The 7 Questions You Need To Ask To Turn Fear Into Success

The 7 Questions You Need To Ask To Turn Fear Into Success

Looking back at my life, I can see many times when fear of change has not served me well. I'm not alone - in fact, "Fear Of Change" is one of the most common fears people face, especially when it comes to changes in our careers.

Our career is what (for most people) brings in money, allows us to pay our bills & gives us the freedom of choice. For many, though, they also see it as 'how they are defined', and when a change is required - they react (sometimes inappropriately) instead of evaluating the situation and responding in a positive manner that allows them to be successful.

When the 'unexpected' happens, sometimes we tell ourselves self-defeating thoughts, which in the end don't serve us well, they simply hold us back:

  • What did I do to deserve this?
  • I'm a failure
  • What's wrong with me that no one is hiring me?
  • There just aren't any jobs out there

When we remember that our career is just one piece of who we are (not the whole pie) and that WE ARE IN CHARGE, we can move forward more confidently and effectively - regardless if it was a 'forced' change or a 'by choice' change.

Fear can be a tool for success if you know where they come from, and don't let your fear-based mindset rule your decision-making. Use fear as a positive to keep you moving forward, asking the right questions, and seeking the 'real' answers that will give you the great life you are looking for.

Just because you have always had the 'xyz' job, does NOT mean that is the only job you are qualified for, you may enjoy and that can bring you the income you are looking for.

Evaluating options that are 'different' can be scary - and can be the doorway to that life you know you deserve.

Here are 7 questions to ask yourself to help you determine what is holding you back:

  1. What is the WORST thing that could happen if I make this change? Is it that you may have lost some time? Then that's not a big risk. If for example, it requires you to relocate your family then that could cause alot of financial & emotional trauma if it didn't work out so it might be worth more investigation and 'proof' that it is worth the change.
  2. What is the BEST thing that could happen if I make this change? Sometimes, we only think of the 'bad' and not the wonderful things that could come out of it. Everything wonderful takes some pain to get - what if stretching yourself out of your comfort zone could really give you that great dream life you know you deserve?
  3. What will my life look like if I do NOT make this change? If you are broke now and don't take the job (even for less money), where will you be next month? 6 months from now? How long do you wait? If you are (or have been) living on savings, how will you begin to replenish that?
  4. Am I just avoiding change because I fear it? Knowing that change is scary is the 1st step - and to get where you want to be may take some personal development or rearranging your life. Those are both very doable. Ask for information or assistance and talk to others so you can make that mindset shift.
  5. What practical steps can I take to eliminate or reduce some of my specific fears? So many practical things to consider that can reduce those fears:* Talk to others who have taken a similar job* If it is a commission job, ask to see proof of what others are making* Talk to your spouse about what might change at home and the effects * Research the company to look at its stability to give you more confidence
  6. Am I willing to make this change even though I am afraid? Are the good things that could come out of this worth getting over your fear?
  7. Will I be at peace with myself if I don't take this chance? Some people are okay with living with the 'what if' question, others are not. Sometimes, that particular opportunity had too many risks, unknowns or changes required so you are ok with "not" taking it. Keep looking and investigating!

If you find you are turning down 'too many' things, however, because they are just 'not right', 'not the perfect job', or 'not the high salary you had', ask yourself what is REALLY stopping you. There is a GOOD CHANCE IT IS FEAR.

This is a different world now, and there ARE many opportunities for success - if you can get over your fears. Don't stay stuck in the past

Looking back at the last issue - CLICK HERE

Looking ahead at the next issue: (It will be a Surprise !)

Which of these questions resonates with you most? What have you used/done to get over a fear in the past?

What other questions could people ask themselves to change their 'change' experience?

Let's continue the conversation in the comments. ??

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Regina Phelps

Respect Science - Respect Nature - Respect Each Other. Crisis Management, Exercise Design, Pandemic & Resiliency Planning. Thought Leader, Consultant, Author & Speaker

10 个月

Marianne Guinee, that is soooo true. Those little monsters that live under your bed can keep you trapped...and then when you look underneath - surprise - nothing to see there! Thanks for the reminder.

Rick Hogan

IT Support for Small Business and Home Users

10 个月

Good advice for anyone and everyone!

Glen Trebilcock

Assoc. AIA PMP | Director - Advanced Entrance Systems at IEI | Construction Project Management

10 个月

Excellent Marianne! Congratulations!

Susan Trumpler - Business Coach

Founder @ Unstoppable Women in Business | She Boss Cafe | High Ticket Sales Coach | Author of OH SH*T, I'm in Sales???

10 个月

Soooo good! Fear will stop anyone in their tracks. Great perspective on how to change that. Thanks Marianne!


