7 simple hints how to stay positive in a negative world

7 simple hints how to stay positive in a negative world

3 min. read

A friend recently asked me: "Natalia, how do you stay so positive in a world like ours? What is your secret?" - My answer? I decided to write a short blog post about it today.

My secret isn't really a secret. I stay positive as an end result of a hand full of good habits that I implemented into my life, which keep me optimistic, energized and mentally sane - at least kind of. Hehe.

1. Work out daily

Why? I do not want to repeat myself. I dedicated a separate blog post to this topic a while ago. Please have a look at it.

2. Do what you love

The nature of the human being is complex. You do not need to be a sociologist though to understand that doing what you dislike makes you unhappy and negative; and doing what you like makes you happy and positive. This applies to your career but also to your private life. The journey of finding your passion might take a while but it is absolutely worth it. Make that jump!

3. Help others

You also do not need to believe in Karma to realize that helping others, seeing them smile and thanking you makes you feel good as well. We are social beings in the end. Here a few hints on how to start.

4. Be grateful

Forget what others tell you about the current state of this planet and open your eyes towards the beauty and success in YOUR life. How? - I developed a simple technique that works for me. Check it out!

5. Sleep enough

Lack of sleep has a negative impact on your mood, concentration, performance level and stimulates your appetite. Getting enough sleep in contrast makes you look better, boosts your immune system and even your libido - at least the last argument should have convinced you. 

6. Maintain a healthy diet

Fast food is full of chemicals that make you crave for more. When you do not get more, you turn grumpy. When you do eat that crap anyway, you feel guilty or upset due to your weakness. So? Stop the vicious circle and start to cook your own food. Bonus hint: Surprise your family or friends with a self-prepared meal. They will be amazed (see item 3) and their compliments will flatter your ego.

7. Go on a "drama diet"

Say no to all sources of negativity in your life: People, media and your own mind. Do this for 30 days and watch the magic happen. Find semi-logic excuses for not catching up with nay-sayers, a**holes, drama queens, energy vampires, doubters, haters and people who do not (emotionally, intellectually etc.) challenge you in your life. Slowly but surely reduce the time you spend with them to zero. Life is short. Make the best out of it.


I said simple hints. Not easy. Yes, it will take a while till you implement the above principles into your daily routine; but if you want to be the leader of your own life, you need to get into action and start somewhere. Today. Not tomorrow.

"There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." Zig Ziglar


