Tele2 Bike Tour: 7 Learnings in 3 Days
All things come to the end sometime, so the Tele2 Bike Tour did.
Our leadership Team biked 332 km from Riga to Vilnius to raise money for SOS Children Villages.
No one died, no one got injured (at least seriously injured).
People voted for them, and we paid money on each vote; at the end, EUR 30 000 went to SOS Children.
And there was something to learn, too.
And I put down 7 lessons from this trip. Ready? Ser, go!
This is the first thing that comes to mind. Imagine you just biked for a few hours. You’re tired, your body ache (and your body is not 20 anymore), the weather is like it always is in the Baltics - I guess it would be normal to be a bit grumpy, right?
Not right.
Every time these guys made a stop – be it a pitstop or lunch or day’s finish – there were jokes & smiles & fun all around.
And then the party either with SOS or local community.
I do not know what you guys are made from, but the positive attitude was something we should learn from them at the first place.
Yes this is another obvious thing and we sometimes tend to forget what takes it to the victory.
Especially when you’re an employee, its quote common to think these guys on the top are not capable of anything but enjoying their benefits.
Well they are, and its good to rememeber you will still work hard when you’ll get up the corporate ladder. In fact, you’ll work harder.
There was a good lesson that we can implement our Corporate Responsibility (CR) in a different way.
Usually you’d just sign a check and send the money – this is the easy way for the companies and the hard one for NGO’s and others in need.
I saw many of them asking for donations; yet I do understand the desperate corporate guy, one like me, who stares at the pile of papers and has to make a decision about who gets the money; and there’s always the same question in mind – “whats in in for me and company”?
Now, we build actually value for shareholders. We had lots of publicity, we had buzz on social networks, and we made our brand stronger.
Good for us, good for SOS Villages who got the money, good for other NGO’s and businessess who got an example and will do it better next time.
There were many people who had good vibes during the project.
Those who voted felt they contribute – and that made them feel a bit better.
On the receiving end, SOS Childred will provide two families with up to 6 children each with full budget for a year.
And these are small things that are, in a way, big things.
I think this photo explains it all.
Yes Jon and Viktor and Richard just made 100 kilometers during the day, and it’s quite obvious children weight at least 50 kilos after day like that.
But ten just take a look at the little ones, who obviously do not have a chance to ride on someone’s sholders for quite a while. Yes happines itself is in their faces, and I bet this moment will stay with them far longer than the money we raised.
This is usefull lesson that we should not end our job with jyust signing a check, and thank you guys for it.
I believe this is something that will mostly stay with the bikers themselves, yet we can learn it, too.
You know the feeling when the challenge seems too big, right? That “No way I can make it’, “What am I doing here”, “This is not going to work”?
Well they made it, and next time, its good to know you can overcome your fear and pain.
And for all of us, its good to know we can do it, too. Not necesarilly biking, but accepting the challenges.
And the last, but not the least, lesson id from the guy who said he can’t make it and had to stop.
Because, people. We all know its hard to accept you just bite more than you can chew. No-one likes to agree he or she is behind, especially, when you are so competetive.
Yet most of the problems in life, from personal issues to wars and recessions and climate change happens because we ignore the warning signs and push the pedal to the metal.
Sometimes its wise just to stop.
Founder & Winner at Winning Reputation
7 年Allison Kirkby, Viktor Wallstr?m, Stina Andersson, Samuel Skott, Jon James, Stefan Backman, Richard Peers, Fredrik Stenberg, Lars Nordmark - thank you guys for the inspiration!