7 Lessons We Can Learn From The Peacock
The peacock is a captivating and majestic bird. It is the national bird of India. In Greek mythologies, they are often associated to goddesses. In the ancient city of Babylon, they were seen as the guardians of the city. The round spots on the tail of the peacock symbolizes knowledge, kindness, and compassion. The white peacocks are very rare, and some people believe that they are the bearer of eternal happiness. They are found mostly in Asia and Africa. The name peacock refers to both sexes, however, to be more precise, peacocks refer to the male birds and the female birds are known as peahens.
Some interesting facts about the peacock is that they can both run and fly. However, they can only fly for short distances. They weigh about 8–13 pounds and are approximately 5 feet in length. They can run up to 16 km per hour which is pretty fast compared to other birds.
Listed below are seven lessons we can learn from the peacock:-
1) They are not born with their beautiful feathers. They develop as they age. Similarly, we are not born with many of the traits and things that we desire. However, we can grow to develop or acquire them. We too can evolve into something beautiful.
2) They fly despite their large size. Others looking on may doubt their ability to fly but they do. Likewise, in life we can learn to do things that many people will doubt our ability to do. We should never let their doubt become ours.
3) They are omnivorous eaters. They do not eat meat. They eat a healthy diet of nuts, fruits, seeds, leaves and flowers. For protein, they eat insects. This is a good diet for us to follow as eating fruits, vegetables, nuts etc have been proven to offer numerous health benefits.
4) They are friendly birds. Peacocks hate being alone. The domestic peacocks are social birds and like interacting with humans. Being friendly is an important trait to have. Being friendly is good for yourself as well for others. Despite their friendliness however, they are capable of fighting off and capturing venomous snakes. They are well able to defend and protect themselves.
5) They are meticulous when it comes to choosing their mates or partners. They use great art, imagination and judgement when selecting their mates. We too could benefit from employing some of these prudent measures to attract a mate.
6) They are naturally regal and own their splendour without apologies. No one has to tell them how special or how beautiful they are. They know. They have a self-assured confidence and walk with a sense of royalty and pride.
7) They have a certain magic and are an enchanting bird. The natural colors of their beautiful tail changes with the different angles from which it is observed, and the way the light is reflected on it. So, its colours are never static. We too have our own beauty depending on how we are viewed, the way light radiates from us, and the beholder.
The peacock is indeed a magnificent creature and interesting to behold. The artistry of its captivating feathers is its definitive trait. They live on an average of 15–20 years in the wild. However, if they are captured and cared for, they can live up to 40 & 50 years. Many peacocks live in the zoo as they are one of the main attractions for visitors. Let’s raise a toast to the regal and most spectacular peacock!
That’s it folks. Thanks for reading. I welcome your feedback, claps, and comments. Cheers!
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15 interesting facts you should know about the peacock. Retrieved from: https://yocover.com/facts-about-peacocks/