7 positive ways to stand out in your career

7 positive ways to stand out in your career

In a world that’s becoming increasingly noisier, it can be difficult to stand out in business. That’s not to say it’s impossible, though. If you’re in a leadership position or striving to get to that place in your career, the best way to make that move is by becoming well respected in your field. And while that may sound like a difficult task, it’s one that can happen naturally if you focus on your approach to business.

?Whether you’re new to your business or you’re well established, you can stand out in your career with the help of certain attributes. While some seem to be innate traits, keep in mind that some of them take practice, and many of them can be learned. And working toward all of them will help take you to the next level.

?Here are 7 ways to stand out in your career.

Know your goals

You likely already know what your personal goals are, both at a personal and professional level. If you don’t have them down in writing, it may be time to get them on paper. Once you have them written out in front of you, be sure you know them inside and out.? From there, be candid about your goals with your peers and colleagues. Professionally, when you have a clear vision in place, it adds clarity and purpose to the work you’re doing and helps position you as a leader.

Add value

Once you’ve been in a role long enough to understand a company’s inner workings, look for ways to add value to the organization. A great way may be to find an innovation to streamline internal communications. Perhaps you’re interested in new business and have strategies that will open doors to new clients. Whatever it is that’s right for you, find the thing that will set you apart and take the time to show people why you are the right person for the job.

Be self-aware and humble

It’s been well-documented that some of the world’s most successful companies in the world have this one trait in common: humility. When you focus on being humble in the workplace, it makes you open to constructive feedback. It allows you to have an open mind and to hear from others with different perspectives than you. And it has an incredibly positive effect on the workplace. When you step up with a humble approach, it invites communication and collaboration, and that will help you stand apart from those who simply delegate tasks.

Display confidence

It may seem odd to follow up “be humble” with a plug for confidence. But when you put confidence on display in the workplace, it means you trust yourself to make judgment calls and decisions while taking risks when necessary. Confidence encourages creativity. It allows you to meet challenges with ease. It teaches you to examine your fears and work past them to grow. And it’s how you can set yourself up for success in the workplace.

Embrace a growth mindset

Everyone has challenges in their lives. How you view those challenges can help you stand apart as a leader or future leader. Those with a growth mindset are able to see challenges as an opportunity to learn and develop. Individuals with a growth mindset often put themselves in situations where they aren’t afraid to fail, because they know they will learn from mistakes made along the way. This way of viewing failure—as a springboard to success—will help you stay positive despite roadblocks and will ensure your long-term success.

Listen more

Learn to be an active listener who seeks to understand the insights and challenges that your colleagues are experiencing. After all, listening is a form of empathy, and when people believe they can talk candidly with you and that you’ll hear what they’re saying, they’re more likely to want to walk alongside you. Ask questions without feeling the need to respond. And be sure those questions are open-ended and designed with the intent of learning something new. After all, in the age of social media, it’s more important than ever to listen and hear when we’re all feeling more disconnected than ever.

Trust your strengths

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses within an organization. But not everyone has the same strengths as you. When you are able to lead with your strengths, it establishes credibility in who you are and what you have to offer. Be sure to use those strengths to make informed decisions and to be reliable within your commitments. When you believe in your strengths and demonstrate their value, others will soon follow.

Final thoughts

If any of these concepts don’t come easily, just keep in mind: practice makes perfect. It might take a lot of effort and a bit of willful intention, but these traits will begin to come to you more naturally with work and will make a huge difference in how you’re viewed in business.

Jim Allen is a business leader and entrepreneur who has built one of the top-producing real estate groups in the Triangle. He is President of The Jim Allen Group, which is consistently named one of the top real estate teams in North Carolina and even North America.


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