7 Reasons Why an Electric Toothbrush is a Good Buy !!
Brushing your teeth is the foundation of good oral care and prevention. Both electric and manual toothbrushes are effective at removing oral plaque the cause of decay and disease, but which should you use, an electric or manual toothbrush?
Suddenly the Indian market is flooded with ELECTRIC toothbrushes that claim everything from plaque removal to great smile!
Electric toothbrushes are often recommended for improved dental hygiene. Brushing with an electric toothbrush is a quick and easy way to help keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy. But they’re more expensive than a regular toothbrush, and the replacement brush heads can be pricey, too. Electric and manual toothbrushes each have their own benefits, so does using an electric toothbrush have any advantages over a manual brush?
The benefits of using an electric toothbrush-
A review of studies showed that, in general, electric toothbrushes do remove more plaque and decrease gingivitis (gum disease) than manual toothbrushes over time compared with a regular manual toothbrush. If you use a small headed electric toothbrush, such as an Oral-B, the round, oscillating head, can make reaching these awkward areas easier, particularly areas at the back of your mouth. Electric toothbrushes where the bristles vibrate allows for more micro-movements every time you move your toothbrush across your teeth.
Well, most electric toothbrushes come with a built-in timer, which makes the user aware of how long they’ve been brushing their teeth for, unlike manual brushes. This can be particularly useful where children are concerned, however, using an egg timer or playing a 2-minute-long song while brushing, is always an alternative option, but it isn’t always convenient – especially with a tired and ratty child…or parent!
If it comes down to cost, manual toothbrushes are obviously cheaper than electric brushes.
When used appropriately, both manual, powered and sonic brushes can be effective for dental plaque removal.
One advantage of powered brushes in general is their ability to remove a greater amount of plaque in a given period of time and to aid interdental cleaning with less effort.
To know more about them, consult our dentists at?Partha Dental, Hair and Skin Clinic?!