7 Reasons that Hold People Back from Pursuing a Career They Love   …And How to Move Past Them

7 Reasons that Hold People Back from Pursuing a Career They Love …And How to Move Past Them

Like any big change in life, people are hesitant to close one chapter and open another. Transitions aren’t easy. But what often stops people from even thinking about making a career change are the hesitations and limiting beliefs that hold them back.

According to?Joblist, 77% of employees are HAPPIER after changing careers, 75% are more satisfied, and 69% are more fulfilled. These numbers show that changing your career can be a very good thing.

At Career Bloom we did research on the common reasons that hold people back from making a career change – Despite their desire to do so. And we wanted to offer ways of turning these reasons into positive solutions.

1.?“I don’t have what it takes.” Lack of Professional Confidence

Many people believe their dream job is out of their reach. They believe they don’t have the right resume, or they will never meet the long list of qualifications required for certain positions. They believe no one will accept them in a new industry if they’ve been in the same career for years.


You don’t have to make an immediate leap. Look at ways you can?transition?into a career you love. Talk to a career coach or someone you know about reviewing your resume and ways you can build your confidence.

Next, identify your strengths, through self-evaluation and by asking trusted colleagues, mentors, or supervisors. Taking an assessment like the?CliftonStrengths, can further help you identify what you do best and give you language to communicate it.

Then practice, practice, practice. Building confidence requires practice.?Making time to take courses and acquire new skills during a transition will help you find the confidence you need to make a career change. You can also find a career coach who can support and empower you in applying and interviewing for the job you want. Practice with a friend or on camera so you know what you can improve and work on to build confidence in your delivery.

2.?“No such thing.” Belief that a dream career doesn’t exist

Many people have the idea that a job is something you just have to get through—That it’s just a part of life to make it through the 9-5 and wait for the weekends.?But there is a dream job out there waiting for you, you just have to get clear on who you are and understand what opportunities are out there.?


The job market is not what it was 20 years ago.?There are now so many different kinds of jobs—many that you might not have even heard of.?Social media influencer, Blockchain analyst, Cloud architect, and Contact tracer?are positions we’ve never heard of just 10 years ago. New careers are being created every day – and the right one for you is out there.

The key to finding the one for you lies in discovering your strengths, transferable skills, and what makes you come alive. The next step is to find positions that align with what you do best. If this task feels overwhelming, talk to a?Career Clarity Coach?who will help you find the work you’re meant to do.

In addition, use?LinkedIn?to research and find people who do work that makes you say: I wish I could do that! Follow, connect with them, and start a conversation by expressing a genuine interest in learning about their careers. By talking to people about what they do, you will not only learn about job titles and businesses you didn’t know existed, you also might get an idea and find the courage to curate a job or business that excites and motivates you.

3.?“Fulfilling careers don’t pay.” Dreams don’t pay, reality does

Many people believe they can’t get paid to do what they love. But this is just another limiting belief that keeps them from pursuing their dreams.


Don’t let society tell you that you can’t have a ???????????????????? ???????????? AND earn a ?????????? ????????????. It’s simply not true. When you find a career that allows you to use your full potential and lets you thrive, you feel energized, and you will achieve more than when you work in an underwhelming dead-end job that drains you.

And higher performance = higher salary.

I’m proof of that. And so are the dozens of clients I’ve worked with.

Furthermore, there’s more than one way to filter your passion. Many people have divided their passion into multiple revenue streams. Talk to other professionals about how they have diversified their passion and income and are now successful solopreneurs. Just remember that anything is possible.

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If you are ready to start 2023 fresh with clarity and direction, let us help guide you in finding the career that’s meant for you. Don’t waste another year at a job you dread when you can live a joy-filled life in a career you love!

4.?“Too overwhelming” Don’t know where to begin a job search

Often those who want a career change don’t know where to begin.?There’s no doubt that the job search can be exhausting and discouraging, and when you are approaching the job market with the hopes of changing industries, it can feel far too overwhelming. But you don’t have to do it alone.


First, break down the overwhelming task of the entire job search into small, manageable steps. Set yourself one goal each week and create a?week-by-week calendar. Start by getting clear on your next career step, then update your LinkedIn profile, update your resume next, find your target companies, network, and finally apply online. This doesn’t all have to happen in one week, broken down step-by-step, it becomes a feasible process that will lead to success.

If you get stuck on any of the steps, reach out to a trusted friend or colleague willing to help you practice interviewing or search for potential jobs with you. If getting clear on what you want to do next is a challenge, then a career clarity coach can help solve this missing piece.?Not being entirely clear on what you want to do is one one the biggest reasons people struggle in their job search because the companies you apply to recognize this lack of clarity.?Getting clear first will help you secure the job you are looking for and make the career change that’s meant for you.

Next, talk to other people in the industry you want to work in and discuss the steps you could take to move in the direction you want to go. Connect with other people on LinkedIn who do the work you want to be doing.?They will have industry insights and might be able to point you in the best direction.

Update your LinkedIn headline and about section so recruiters can easily find you. Make sure that your LinkedIn profile clearly communicates WHAT you want to do and WHY you’re a great candidate for it. Meeting with recruiters can also give you insight into what opportunities are out there and what you may need to work on to get there.?

