?? 7 rules to master chatgpt and 5 sales skills to survive
Kyle Balmer
?? AI business & entrepreneurship || International trainer || 60k newsletter readers || 8x best sellers || 200k audience || Forbes featured || Great eyebrows
?? Master the Game: 3 x Tactics, Concepts and Principles
How to talk to ChatGPT so it writes what you want - Dickie Bush via Twitter (link).
The crush: If you’ve used ChatGPT (or have held off) because you think it’s ‘not good enough’, you’ll likely revisit it after these tips.
The problem: ChatGPT is more like us than we realise.
Everyone knows a “Toby”, who jumps into a meeting late and proceeds to say something awkward like, "I think we should definitely be hiring before the Christmas party" only to be met with a room full of puzzled faces and someone responding, "Umm Toby, we're discussing firing , not hiring."
They’re missing context. ChatGPT is the same. It needs to understand: who, what, where, when and how. Without it, it’s just guessing. With that information it’ll become a grade-A writing assistant.
The solution: Become excellent at asking for what you want aka a ‘prompt engineer’. This is the new buzzword which basically means, a person who knows how to talk to a chat AI.
7 Rules to help you become a ‘prompt engineer’ (adapted from source tweet):
Rule 1: ChatGPT doesn’t think. It does.
Rule 2: Good instructions = good output. Bad instructions = bad output.
Rule 3: Only use it to come up with things from scratch if you’ve got ‘writer's block’.
Rule 4: Give it clear instructions.
Rule 5: Tell it what to avoid for each of the above criteria.
Rule 6: Don’t settle for the first answer. Keep ‘prompting’.
We don’t settle for the first answer someone gives us. Nor do we settle for the first answer a Google search throws up. The same applies here.
Rule 7: Don’t be afraid of a rewrite.
The first draft is exactly that, a first draft. Prompt GPT to rewrite its output in various ways:
Examples of how it can help your writing:?
Final word: Invest the time to train it like you would yourself or your people and it will become your personal writing assistant. Only this one is in the highest percentile?
We’re curious: We’re featuring an AI or ChatGPT piece weekly. Is this useful? Are you using ChatGPT? Hit reply and let us know.
5 future skills a salesperson needs to succeed - Harvard Business Review (link with paywall removed).
The crush: Consulting firm ZS scraped web data from more than 20,000 sales job postings from 2019 to 2022 and found that the de-facto skills a salesperson needs aren’t going away anytime soon.?
These include: sales experience, communication skills, curiosity, and motivation .
But the salesperson of the future needs to come to the table with more. Sorry, it’s time to find an alternative to ‘The Wolf on Wall Street’.
The problem: With greater choice than ever before the pushy salesperson won’t win. In fact they may as well leave the competition's business card at the door on their way out because customer behaviour has changed for good.
The solution: The data scrape found that there are 5 new skills a salesperson is expected to have:
Skill 1: Anticipating the customer’s tomorrow
Meaning: You’re expected to understand where the customer is today and what problems they will experience as they grow. This allows you to position your product in your buyers mind ahead of time plus demonstrate your expertise. It’s kinda like being a consultant.
Skill 2: Collaborating inside and out
Meaning: One-to-one sales are becoming a thing of the past. There isn’t just a decision maker. There’s multiple. For a big contract this may mean pulling together a product manager, marketing manager and the CFO. We’ve experienced this first hand where a salesperson presented to us (Fractional CMOs at the time), brand manager and compliance manager.?
Skill 3: Leveraging digital and virtual channels
Meaning: The Michael Scott approach to sales won’t cut it. Sales people of the future are expected to be able to use their internal and external digital tools. Teams, Meets and Zoom apps should be pre-installed on all their digital devices. Want to talk to a Millenial decision maker? Better know what Slack is.
Skill 4: Ability to get power from data
Meaning: With more data available with sophisticated CRMs (Like Zoho or HubSpot) and soon the ability to talk to that data with AI, interpreting and using data in sales conversations is a must.
Skill 5: Capacity to adapt
Meaning: ‘Quarterly sales targets’ will become a thing of the past as real-time data drives decision making. We’ve talked about marketing metrics and sales metrics (link) in previous newsletters. It will be these numbers that dictate a salesperson's activity. Get ready for monthly and even weekly changes.
Don’t panic: The article authors highlight that whilst many of these skills are desirable, it makes more sense to centralise or dedicate a role to key skills. For example ‘ability to get power from data’ may mean a sales person contacting the team Excel whiz for support.
That being said, develop or train these skills now to gain an edge in the years to come.
Identify your ideal customer by filling in the blanks - Josh Spector via Twitter (link).
The crush: There’s two pivotal times in your business’ growth where identifying your customer is important:
The solution: Here’s a simple 10 question exercise to create clarity around your idea and get your business back on track.?
Fill in the blanks.
To show we’re in this with you. I’ve answered the questions for our business too: the Crushed Content (CC) email newsletter.
1. I don't want to serve people who don't care about _____.
CC: I don’t want to serve people who don’t care about real-business.
2. Most of my competitors focus on _____, but my approach/product is different because _____.
CC: Most of my competitors focus on business news, but my approach/product is different because we focus on crushing business tactics, principles and concepts in an actionable and useful way.
3. I don't want to serve people who aren't willing to _____.?
CC: I don't want to serve people who aren't willing to learn, do and review constantly.?
4. I don't want to serve people who think in order to get _____, you need to _____.
CC: I don't want to serve people who think in order to get business success, you need to only learn how to raise money and be in tech.
5. Of all the _____ I could serve, the ones I can best help are the ones who do/want _____ and _____.?
CC: Of all the entrepreneurs I could serve, the ones I can best help are the ones who do/want the best knowledge from the web and have it crushed in an easy to consume way.?
6. I want to serve people who appreciate _____.
CC: I want to serve people who appreciate aggregators and curators of content (in other words, people who sift through BS to find the gold).
7. I don't want to serve people who are really just in it for _____.?
CC: I don't want to serve people who are really just in it for quick success and easy riches.?
8. I don't want to serve people who only want to get _____ for _____ reason.
CC: I don't want to serve people who only want to get business knowledge for intellectual reasons.
9. I want to help people whose biggest struggle is _____.
CC: I want to help people whose biggest struggle is acquiring and keeping up with the best business content online.
?10. My favourite customer to help has been _____ because _____.
CC: My favourite customer to help has been real-business owners because most popular advice is for VC backed technology startups.
Give it a try: It’s harder than you think.
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