You've probably sat through your fair share of lackluster online courses as an education professional. You know, the ones where you find yourself checking your email or daydreaming about lunch instead of absorbing the content.
But here's the thing: it doesn't have to be that way. Creating engaging online education isn't just about having great information—it's about presenting it in a way that captures and holds attention.
I recently came across a framework that transformed my thoughts about creating online courses. It's simple, effective, and I'm excited to share it with you.
Here are 7 tips to elevate your online education game:
- Start with a Story: Begin your course with a relevant anecdote that ties into your main topic. This isn't just filler—it's a powerful way to build trust and grab attention right from the start.
- Follow the PSEC Framework: Problem - Solution - Examples/Proof - Call to Action. This straightforward structure keeps your content focused and your learners engaged.
- Simplify Your Visuals: Remember, your learners can either listen to you or read your slides—rarely both. Keep visuals clean and purposeful.
- Use Visual Cues: Incorporate images or brief text to signal transitions or emphasize key points. Think of these as signposts guiding your learners through the content. It can be fun. Have you ever incorporated GIFs into your learning?
- Focus on Specifics: Don't get bogged down in lengthy introductions. Dive into the meat of your content—the examples, the details, the practical applications.
- Set Expectations: Use pre-framing to give your learners a roadmap of what's to come. It helps learners contextualize and retain information.
- Start Strong: Aim for early engagement with relatable stories, thought-provoking questions, or compelling examples. Building momentum at the start sets the tone for the entire learning experience.
Hey, feeling stuck with your e-learning? No worries, we've all been there. Why not bounce some ideas off Pivto's experts? It's super easy to set up a chat -click the link below to schedule a time.