7 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Make 2017 The Best Year Yet
As we move toward the end of another year, it’s that time again. Time to reflect on the past 365 days and look at how we can make the next year even better. Time to focus on discipline and determination. Out with the old you and in with the new, right? In other words, resolution time.
For many, “New Year’s Resolution†has a less than positive connotation. Sure last January 1 started out pretty well. You eliminated the excesses of the holidays from your life and buckled in for a more balanced, fit, and meaningful life. Maybe you vowed to save more money, eat fewer carbs, and do your part to save the world. How did it work out?
Why not make some New Year’s resolutions that help you change things up and start getting the most out of your life? These 7 New Year’s resolutions are tried and true ways to improve and enrich your life, taking you to the next level and helping you become a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled individual.
Give Your AM Routine a Boost
The way you start your day makes all the difference in how you feel for the duration. Think about it. Last time you overslept you probably felt like you were a few steps behind for the rest of that day. And likewise, the last time you woke up a little earlier than usual, eased into your morning, thought about your day to come, you probably felt like you were a good bit more accomplished by nightfall.
The single biggest game-changing resolution you can make is to add a boost to your morning routine. There are several ways to add more life to your day by switching things up a little.
◠Set your alarm 15-20 minutes earlier. Trying to squeeze out those last few minutes of sleep can cause you to run behind. Always running late creates an atmosphere of stress that you certainly don’t want. That stress not only promotes anxiety, but it sets a tone for your day that is difficult to overcome. Take this time to catch your breath and set your intentions for the day.
â— Get motivated in the morning. Listen to a podcast that will encourage you or read something motivational to wake up your brain and set it on the right course for your day.
â— Create a gratitude journal or make a list of everything you are truly thankful for. Begin with the fact that you woke up, think of all the people who have contributed to your life, and of all the things you take for granted. Starting each day with a grateful heart will change your attitude immediately.
Make Playtime a Priority
George Bernard Shaw, says, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.†So many people put playtime on the back burner, believing they must “earn†their joy. In our busy, workaholic world play has become frivolous. Here’s the great news, research says that play is not only mentally stimulating and often physically challenging, but it is also an excellent way to build social bonds, make new friends, lowers your stress levels, boosts your cognitive functions, reduces anxiety, and builds your confidence.
We all could benefit from creating more time for fun, blowing off steam, and enjoying a connection with the rest of the world. So why not start this year off by committing to meeting regularly with friends, scheduling weekly game nights, or playing sports, anything that will allow you to kick back without any real purpose other than enjoying a good time. I promise you this, incorporating more play into your life is the #1 best way to increase your happiness, decrease stress, and improve the overall quality of your life.
Move More
It doesn’t matter what you choose to do: get a pedometer and take at least 10,000 steps a day; join a sports team; get up every 20 minutes early and stretch or participating in a spinning class. Just move! Living a sedentary life dumbs you down, it makes it more likely that you’ll be overweight, and it puts you at a higher risk of Type 2 Diabetes and depression.
Think of the following quote from Art Wiliams, “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.†While exercise might sound like a chore, especially if you’re already feeling exhausted, or burned out, moving your body can energize you better than any energy drink ever could. What’s more, just 15 minutes of walking a day can boost those endorphins, helping you feeling much more confident. Get outside and go for a walk. Pump up your favorite music and dance your heart out. It’s not necessary to commit to a power-lifting session at the gym. Just a little bit of regular moving and grooving will afford you positive mental and physical rewards.
Learn to Relax and Be Still
Science concurs that practicing a daily ritual of meditation can improve your outlook, alleviate stress, and help you feel more productive. Unfortunately, many of us feel meditation, like playtime, is impractical for our busy lives. Alternatively, we understand all of the benefits and yet can’t seem to work meditation into our day.
Once you begin meditating you will find you don’t want to skip an opportunity to sit quietly and renew your body, mind, and spirit. At first, your mind will be very busy, and you might even feel that the meditation is making your mind more active, but in reality, you are just becoming more aware of how busy your mind is. There may be a temptation to follow the different thoughts as they arise, but continue to sit or lie quietly gently focusing on each breath. Practice for 5 minutes a day, working your way up to 15 minutes. You will be amazed by the difference meditating can make.
Just Do It Already!
If you didn’t accomplish your goals this year, procrastination was the likely culprit. Make 2017 the year you stop procrastinating and start getting things done. Procrastination steals our days. When we put things off, because they seem too daunting a task or we think tomorrow will be a better opportunity to get done that which we need/want to do, it can become a habit very quickly, and a bad one at that.
The largest obstacle standing between you and your goal is procrastination. The difference is that some people learn practical strategies for dealing with it and get some stuff done; others never do. Make 2017 the year you get stuff done. No excuses. Just do what needs to be done to begin making your way to achieving your goals. No matter how long the climb, it all begins with one step. Begin your journey now!
Love the Ones You’re With
Your time is a precious gift. Spend it with those who matter. Many times we get caught up in the unnecessary drama of those around us. It sucks us in and draws on our energy. Once you set some boundaries with others and learn to say no, without explanation or guilt, you find a sense of empowerment and peace. You make the rules about how you want to spend your time. Be around the people who have your real interests at heart. Choose to spend time with those who elevate your spirit and bring a positive energy to your together time.
More ZZZZZs Please
It’s no secret that we are a sleep-deprived nation. Just look at the commercials on TV, the ads in newspapers and magazines. They tell a story of a sleepless society. Is it any wonder anxiety, depression, and many diseases are on the rise? Going on too little sleep creates a stressed out, grumpy, no fun you. Do your best to get more sleep. Shut off all electronic devices and go to bed 30 minutes earlier. Use a white noise machine to drown out any sounds that may wake you. Keep your room cool and sip some calming tea. Whatever you need to do, make getting your sleep a priority in your life.
You Got This!
These resolutions might seem challenging, but once you incorporate them into your daily routine, you’ll reap the positive changes immediately. In the beginning, chart your progress in a journal to help you stay on track. Tell a trusted friend or loved one your intentions and report back to them now and then. Just make sure they are supportive!
These 7 New Year’s resolutions are keys to being more intentional in your life. Slow down and stay the course. With each day you will grow into that person, you want to be-happy, healthy and living a remarkable life.