7 signs you’re growing as a programmer
How will you measure yourself as a programmer? How can you say that you've grown as a programmer?
Here are 7 signs which show you that you're growing as a programmer.
If you've no clue about how to improve yourself as a programmer, Don't worry. We've got you covered. Let's go.
Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by its weight.
You can't be a pro programmer in a year or two. And no one can claim that he or she is a pro programmer because there's always something we don't know.
How much progress did I make as a programmer?
Did this thought ever cross your mind?
If yes, great. You're on the right track.
Growing as a programmer is not about what number of years of experience you have in the field?
It's about improving what you write or teach!
1. You're not just writing code only.
Apart from writing code for your day-to-day work, you’re allocating some hours or even minutes for learning new things that are unknown to you.
You learn deployments, CI/CD configuration, or show concern about security threats for the project.
It can be anything!
You constantly keep an eye on whether your code is following the best practices or not, including some must follow principles like,
You opt for debugging instead of adding manual logs while doing the implementation.
You should be writing tests for your code, and you don't deploy a bit of your code without tests!
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