7 Reasons Why You’ll Benefit From Taking the VAESE Alumni Relations Benchmarking Survey
If you're an alumni relations/advancement professional, hopefully you’ve already taken the VAESE (Voluntary Alumni Engagement in Support of Education) survey.
If you haven’t yet, click here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VAESE2016
Or if you’re wondering why you should take it, here are seven reasons why you'll benefit:
- It’s the only global, comprehensive benchmarking study of higher education alumni relations practices, and it’s the best free tool available to obtain comparative data about alumni programs and engagement activities.
- When all types and sizes of alumni organizations participate, it will improve the overall data integrity, and make the results more relevant to your organization.
- It was created by a coalition of alumni relations professionals throughout North America and UK who collaborated on this survey so it addresses the pertinent questions that matter most to alumni professionals and decisions makers.
- You will have access to rigorous data you can use at budget time, or for board meetings to help leaders better understand how your institution’s engagement practices compare with your peer institutions.
- You will be able to identify important industry trends that may impact your programming, and help you make better, more informed decisions.
- You may learn about problems common among other institutions that similarly affect your alumni organization.
- The results and analysis will be shared free of charge with survey participants. Those who don’t participate may not have easy access to the results.
As alumni professionals, we are a wonderfully collaborative bunch, and are willing to share information to help our colleagues. Take a moment and complete the survey here:
BTW... If you would like to see the results of last year’s study, go here:
You can also find our staffing and budget white paper, giving alumni/advancement professionals comparative benchmarks for alumni staff, budgets and ratios of dollars spent per alumni .