7 Reasons to Take Part in a Leadership Development Program

7 Reasons to Take Part in a Leadership Development Program

A?leadership?development program?is to an organization what investment is to investors—absolutely essential. With the right leadership in place, it can ‘compound’ an enterprise’s growth by leaps and bounds.

Employees value organizations that promote the growth and development of their employees. A world-class leadership program should be flexible, personalized, and scalable, offering just-in-time development and support to employees as needed.?

The Top 7 Benefits of a Leadership Development Program

1. It can significantly boost employee engagement.

Leadership training programs are designed to help understand the current strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities of the workforce. By focusing on what truly excites employees, the leadership programs can be customized to the individual employees’ needs while ensuring that the program is aligned with the organization’s objectives and end goals.

2. It can help employees to do their ‘best.’

According to recent research by?Gallup , around 58% of employees want the ability to do what they do best in the workplace. This is where a leadership development program can help. With, Employees can be stimulated to work smarter, better, and more productively with a little bit of....


Revathy Sunil

Sr. Business Development Executive | Financial Modelling and Valuation Analyst (FMVA)| Account Management

1 年

Leadership development gives a clear understanding and clarity of their own leadership style, perspective on who you are and also equips you with a clear path forward.

Sarania Thevar

Senior Graphic Designer at peopleHum

2 年

People's capacity to lead in a disruptive world is increased by leadership development. Agility is increased when organisations look beyond fostering senior executives and high potentials to tap into the full potential of their talent pools.

Anupriya Bummerkar

Executive Member, Corporate Relations and Placement Committee || IIM Ranchi, MBA '26 | Entrepreneur | Marketing Specialist | Brand Building |

2 年

Wayne L. Anderson, CMC I think by giving these programmes top priority, an organisation demonstrates its dedication to creating high-performing employees and giving them a reason to devote their time and careers to the company.

Palak Shah

B2B Marketing | Brand Strategist | Storyteller

2 年

well said Wayne L. Anderson, CMC, employees can advance within a company through leadership development programmes rather than seeking advancement elsewhere.


