7 Pregnancy Must Knows And How Neglecting Them Can Have Serious Consequences

You're Pregnant! Congratulations!

I don't need to tell you how much your body will change during your pregnancy. What may not be realized is what all of this means to you and your body. Long-term.

So let’s talk about the 7 Pregnancy Must Knows:

In The Beginning

Let's start with the obvious. 1) As your baby grows, your center of gravity will change. As you get closer to term, it changes even more. The baby drops and the pressure within your hips and low back increase. What's worse is the pull on your low back gets worse and the development of what's known as lower cross syndrome begins.

9 months of this, consistently wears on your body. My wife, as well as many of my pregnant patients, have commented on how they are just DONE and can't wait to get this "thing" out of them.

This by itself would be bad enough, but because your pelvis is not designed to easily deliver the baby, this leads to 2). Your body releases a hormone called Relaxin which causes the ligaments to soften and to stretch preparing your pelvis for delivery. This is a wonderful thing because it's what allows delivery to happen in the first place.

What's bad is that Relaxin is not site-specific and will cause ligaments all throughout your body to get soft and stretch. This hormone peaks at about 14 weeks and then once again right before delivery.

Because of the biomechanical disadvantage that your body is in, your posture suffers.

Unfortunately, it doesn't all go away after delivery as the hormone stays in your body for up to 5 months postpartum!

It’s Baby Time!!!

And here comes 3). During those 5 months, you spend most of your time nursing, changing diapers, admiring your child on the floor, cleaning up after them, holding your baby, carrying your baby on the same hip…always, trying to stay awake but often falling asleep while sitting in the chair, and quite honestly, just trying to survive.

All of this impacts your posture and if you’re not careful, it can lead to permanent changes.

Remember the Relaxin? Because of the ligaments being super soft during this time, this is the most critical time of your recovery but is often overlooked and neglected. Working on your posture now will have the biggest gains, but there is no way you are going to leave your baby to go to the gym to exercise, even if you had the energy to get there.

The First Years

4) Your child is now crawling, getting into things, demanding your time and attention, insisting that you carry them everywhere, putting your life on hold.

5) You spend most of your time looking down to communicate. You bend over to help, teach, tie shoes, and clean up the constant mess that seems never-ending. 

"A mother's work is never done" is the motto you seem to live by throughout these years and in some cases, much longer.

You find yourself looking in the mirror wondering what happened to your body, and committing to yourself that this is the year that you are going to do something about it.


6) You don't want to pull your shoulders back and push out your chest because you’ve become self-conscious about your body. You have the developing hunch in your upper back that your mom and grandma have. Your shoulders are now rounded forward and you deal with neck pain regularly. Your lower cross syndrome that started years ago, is now full-blown swayback.

And finally… 7) If you are like the national average, you don't stop with just one child. Throw in the additional 1.4 kids to your family to match the national average, unless you have more, and this cycle becomes more vicious!

When someone mentions posture, instinctively your sit up straighter, pull your shoulders back, and tuck in your belly. 

But it's all in vain! 

As soon as you stop thinking about it, the posture that you dread comes back and you are left with the same posture that torments you every time you look in the mirror.

Before you know it, you've become your mom/grandma/great grandma. 

So, you give up trying!

One thing that we haven't mentioned is what happens to your spinal cord with poor posture. Poor posture has been shown to cause a degeneration on your spinal cord called demyelination. Demyelination causes a breakdown in your spinal cord protective sheath that leads to permanent problems such as: 

  • pain
  • weakness
  • fatigue
  • heart problems
  • neuropathy
  • bladder and bowel control problems.

Once these show up, research shows that they don't go away. You're stuck with it...For the rest of your life.

A Different Path

Fortunately, it doesn't need to be like this…

The Posture Academy has a solution that can stop this story from becoming your reality. It solves the very problems that are keeping you from doing anything about it:

·       Time

·       Direction

·       Effectiveness

With a newborn, you typically won't leave your baby to go to the gym. Hiring a personal trainer becomes very expensive, especially to have them come to your home. Going to your local chiropractor gets results, but because of the relaxin in your body, you don't hold your adjustments well. You don't have time to take care of yourself.

The Posture Academy is a medical fitness program 100% focused on posture to be done at home. It has minimal equipment requirements and can be done at any time of the day. When your baby is asleep, or when your spouse is home, or anytime that you feel like working on your posture, you can easily log in to the program and participate in the 30-minute class at your leisure.

Although these exercises are powerfully effective, they are easy to perform and do not require having a personal trainer present. Because you follow along with me, Dr. Spence, as we do these exercises together, the learning curve becomes much easier. Each week, you will receive three emails with a link to three new exercise routines.

Our program will take you through the different phases of your pregnancy, infant, and toddler years, providing exercises that are appropriate for the stage that you are in.

As with any medical program, we need to establish a baseline with your posture. For that reason, we begin with a starting posture evaluation that will let us know how bad your posture is. Every month, a new re-evaluation is sent to you to make sure your posture is improving. It helps you to know how far you have come and how far you still need to go.

To make sure that you are getting the most out of your membership, we also invite you to join our private FB group. Our community is there to help support, encourage, and answer any questions that you may have. In situations where you need additional help from me, you can sign up for direct one-on-one coaching to make sure that you are getting the results where you may be struggling.

Because your body is subjected to an immense amount of ongoing abuse the need for long-term, posture focused exercises, become paramount.

We want you to get the results you need! To make it easier, try our program for 2 weeks absolutely free, and get started saving your posture.

To sign up for your FREE 2 weeks, go to:




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