7 Lessons Learned from Doubling My Income in 2022
Lauryn Hill
CAREER COACH FOR CREATIVES ?? Helping you turn your creative passions into a profitable career!
I’ve been coaching for 4 years now! Wow!
For the first two years, I coached for free to gain experience and figure out my niche.
In 2022 I doubled my income from 2021 in the multi-five figures (next stop $120k!).
Here are seven lessons that I’ve learned in the past few years as a creative entrepreneur.
1. It’s okay to say no to opportunities that don’t feel aligned.
Have you ever felt like someone wasn’t offering you enough money for your products or services… or trying to take advantage of your time??
What about energy vampires???
The type of people who come along dangling their shiny carrots, only for you to realize that you feel like you need a shower and 3 days of rest after you work with them?
Well, I have news for you!
It’s okay to turn down work if this is the case. You don't have to bend over backward for every person who wants to hire you, even if you're just starting out.
Because when you say no to opportunities that are out of alignment, you make room for the opportunities that are in alignment.?
2. Simplify so that you can be consistent.
Do you have BIG ASS DREAMS??
Yeah, I do too!
Sometimes those dreams are so big that it’s impossible to stay consistent enough to build a bridge to get there.
But bridges are built brick by brick.
One simple brick at a time (we’re imagining a bridge built out of brick for this analogy ??).
Your business dreams are built the same way.
If you’re having trouble showing up consistently in your business, ask yourself, “how can I simplify this so that I can complete it regularly and on time?”
Then put it on your calendar, hold yourself accountable (or hire a coach to help you ???? ♀?, and thank me when you look back months or years from now and you’ve built that bridge to your BIG ASS DREAM!
3. Hiring help is one of the fastest ways to grow.
Hands down the three best investments that I’ve made in my business were hiring the following:
These three magical human beings have changed my business in so many ways and I am forever grateful.
I continue to work with Emily Oberman regularly (in fact, she helped brainstorm, edit, and schedule this blog post).?
She helps me strategize and keeps me accountable to the tasks (aka bricks in my bridge) that I want to consistently complete.?
4. When you celebrate the small wins, you attract more big wins.
I bet you often don’t take time to relish in the juiciness of your daily achievements.?
You may even bypass them, only to fantasize about the moment when you sell that $20K sculpture, publish your first book, or even win that Oscar.
Then when that “big moment” rolls around, it feels like just another day.
You don’t feel much different.
I’ve heard this happens to a lot of people when they make their first million. The day comes when the money is finally in the bank, and rather than excitement, they are hit with more of a feeling of “that’s it?”
This is why it’s so important to celebrate yourself in the tiny moments.
????In the moments when you finish writing a song…?
????In the moments you get asked to participate in an art show…?
????In the moments you meet a new artist friend…
When you recognize these smaller wins along the way, you ground yourself in the present moment and give yourself proof that things are moving in the right direction.?
Other people pick up on that celebratory energy and want to be a part of it!
They think “oooh she’s having fun, she’s creating magic, she’s someone I’d like to work with”.
5. Test out all your brilliant ideas, but make sure the intention isn't coming from a place of insufficiency.
As a creative, I’m sure you have no shortage of brilliant ideas.
When you create ideas from a place of sufficiency in your business the results you produce are much different than when you create ideas from a place of scarcity.
When that feeling of “not enough” sneaks its way into everything you do, people can feel it.
That’s why it’s best to get your nervous system into homeostasis, a feeling of safety and security, then create and take action from that place of equilibrium.?
6. Expect and welcome adversity.
You can expect that there will be adversity in your life and business.
That’s just part of the human experience.
With that said, what if you…
?? embraced the feelings that come from adverse situations??
?? allowed there to be challenging times?
?? chose to see your obstacles and opportunities?
How would you show up differently?
The cool thing about difficult situations is that when you allow yourself to be okay with the uncomfortable feelings that come along with them, you get rewarded with dopamine and serotonin.
When you move through a challenging circumstance with grace, you also tend to stretch and grow in ways you never even imagined.
7. You can show up to do things that feel uncomfortable even when you don’t feel like it. (this one relates to #6.)
I’m the queen of telling myself I’m too tired, too hungry, too sore, or too busy to show up for something, even when I made the commitment and promise to do so.
I used to be such a flake… And honestly, I had very few friends because of it.
These days, I pride myself on showing up even when I don’t feel like it.?
Because my brain is a sneaky thing and I’ve learned that I get more pleasure and reward out of following through on my commitments rather than canceling at the last minute.?
When you follow through on commitments you build self-trust.
That self-trust muscle gets stronger and stronger with practice, which allows you to challenge your abilities to show up at an even higher level than you ever thought was possible.
Need help walking through fear, confusion, and overwhelm so that you can follow through on your commitments? This is exactly the kind of work we do in 1:1 coaching.?
I help you break through the blocks that have been holding you back and keeping you small so that you can build that bridge, brick by brick, and prance over it with joy and fulfillment to a successful and sustainable dream business!
It’s all doable, it’s all possible.
Click here if you want to learn more about how we can work together.?
Are you ready to make some magic happen?
Let’s go!