7 Month Credibility Builder

7 Month Credibility Builder

"Credibility is a leader’s currency. With it, he or she is solvent, without it, he or she is bankrupt.” John C. Maxwell

At Value Giver Coach, one of our coaching tool for employees is the Value Giver Question. The first question addresses the need to build credibility within the first seven months of starting a position. In all the places I worked, I implemented this time system very effectively. As a Value Giver Employee, you need your employer to trust you so you can craft your job.

It helped me develop deep, caring relationship with my boss. I built rapport. I created the reputation of being trustworthy and dependable. This made my boss to open up to my influence. He knew I had the interest of the organization at heart because I have demonstrated that in the first seven month.

The higher you climb in the organization, the more you need to build credibility. The credibility you build at a lower position may get you a promotion. That notwithstanding, you have to demonstrate that the decision to move you up the ladder was a good one. You need to build credibility for every position you are in.

If you are not intentional about building your credibility, no one will build it for you. Trust is like a bank account you need to make deposits in. For the first seven months in a position, you should make a lot of deposits in your trust account. You don’t buy credibility online and have it delivered to you the next day. The more you give excuses, pass blames and complain, the more you lose credibility before your employer.

The Value Giver Employee operates in the value creation economy, not the time economy, where they spend their time creating value for their employer. There is a different time system for each economy. The time system you operate by reveals the economy you are operating in.

You must build credibility with your employer or boss in order for them to lower the resistance they will naturally feel. If you cannot build credibility, you will not be able to influence anyone. As a result, you will be forced back to your employer's time system where you work in the time economy.

When you build credibility, you become trustworthy and believable. When people trust you, they give you room and opportunity to influence them.

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Don’t Make Demands, Supply

“Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.” Jim Rohn

To build credibility with your employer, you have to focus on what your employer wants not what you need. Be interested in what your employer is interested in. Credibility is developed by constant and consistent demonstrated action that produce outcome your employer wants. Don’t make demands, just supply all that is needed. It is easier to get what you want and more if you build credibility.

Become a Person of Value

“Try not to be a person of success, but rather try to be a person of value.” Albert Einstein

?The moment you become more useful and valuable to your employer, your credibility goes higher. Find out what your employer wants and develop the mindset and capability to make it happen. Competence is key. The more useful you are, the more credible you are going to be. To be a person of value, you have to commit to learning, growing, improving and creating value. When you know what your employer wants, then develop the right capability to deliver the results.

?Be A Hero To Your Boss/Employer

“A hero to me is someone who saves people and who really deeply cares.” Debi Mazar

?If you position yourself as a taker in the kind of your employer, you will never be trusted. You have to put the interest of your employer above yours. Focusing on being a hero to your employer will build your credibility. Be more interested in your employer's progress. To be a hero to your employer means to help eliminate your boss’ dangers, transform challenges into opportunities, convert obstacles into advantage, capture opportunities and develop capabilities. Heroes always deliver people from danger and keep them safe.

Know What Value Is To Your Boss/Employer

“Trust is built on credibility, and credibility comes from acting in others’ interests before your own.” Stephen Denny

The first 7 months of credibility building is to develop a relationship with your employer. Before you sell any idea to your employer, you have to first sell relationship. Relationship based on trust is the foundation of influence and value creation in the workplace.

Attaining Total Money Freedom

When you have built credibility, made impact and transformed your employer to be more useful to the marketplace, you will attain Total Money Freedom. At Value Giver Coach, Total Money Freedom is a place in your career where money is no longer an issue. You have bypassed depending on your employer and the salary and are now being paid for the value you help create.

The key to attaining Total Money Freedom is not to have your salary increased but to creating greater value for your employer and the marketplace. Your Total Money Freedom becomes a product of creating value. When you create value for your employer, you get a raise and a promotion. You make a living. However, when you leverage your employer’s system and create value for the marketplace, you attain Total Money Freedom. You make a fortune.

You can work for more years and still be dependent on your salary and not attain Total Money Freedom. When you begin to depend on the opportunities you create value for, you will bypass any competitive promotions in the workplace. Your employer will only give you access and freedom if you first build credibility and gain trust.

Why not start today to take the next seven months to build credibility with your boss and employer. At the start, you will be giving the benefit of doubt. Use that to build credibility. Don’t make withdrawals within the first seven months of starting a position; make impact and build credibility. Be intentional about your career.

In January 2022, I will be holding a Truly Human Business Model Design Masterclass. In this Masterclass, you will learn how to design a people-centered purpose for your business, employee value proposition, truly human culture, employee and customer experience and more. It will be on Zoom. If you are interested to joining, kindly email me at [email protected]