5.?“I don’t know how to market myself.” Not clear on their personal brand

Personal branding has become an essential piece in a successful job search.?Not knowing precisely who you are and all you have to offer can be a hindrance in finding opportunities.


Sit down and write out your?personal branding story?that sets yourself apart from others—Knowing who you are is also the first step in gaining confidence. Learn to build a personal branding story that not only outlines what you’ve done but highlights your transferrable skills and how they can translate to multiple industries.?Once you are confident in your personal brand, you won’t have to be afraid to make a career change because you know what you are capable of and how your skills can apply to different industries.

6. “What if I make the wrong decision?” Worst-case scenario planning

Many people are too afraid of making a career change because of the fear of making a mistake—Of leaving a career that took years of hard work and education to build.?This is a legitimate concern and one I struggled with myself for many years. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that the only thing scarier than making a change is staying stagnant in a career that makes you miserable.


Start with a Career Health Check:

Career Health Check: Career is making you sick and miserable. You're dreading work. Not using your full potential. Not passionate about your work. Engaged and your work feels meaningful. Excited about your work and paid well.

Take a moment to check in with yourself. Be honest. How do you really feel about your career?

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1. Everyone deserves a career in the “green” zone. I repeat: EVERYONE. Including YOU. You deserve a career that’s meaningful, engaging, and energizing.

2. It’s entirely possible for you to find a career in the “green” zone.

Now you might be thinking: But, Theresa, it’s not possible for me. But a fulfilling career won’t pay enough. But I don’t know what I’d be qualified to do. But I don’t have the confidence to go after my dream job. But I don’t know how to market myself. But I don’t have a big enough network. But… But… But…

The moment we start dreaming about what could be, our mind will do its job protecting us from possible dangers and comes up with a million and one reasons why we shouldn’t make a change.

So, the question I want you to ask yourself is: What if it is possible?

3. You do NOT need to start over (unless – maybe – you want to become a Neurosurgeon). You have transferable skills, you have experience, and you have knowledge that is needed in other positions and industries. In one word: You have VALUE – and that’s the key to finding a career in your “green” zone.

7.?“It’s too late.” Feeling like you missed your chance?for a career change

Many people make the mistake of believing it’s too late to do what they love because of their age or the time already invested in their careers. But it’s never too late to stop being miserable and start enjoying what you do.?


First, forgive yourself for not making a career change sooner. Most of us, thinking back, wish we would have done this 5 or 10 or 15 years ago. We cannot change the past. But we can forgive ourselves.

What we can change is the future, starting today. Write a plan and create a?map?for the steps you need to take to make the change.?Discard the idea that it’s too late and see what you can do to make it happen.??Here’s a list?that can help you take action and transition from a job you dread to a career you love.

And if you need extra motivation, read?this amazing story?from a client who felt like it was “too late” to pursue her passion and who would have never imagined that she could land a dream position at her dream company. It is possible, you deserve it, and you have everything within you to make it happen – no matter your age and circumstances.

Every day you spend in your current unfulfilling position is one less day you'll spend in the career you're meant to do.


Don’t be afraid of pursuing your dreams and seeking a career that will give you excitement and joy.?Discard all the beliefs that tell you it’s too late or you can’t do it.?If you believe it, you can make it happen.?If you aren’t happy in your current career, the joy of a new chapter and doing what you love is waiting for you on the other side of your career change.

Curious if hiring a career coach is right for you??Schedule a free consultation?here.

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If you are ready to start 2023 fresh with clarity and direction, let us help guide you in finding the career that’s meant for you. Don’t waste another year at a job you dread when you can live a joy-filled life in a career you love!
Theresa White

Get clear on your career in 30 days. Guaranteed I Career Clarity Expert & 5x Certified Career Coach I Helping women who want to make a career change find their ideal career in record time I DM me "Clarity"

1 年

Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. - Robin S. Sharma

Theresa White

Get clear on your career in 30 days. Guaranteed I Career Clarity Expert & 5x Certified Career Coach I Helping women who want to make a career change find their ideal career in record time I DM me "Clarity"

1 年

What reason do YOU think hold people back from making a career change?

Theresa White

Get clear on your career in 30 days. Guaranteed I Career Clarity Expert & 5x Certified Career Coach I Helping women who want to make a career change find their ideal career in record time I DM me "Clarity"

1 年

What reason do you think hold people back from making a career change?

Tiffany Uman

?? Accelerate your career in 90 days or less | New jobs in 4-8 weeks on avg, 3x rate of promotions & 30-50% raises | 7-figure CEO & Career Coach | 870K+ learners | Forbes Coaches Council | $4M+ client raises | Ex-L'Oréal

1 年

Your newsletters are amazing Theresa White, CPCC, GCDF, SHRM-CP! So much value every time and what a pertinent topic in this one. I know it will help a lot of people navigating through this reflection.

Bob Korzeniowski

Wild Card - draw me for a winning hand | Creative Problem Solver in Many Roles | Manual Software QA | Project Management | Business Analysis | Auditing | Accounting |

1 年

Zero information about the catch-22 and how to get past it. That's what holds a lot of people back. Employers see the "wrong job title" and see zero transferable skills - despite the resume clearly articulating them. So, what's the solution?



