortify and ever better build our Strength, moving forward.
Brick 5: Nature
There was this interesting piece around health and nature. I am liking and reflecting on its application and practice for me. Dr, Hopman suggests 20 minutes, 3 times day outdoors... 5 hours per month amidst the "wilder" side of nature, and 3 days a year "off the grid". Either way, I am holding to the power that time in nature can have to help build our Strength of Health... and putting it into my own practice ever more.
Brick 6: Sacred
Finding the Sacred. Rainn Wilson offers up the notion of exploring what we each see as the Sacred. One of the meanings of "Sacred" is "entitled to reverence and respect". Reverence and Respect.... and the identifying, claiming and spending time with such daily seems to me to be a profoundly powerful source of Strength. I intend to look at my own current practices and attentions in order to better spend such time in Wonder and Reverence and Awe and Respect. Wrar indeed... ;) ...
Brick 7:Religio
Religio... Rainn digs into Religio, the binding together and offers up his take on the core aspects of a practiced and well lived way of life, if you will. Whatever Faith or none, these are some considerations for us all that can fortify our Strength. Finding or building our own community of such can provide a well discerned and decided harbor. I will not do Justice here to his ideas put forward, but I will suggest that it is occurring to me now that exploring these, finding these, and building these however we best see them... can have a practical and powerful impact on our Strength, in times of trial and trumph alike. Indeed that Transcendence thing alone...
... can help build the kind of Fortitude that is remarkable.
For Now
So, ahead of me getting more into the Stoicism content in the Weeks to come, I offer up these now 7 Bricks to consider in fortifying your Strength of Character and Purpose, moving forward. Find what is resonant and useful for you. With matters of Health and questions around my own best sense of work and Service forward, I am. Building my own PEACE of Work demands such.
It is getting heavy out there.?The rules have all changed. They’re about to change again and going forward.??Change is consistently at the gate… change of the rules and even the game itself. There is no choice.
REALLY.?Today’s unprecedented challenges in the world require a cool Strength of Character, Purpose and Unity at school, work, business and community; a strong rudder, anchor and north star to navigate?and?create constructive change and true prosperity.??Building our own Strength is vital to live and serve in these times and forward.
Justice, Peace and Unity...