The 7 Laws of Personal Branding
Geauxst Bordeaux
Reinvention Mentor | Men's Mental Health and Performance | Brand Equity Expert | Motivational Speaker | Entrepreneur
Law #1: Don’t Believe the Hype
Let’s get one thing straight—your personal brand is not your logo, your name, or even your Instagram handle. Those are just the superficial elements. It’s tempting to think you can slap a name on yourself, add a cool logo, and suddenly, you’re a brand. But here’s the truth: branding isn’t about the surface, it’s about the core.
“Be yourself” is the worst advice you’ll ever hear. Sure, you have to be authentic, but that doesn’t mean being static. It means growing into the version of yourself that people need and can connect with. So don’t get caught up in the hype. Start with who you are and who you need to become. That’s where the real power is.
Start in the right place. Too often many experts will jump to hiring a PR firm or creative agency to manage their image but forget or willingly bypass step 1 and that’s building a foundation. You must first know who you are or else you’ll burn through the cash trying to out media fires.
Law #2: Find Yourself – Understanding Identity and Finding Your Story
Your identity isn’t just one thing—it’s a series of stories, fragments that make up who you are today. The issue is, most people never reconcile those fragments. They stay stuck, presenting different faces to different people, and wonder why they aren’t building a clear brand.
The secret? You have to resolve that fragmented identity. Your personal brand can’t be built until you know who you are and how your story aligns with the people you want to reach. You are your brand. But to become your brand, you have to discover your real story and learn how to tell it right.
Law #3: Master Yourself
If you’re the face of your brand, guess what? You have to master yourself—inside and out. That means getting your mind, body, and emotions in check. You can’t lead a personal brand when you’re not in control of you.
Law #4: Embrace the “Hate”
Newsflash: not everyone’s gonna love you. And that’s a good thing. When people criticize you, it’s a free consultation. They’re telling you exactly what doesn’t resonate with them—and that’s insight money can’t buy.
The trick is knowing how to decode the hate. Not all hate is useful, but the real stuff? It’s the feedback you need to grow. Authenticity means staying true to yourself while being open to evolving. Approach hate with confidence—either it’s showing you where you need to refine, or it’s validating that you’re on the right track.
Law #5: Give People a Reason to Care
At the end of the day, your personal brand only matters if it adds value to people’s lives. If you’re not connecting on a deeper level, you’re just noise. Vulnerability is your best asset here—it shows people you’re human, and it gives them a reason to care about your story.
Sharing your struggles, your wins, and everything in between isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength. You can’t create a lasting connection without authenticity. People want to see the real you. But more importantly, they want to see how the real you can impact their lives.
Law #6: Stand Out
Blending in is a death sentence for any brand. The world is noisy. If you’re afraid to show your unique style, someone else is going to step in and take your spotlight. It’s not about being loud—it’s about being different.
Tell your story in a way that resonates. The StoryBrand framework is your best friend here—position yourself as the guide, not the hero, in your narrative. Help others see themselves through your story. It’s not just about what you’ve been through, but how your experience can shape and elevate theirs.
Law #7: Show Up, Authentic – You must BE your best self and DO the work
Authenticity is the cheat code to consistency. When you’re authentic, you don’t have to force it. Showing up as your best self every single day is non-negotiable. And when you do, your brand starts to become synonymous with trust.
Your language, your actions, your vibe—they all need to align with who you say you are. People can see through the fakes. Create rules for yourself that support your authentic journey. Maybe that’s showing up with transparency, or maybe it’s about setting boundaries that keep you grounded. Whatever it is, your brand will thrive when it’s rooted in realness.
Building a personal brand isn’t about playing the game. It’s about owning who you are, refining your identity, and delivering that consistently to the world. Follow these seven laws and you’ll build a personal brand that stands the test of time—and leaves an impact people won’t forget
Author: Geauxst Bordeaux
24 year Branding Expert