7 Major Benefits Of Using An Online Fax Provider
By Titus Hoskins | Submitted On October 22, 2018

7 Major Benefits Of Using An Online Fax Provider

Given today's constantly changing communication platforms, operating any type of business can be a harrowing experience. Even well-seasoned business owners have to stay current and take full advantage of any new methods of communicating.

Online faxing uses an online account and the Internet to send and receive your faxes via email - usually in an email attachment. Faxes can also be sent to ordinary fax machines.

Granted, online fax services have been around for a while, but they do present major benefits or advantages over the old traditional fax machine. These advantages can't be ignored if you want to stay competitive in today's business climate.

So here are seven major benefits of using an online fax service or provider. Each benefit is discussed in detail - paying special attention to the positive effects it can have on your business.

1. Security

Security is not exactly the first thing that comes to mind when talking about the Internet but modern online fax services are extremely secure. With SSL encryption and highly protected online storage, your faxes are private and secure.

Keep in mind, your online fax account is like any other account on the web, you must take simple precautions to keep it safe. Change your passwords regularly and just to be on the safe side, delete any extremely sensitive company faxes you don't want to fall into the wrong hands.

2. Reliable

The top fax providers are very reliable and trustworthy. They have years of experience providing businesses with all types of faxing. Whether you are sending a single fax or mass faxing to thousands of clients - these providers can get the job done.

Unlike traditional faxing, you can check online to see if your faxes have been received. You can also keep sending a fax until it has been delivered.

3. Multi or Cross-Platform

Your faxes can be sent and received from numerous modern platforms - including Web Apps, Fax API, iOS App, Email to Fax, Google Docs... and the list goes on. This is all important because your clients can receive faxes through countless platforms - ensuring your messages are received.

4. Easy To Use

Online faxing is very easy to use. Most services give you a web interface/account which you can access anywhere in the world where you have Internet service. All providers give you tutorials and walk-throughs to make sure your faxing is as seamless as possible. You can also Port your current fax number over to your new account with no loss of business.

Plus, you can sign documents with ease. In most cases, you simply upload a document to edit or sign before you send your fax - usually in PDF, TIF, DOC or JPG format.

5. Scalability

Perhaps one of the major benefits for businesses - big or small - is the scalability of online faxing. Most, if not all, providers have different faxing plans to suit your company's needs. In other words, you can scale up your faxing requirements as your company grows.

Most online fax providers are enterprise-ready and you can easily adjust your account for maximum usage. This can save you time and money, especially if you have to ramp up or scale down your operations to meet your current business activities.

6. Flexible Pricing

All of the top fax providers have flexible pricing. This can be important if you are just starting a business and funds are tight. Most will have a free plan or trial so that you can check out the quality of their services before you buy. Most have three or four different fax plans - which you can upgrade to as your needs and budget permit.

Remember, online faxing is a paperless system so you won't have the ongoing costs of paper and inks. You don't have to purchase a fax machine which can also save you money.

7. Mobility

Perhaps one of the best benefits of using online fax is mobility. Obviously, since this is a web-based system, you can send and receive faxes from anywhere in the world. This makes any business mobile and flexible. Your business is not tied down to any one given location or specific business hours for that matter. This simply means you can be open for business 24/7.

To sum up, online faxing is secure, reliable, multi-platform, scalable, cost-effective, easy to use and mobile. All of these factors can be beneficial to any business or company. These benefits should also be taken into consideration when determining how effective or competitive you want your business to be in the future. Choose wisely.


If you want to learn more about online faxing and how it can benefit you and your company simply visit our site: Onlinefaxguide.com

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Titus_Hoskins/1987

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/10026422


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