7 Perspectives for Self-Leadership

7 Perspectives for Self-Leadership

My intention in this article is to share my thoughts on what I consider to be the perspective one should hold about self-leadership. Self-Leadership as a concept places a demand of getting yourself to do what your dreams require in spite of hurdles or obstacles that may be on your path. These perspectives are intuitively determined and reflect what I have practiced, seen others engage, and discovered as valid approaches to driving oneself to success. They all stand on the premise that you have a define purpose for which your life is being lived.

  1. Stretch. The validity of your desires is expressed in a hunger for success that makes you stretch. Make maximum use of your abilities. On your personal development journey, know that you are the most important person to be obligated toward. You should never seek convenience when you have offered to be of service to others. Growth in life is dependent on your readiness and commitment to change. The possibilities of life never appear to an unwilling person. Your commitment is an indicator of your willingness to excel far and above all odds. The right focus for improvement should be hinged on getting better and not being flawless. Develop the philosophy to be a lifelong learner.
  2. Self-Confidence. Your confidence level is assessed by the degree of optimism you possess after understanding the demands of the task before you. No one can make you inferior without your consent. Nothing can stop you from reaching your goal if you keep moving towards it in spite of uncertainties. The assurance you have in your ability stems from the confidence you have in your being. I don’t think I can stem from I don’t think I am. You are not lesser than other people that are doing phenomenal things. When you trust the opinion of others above yours, you will lose the personal integrity required for success.
  3. Views. Never let a contrary perspective of someone you esteem highly stop you from pursuing your dreams. I remember when one of my role models, John Maxwell, told the story of how he chose to exit the organization many had thought he was going to lead right after his father. John ignored the opinions of others in favour of his conviction for greatness outside that organization. We are all beneficiaries of the greatness in his life.
  4. Courage. You will never rise to your potential and produce significant results in life if you don’t lift yourself above other people’s verdicts on your life. Peter J. Daniels had been told that he couldn't amount to anything significant in his life. He took the bull by the horn and confronted all his limitations, alibis, and excuses. He rose to become a successful man against all odds. One major thing he did to validate his courage to succeed was the publishing of a book titled, "Miss Phillips, You Were Wrong", a book that was a message to his teacher who had labelled him unfit. The book points to how you can live your life above negative verdicts of others. The possibility of failure is reduced when you believe that you can succeed. Every risk has the potential of great benefits for the person that can dare to go beyond the edge of safe limits. Dare to do things so big and when they become successful, give God alone all the credit.
  5. Results. It is not always difficulties that defeat us, rather it is the absence of belief in our latent untapped potential that does. Even though Les Brown was born in an abandoned building, and dubbed uneducable, he rose against all odds to produce phenomenal things that we all are proud to be associated with today. Stepping up to a challenge and stepping out to embrace an opportunity is a way to influence yourself to excel where no one has dared to. David stepped out to face Goliath and that got him a national recognition that paved way for his acceptance as a true leader of the nation of Israel. Learn to appreciate efforts committed to a task even if they do not deliver expected outcomes. However, you should only reward efforts that produces results. Efforts are often meaningless when goals are not achieved.
  6. Partnership. The success that truly satisfies is the one that produces results for others first before revealing mine. Always remember that your success is a product of the intentional inputs of others in your life simply because they cared. Your legacy is expressed by the lives of those you have equipped to extend and expand the vision they believe. The value you bring to every relationship lies in your ability to assist people in achieving their goals. Take care to honour everyone even when their best has not emerged yet.
  7. Character. The quality of your life is measured by the values you have espoused over and above the resources you have amassed. You must build your life on principles and philosophies that guarantee respect will be accorded to all.

Final Word

You will be absolutely responsible for the outcomes of your life no matter how much influence you submit yourself to.



