- Practice intentional forgetting. Drop old stories. Past is gone. Had a fight last week? Cheated last year??Got fired when you were 15??Lost a loved one? Forget them all. Try for a week. See who you are without those outdated stories.?
- Imagine the perfect gift. What, if someone gave it to you right now, would be the absolute, complete,?most perfect gift? What does this say about where you are in your life and what to prioritize? What clues does this provide about the next steps in your journey?
- Write a letter from 77-year-old you. Dear ___, remember when we ______? I'm so glad you finally decided to ________. The moment everything changed was when ______. The best thing you did for me is ________. I still can't believe we ___________. Why did you waste so much time with ______?...
- Embody your hero and your villain. Who's your favorite media character and who's your least? Who would you love to be (Superman? Skywalker? Ted Lasso?), who would you love to be for maybe a minute but feel just a bit guilty as (Vader? The Joker? Sergeant Barnes?)... try it out for a hot minute.
- Lead with pleasure. A few times a day, ask yourself one of the following. It'll help you ID ways to add more pleasure and deliciousness to your life. Isn't that why we're here??"What would make this 10%?more enjoyable for me?", "What's the next yummiest move?", "What would feel good rn?"
- Write an insanity list. It's simple. Start with: "it would be insane if I..." and let the ideas flow. Give voice to your innermost freak. She'll help you stretch your concept of reality, and invite in more elements of who you can be. It's all for fun!
- Make a playlist. Curate the soundtrack of your life so far. Diverse genres. Songs that speak to your own personal myth.?I?have a couple of these playlists, called "Sophia on her vibe." and "Brooke's essential story". What will you call yours?