Alright, I’m here again with another article for you guys. Today, we’re going to talk about something really IMPORTANT. I see that there are lots of people out there who still are NOT successful with Facebook ads. There are lots of people who are having problems with running Facebook ad campaigns.

I can confidently tell you that throughout the years, in my own EXTENSIVE experience, I’ve come to find that there are FIVE main reasons for Facebook ads failures.

Once you come to get a good understanding of these core reasons, and you can recognize them for what they are, then you’re UNDOUBTEDLY going to eventually be successful.

I was running an ad on Facebook the other day just for branding purposes (for my “Manuel Suarez” brand along with the things that I run every single day). Just because I love helping people, and because I love capturing attention, this is my thing so I continuously am pumping out a lot of content. Somebody came in and commented, “Don’t listen to this mumbo jumbo! This is all garbage. I actually paid a company to do Facebook ads for me and I got 300,000 clicks and I’ve got zero conversion!!!”

Now, I wasn’t impolite to him, but my only thought was, “Man, your product must be HORRIBLE and definitely not wanted or desired by ANYBODY.” To get 300,000 clicks to a shop and NOT get a single purchase, it’s like an EPIC failure. I mean, even if you TRY to do that, you probably cannot accomplish that. You literally cannot drive ten thousand people to a shop, even the worst shop and not convert a single person into a sale. That’s just not possible. Going back to this guy that comes in (a.k.a. my hater), he comes in and says something about 300,000 clicks and not a single conversion, either HE didn’t know what he was doing or the company that he hired and paid a lot of money to had no clue what they were doing.

There is a lot of things you can do with your FACEBOOK ADS. The things you do with your ads will either be SUCCESSFUL or they will FAIL. I want to help you find more SUCCESS than failure.

All right. So, let’s get into it….


I think this is the biggest, most common error that exists out there for all entrepreneurs. Honestly, I’ve been guilty of this as well. You will dramatically increase your probability of success by testing more ads and audiences. Honestly, with how little FACEBOOK ADS cost, you CANNOT afford NOT to test several different ads, different audiences, different wordings of your ad COPY. If you start testing out different things with your ads you are bound to find WINNING ads, that alone is worth the time spent on testing. If you just throw up an AD that you enjoy, without considering what GRABS the attention of your audience, you just might miss more than hit.

Therefore, first and foremost, it is the most basic and most common reason for failure. Not enough testing because people get impatient. They spend $500, or $100, or however much, and then they say, “You know what? Facebook ads didn’t work, I knew it! Look, honestly the failure is, lack of patience and lack of testing.


This goes hand in hand, along the same lines as “not enough testing”. If you are talking about hair growth to a person that has a head full of hair, you are going to lose every single time. If you are talking to males about makeup, you’re going to lose every single time. You have to understand that finding an audience is really important.

There are 170 million people on Facebook in the United States alone who are actively using the platform every single day. 220 million use it monthly. So, as you can see, there are a lot of people. What I can ABSOLUTELY guarantee you is that most people are not your customers. I can’t say that enough. It’s important for you to know that you have to work hard at testing out your audiences so you can actually find a winning audience that is interested in what you have to offer. The beauty of it is that Facebook offers a lot of options for that. If you set up your Business Manager on www.business.facebook.com and you go to “Audiences”, you can see that there’s an audience that you can create — audiences from people who visit your website, audiences from your email list and audiences from people that watch your videos. You can also go to a tool called “Audience Insights” in the Business Manager, and research people that are interested in. Details such as certain pages, what their demographics are, their socio-economic levels and targeting information that Facebook has access to that we as advertisers can also utilize to target our messages. You have to work on finding your audience actively. The tools are THERE for you!

Okay, let’s move on to reason number 3…


On Facebook, when you’re running Facebook ads, you have to understand that the first thing that somebody sees, the thing at the top, is the actual copy. If you have a wrong message then people are not going to respond. You have to practice that skill and it’s not always easy to practice. Now, there are tools that came up along the way that have made it easier and easier to use the winning copy.

Now, another thing that goes in line with the actual message being WRONG is people that try to “sell” too much at the beginning of the relationship, before the relationship is even established.

It’s like when you start dating your wife or your husband, at the beginning you cannot flirt too heavily because otherwise, it looks like you’re just looking to get something from them, instead of trying to build a relationship that is going to be here for the duration of lifetimes, right? I, personally, have been married for 14 years. In the beginning, I romanticized my wife and I let her know how much I really care. I slowly but surely approached her before we went in for the close, right? In reality, the same principle works with the actual messages that you put out there in your ads and content. You most certainly DO NOT go for the close on the first contact, maybe not even the second or the third, fourth, fifth… or even the sixth, for that matter. (Heard of the RULE OF 7?)

Make sure that you OFFER VALUE FIRST. As you offer value, you get better along the way, and you get closer and closer to that person so they can come back and engage with your brand. The more you ‘warm’ a customer up, gain their trust ethically, then you can introduce the idea of SELLING them your product or service. This is due to the fact that NOW your audience sees VALUE in your service or product.


