7 Messages From God To You

7 Messages From God To You

Then the Lord said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.”

Habakkuk 2:2

Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.

Amos 3:7

So, you have prayed and prayed for your family to be saved.

You have cried.

You have wept.

You have warred in the spirit.

You have humbled yourself time and time again.

You have been on your knees many, many times.

You have fasted and prayed.

You have questioned.

You have doubted.

You have felt confused.

You have been rejected.

You have been lied about.

You have been separated.

You have felt like giving in.

You have felt like it is never going to happen.

But God. But God. God is a man of His Word. All God’s promises prove true.

God has brought you here so you can read and receive 7 of His 450+ messages given through His ministry, Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry.

The 7 messages from God

1) It will ALL be worth it - https://bit.ly/itwillallbeworthit

2) It will ALL make perfect sense - https://bit.ly/itwillallmakesense

3) It is ALL coming - https://bit.ly/itisallcoming ?

4) You are now READY!!! - https://bit.ly/youarenowready

5) I am about to lift the veil on the ONE - https://bit.ly/theONEonyourheart

6) I am giving you visions of your family set free - https://bit.ly/familyvisions

7) I am about to SHOCK your family into salvation -https://bit.ly/shockedintosalvation

Please share this page with others that come upon your heart…

Here is full access to all ministry content - https://bit.ly/m/becomebornagain

Here are testimonies -?https://bit.ly/alltestimonies

Here are all 13 ministry books - https://bit.ly/allfreedownloads

Here are all 450+ messages from the Lord -?https://bit.ly/ALLmessages


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