7 networking tips
Paul Butler, CGMA CIMA
Joint Owner & Client Partner @ Newleaf Training and Development | Business Author | Business Finance Professor
We moved here 14 years ago this month to start our own business and since then many of my professional associates have told me: “You’re a great networker”. The problem 14 years ago was that I didn’t really know what a “great networker” was. All I knew was, under the conditions of our entrepreneurs visa we could only generate income through our business. We couldn’t become employees. I had to therefore build relationships to build business. I realized this was called “networking”. If I didn’t network, I’d not work.
Reflecting upon the last 14 years and where our business income has been generated, I realized that most of it has come from networking at professional associations. We’re members of the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce; the Professionals in Human Resources Association (PIHRA) and the Association for Talent Development (ATD) — the associations you are in or should be in are perhaps different to us but either way, these top tips can still apply.
I didn’t learn these tips in a book — these are just principles about human behavior that I’ve found simply do work. I hope they help you.
1. “Be interested, not interesting”
Have an authentic curiosity in other people; their story and their business. Really try and understand them and think how you can help make connections for them. Could you use their products or services? Do you know anyone who could? The Law of Reciprocity written on the hearts of people is an amazing principle. When you help others: someway, sometime and somehow it will always come back to you and you’ll be helped by them or someone else.
2. “Listen twice as much as you speak”
We have two ears and one mouth. At networking events, try and listen twice as much as you speak. Most people love the sound of their own voice. I have found that if you listen carefully, you might be able to help someone. I have also found that if you demonstrate attentive listening, they are then more apt to really tune in when it’s your turn to speak.
3. “Look for an opportunity to serve within the organization”
Professional associations are always looking for people to step up and serve in some capacity within the association. I have found that when you serve alongside people, something wonderful happens: you both are putting your shoulder to the plough for a common cause. As a result, you build better and more meaningful professional relationships. By serving you will likely be recognized for your contributions on the association’s website or program materials which is free advertising!
4. “Do what you say you’re going to do”
I love living in Los Angeles but I have found that most people within business associations don’t do what they say they’re going to do. When they say, “I’ll call you” or “Let’s do lunch” or “We should get together” or “I’ll email” most people don’t mean it. I have found that having a reputation for good follow-through sets you apart.
5. “Be present”
When you’re at the event, be present. Really listen to the announcements and consider what you can learn from the speaker if there’s a formal presentation being given. I have observed that most people are not present but instead are present somewhere else on the phones. Be present — people notice.
6. “Remember names”
Make a conscious effort to remember people’s names — not only because it’s courteous but so you can say “hello” to that person at a future event. I heard it said that: “Strangers are just friends we haven’t yet met” and I like that turn of phrase.
7. “Send a note”
As soon as I get back to the office, I’ll always process any business cards I collected. I’ll enter them into our contact database. I’ll send a brief note (usually by email) to say how much I enjoyed meeting them and make some connection on what we discussed. Nowadays, I’ll always reach out to connect with them on LinkedIn too.
I hope these 7 simple points are good reminders of common sense — my observation has been that common sense is not commonly-practiced. Upon reflection, I can see these 7 points are all “others-focused” and interestingly, I’ve found when we look out for the needs of others, our needs tend to be met too.