This point is basically summarizing all of it, right? Lack of patience is a BIG ONE, a MAJOR factor for all of these things, okay? This one is connected with all of them because I have mentioned patience several times on the first point, “not enough testing”, simply because it’s connected with this one. However, this PARTICULAR point in and of itself is a reason for Facebook ads failure. If you don’t have the patience to test your creative, to find your audience, to be testing consistently (ABT — Always Be Testing), it makes it difficult for you to scale and grow your business and find your winning ads.

Now the thing is, once you actually find a winner, you hit it and stride, and you go fast, and you expand and then “off you go to the races” to grow your business, because it scales. Like, you can be running a campaign and initially be paying about $20 per conversion and as you get better and better, you can eventually literally pay only $1 or $2 per conversion. That’s what’s going on right now today in social media and with this platform. These things happen often, and they are TOTALLY achievable, IT TAKES PATIENCE.


We briefly touched this earlier. What do I mean by “Wrong Objectives”? When you’re doing Facebook ads as the first step on your Business Manager, when you select “Create a Campaign” as the first option, you’ve got to make sure that you have several options to select as your objective. On the first column on the left side of the Business Manager, you’re going to see something called “Branding and Awareness”. Those are campaigns that are designed to just put your message out there. In the middle column, that one is called “Consideration”. Those campaigns which include engagement, traffic, video views, application installs — all those things — you’re basically trying to get people to consider engaging with your brand. That is also an objective. Even “Messages” is an objective in there. If you want to send people to your Messenger channel, you can select the objectives called “Messages”, which Facebook uses to optimize their ads to put their messages in front of as many people as possible who are more likely to engage with your Messenger channel. If somebody doesn’t have Messenger, then they don’t even see that ad on Facebook. Otherwise, it would be a waste of money, right?

Cool stuff. Facebook is working hard on giving you more and more value so you can keep on scaling your business and helping it to grow along the way, too. That’s how it works. Also, since we’ve talked about the left-hand column, and we’ve talked about the middle one, let’s go over last column, which is on the top, at the bottom right-hand in the objectives. That one is called “Conversion” because, in this one, you’re trying to get somebody to convert into becoming an actual customer who either buys something from you, or they become a lead by giving you their phone number and/or their email. That is called a “Conversion Objective Campaign”. In a nutshell, you have to be willing to test out and try out different objectives. If you are running a Messenger Campaign but you have selected the “Video Views” Objective, that might very well be a reason for failure. You have to test out different objectives as you go, to make sure that you give Facebook the data that they need in order for them to give you the results that you are looking for.


Now, this is something that you have to understand and it’s really important because, if you don’t have a strategy in place, then Facebook ads are NOT for you. You NEED to have a strategy.

You need to be able to put people through a funnel. This means that they see the video first and then after that video, they see another video and then you continue building a conversation and a relationship with those people. Slowly people start to become your customers who definitely interested in what your brand has to offer.

A strategy basically entails what is it that you’re trying to accomplish with your business, how are you trying to make the world better through your content, how can you improve somebody else’s life. Are you going to entertain or are you going to educate? Are you going to inspire? What are you trying to do? You have to create and share content. What content are you going to create and how are you going to distribute it? All that comes from a strategy.

Are you going to also do videos? Are you going to write articles, like this one that I’m sharing right now? Are you going to just take pictures and infographics? Are you going to do a podcast? What is it that you are trying to do in order to captivate that audience? As you can see, having a strategy will help you in the long run.

So let’s move on to our last one…Point number 7.


Some people are romantic about their brand and their products and they try to just run their Facebook advertising with a product that doesn’t have a demand. If their products don’t have a demand, it’s going to be a problem because they’re simply not going to be successful. The market is the market. You don’t make the market, you don’t decide what the market is, you don’t actually establish a market, you usually have to find the market and put a message in front of them and once you get that message out there, you try to convert those people with a special offer and a special product of high quality that you can use to get your business going and expanding. After all, your products and the quality thereof are reflections of YOUR BRAND, and you’ve got to think with THAT.

There you have it, the seven reasons why Facebook ads fail. You’ve got to know that you can’t be romantic in the last point. Don’t be SO in love with your business or your product that you become inflexible. If you have to adjust your business in order to get it going, if you have to change the strategy, ALWAYS be willing to do that. If the market doesn’t respond and if you did all the different six points, if you’ve worked your butt off to understand these platforms, and still not winning, then it might be time to readjust the services and/or your product line. When you do, try for it again. Remember that persistence is going to be key as well as patience.

Well, I hope that you enjoyed this article, and that you derived some value from it. Now it’s up to YOU to actually IMPLEMENT it. Good luck!

I will see you guys in the next article.

Avgustina Mazhevska

Vice President of Operations

5 年

You are not just helping, you literally take their business on a new level!! ????



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