7 priority areas, 1 provider
The Ministry of Education has a panel of preferred PLD Providers who have been attested, are held in high regard and entrusted with the task of delivering high-quality, outcome-focussed professional learning and development for the workforce of the Education sector.
Takapaukura is humbled and proud to have been recently appointed to the Ministry of Education’s Regionally-Allocated Professional Learning and Development (RAPLD) Panel to deliver professional learning services in all 7 priority areas, these being:
What does this mean?
We are now essentially a ‘one-stop shop’ for all of those looking for effective solutions to their Professional Learning and Development needs. We are committed to providing the most effective and relevant programme that further equips staff in kura with the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence to be a better practitioner in education. This helps to ensure that all of our ākonga (students) receive the best opportunity to achieve educational success!
Our Work
Since our inception, we have created, developed, facilitated, delivered and collaborated on a repertoire of successful projects and programmes within the education space. If you’d like to view some of our work, you can click here and it will take you to our website where all of our current and previous collaborators are proudly listed.
Want to know more?
We are well aware that development is not a one-off event – it’s an ongoing journey.
If you feel inspired and are invested in providing your staff, or your kura, with ample opportunities to grow their skills in being an effective educator or facilitator of learning, you can get in touch with us in any of the following ways:
We are excited to be given the opportunity to collaborate with those seeking bespoke and transformational Professional Learning and Development services!