7 simple ways to speed up Chrome

7 simple ways to speed up Chrome

The world's most popular browser:

Google Chrome

Unfortunately, it sucks your computer memory and slows it to a crawl.

Here are 7 simple ways to speed up Chrome:

Before we start, ensure you're using the latest version of Chrome.

? Click the 3 dots (Options)

? Choose 'help'

? Click 'about Google Chrome'

It'll tell you if yours is up-to-date.

If it's not, update it now.

Let's go.

#1: Clear your browsing data.

As you visit more + more websites, data accumulates in Chrome.

This slows the browser down.

? Choose the 'Chrome' tab

? Click 'clear browsing data'

? Choose 'All time'

Now select which elements you want to clear.

Then clear your data.

#2: Set up auto-delete.

Clearing data ONCE isn't enough - do it regularly


? Options

? Settings

? Manage Google account

? Manage data + personalization

? Manage data + privacy

? Web + app activity

Turn auto-delete on + delete your old activity automatically.

#3: Disable extensions you aren't using.

Extensions are wonderful, but they slow down your computer.

Remove the ones you don't need:

? Options

? More tools

? Extensions

Then disable and remove the ones you no longer use.

#4: Remove web apps.

Chrome apps suck memory so if you don't need them, remove them.

Go to chrome://apps then:

? Right click on any you don't use

? Remove them

It's time for a clear out.

#5: Make web pages open faster with prefetch.

Prefetch anticipates where you might go next.

Turn prefetch on:

? Go to chrome://settings/cookies

? Turn on 'preload pages for faster browsing'

It loads your next page in the background for faster access.

#6: Suspend your tabs.

I often have a gazillion tabs open at once which slows my browser.

The Great Suspender app solves this:

? Suspends tabs I've not used for a while.

? But keeps them open for when I need them

This saves on memory while tabs are dormant.

#7: Use experimental features


Here, try features that haven't been fully released.

Consider these 3:

? 'Parallel downloading' improves download speed

? 'Back-forward cache' stores sites for quick use

? 'Override software rendering list' uses GPU acceleration

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