7 Q&A you may have as an employer during this Restricted Movement of Covid-19.

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Q1: Can I request staff to take annual leave during the lockdown period announced by the government?

A: No, the 14 day lockdown period is mandated by the government; the employer cannot deduct annual leave.

Q1: 我可以在政府宣布的行动管制期间要求员工使用其有薪假期吗?

A: 不可以。 这14天的行动管制期是政府勒令的,雇主不能够要求员工使用其有薪假期。

Q2: If the situation gets severe, or my company is profoundly affected like the travel industry, what can we do?

A: Legally speaking during this lockdown period, employers are still required to pay for the salary unless the employment contract allows the company to request employees to take unpaid leave.

However, employers may negotiate with employees to consider reducing salary for a specific period, provide more annual leave once business returns to normal, provide other incentives, reduce work hours, reduce workdays or delay salary payment.

 Note: Any reduction in salary must report to the Ministry of Human Resources.

Q2: 如果情况继续恶化,或我的公司如旅游业饱受影响,我可以怎么做?

A: 在法律的角度上, 行动管制期间雇主依然需要支付员工薪水, 除非雇佣合约列明雇主有权要求员工拿无薪假期。 然而, 面对困难的雇主可以尝试与员工洽商, 比如要求员工同意减薪一段时间,当公司生意回复正常后给与更多的有薪假期, 给与其他的津贴, 减少工作时间或工作日或延迟出薪水。 切记如果公司与员工达成减薪协议,公司必须通报人力资源部门。

Q3: Can I propose to staff to delay the salary payment or change monthly salary to a bi-weekly payroll?

A: Employer may suggest to the employee but cannot force the employee to accept. The employer should consider negotiating with employees to reach an agreement.

Q3: 我可以向我的员工提议延迟他们的薪水或把月薪改为双周薪吗?

A: 雇主可以提议,但是不能够强行要求员工接受。 雇主应尽力与员工洽商。

Q4: Can I reduce employee's salary at this period?

A: Short answer is yes provided employees agree BUT the reduction of salary must be made at all level and the amount to be reduced must be fair. Proper legal advice must first be obtained before enforcing the reduction of wages, and any modification of salary must be reported to the Ministry of Human Resources, failing which it is an offence.

Q4: 这段时期我可以减低员工薪水吗?

A: 如果员工同意,可以, 但公司全部职位必须一律减薪, 而且幅度必须是合理的。 减薪前必须先咨询律师意见。 切记如果公司与员工达成减薪协议,公司必须通报人力资源部门, 否则将触犯法律。

Q5: What should I do if the employee agrees to reduce pay or to delay salary?

A: Employer must issue proper documentation to employee and employee must sign to acknowledge the special arrangement made.

Q5: 如果员工愿意减薪,我应该怎么做?


Q6: Do I have to continue to make all statutory contributions such as EPF and SOCSO?

A: At the moment, yes, but may subject to changes pending further government announcements.

Q6: 我还需要继续交EPF 和SOCSO 吗?


Q7: Can I request my landlord to reduce rent or to stop paying rent during this lockdown period?

A: This is subject to the tenancy agreement. If the contract provides a rent-free period for these type of circumstances, then yes, if not, then no. Strongly advice to review the tenancy agreement and to negotiate with the landlord.

Q7: 政府行动管制期间我可以要求地主减租金或停止缴纳租金吗?

A: 这必须先审阅租约。 如果合同允许在这中特殊情况下免租金,那就可以不必付。 如果没有相关条约 建议立刻咨询律师及与地主洽商。



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