7 Latest Business Card Design Ideas That Work Wonders

7 Latest Business Card Design Ideas That Work Wonders

Are you planning to get a business card? Get wonderful business card design ideas to impress your clients?

We have conducted online research and collected examples of the best professional business card designs just for you, so that your company becomes the next best organization in the sector.

Business cards, are usually just a piece of paper, but if you have exclusive business card design ideas you can transform this paper piece into something fancy.

A perfectly designed business card makes all the difference when you get introduced to your prospective client or other industry professionals for the first time. This business collateral complements your brand identity and builds a sense of reliability on your first impression.

The twist

A business card can be composed in hundreds of spectacular ways, but for more fruitful use you need to conceive business card design ideas cleverly.

It’s a known fact that small printed items like business cards or posters are thrown away once the purpose gets complete. Many instances also reveal that consumers even forget the whereabouts of such cards. But you cannot stop printing cards as they are essential for networking. Thus, the method is to create such eye-catching stationery items that would amaze the takers and compel them to store it for future reference or honor those as a piece of creative.

Business cards – increase your company’s sale

Your business card is crucial in establishing your company’s contact with your potential clients.

Business cards, brochures or posters are among those marketing stationery items and collaterals that help a business advertise and communicate with its potential customers and other business accomplices. Every businessperson should own these marketing pieces other than sales materials to increase the image and credibility of a company rapidly. Business stationary items usually enhance a company’s ability to reach a wider target audience. Further, all these contribute to a significant boost in your bottom line.

If you plan to design your own business cards then take a look at the latest business card design ideas that would work wonders.

What are latest business card trends?

1. Make logo the most significant element on the card

Logos are the essential elements of any business material. It’s a symbol to tell the world about your brand and the product/service you offer. Without the company logo, your card would have no value. Hence, don’t forget to insert your logo on your card. Expert designers are of the view that amidst several other designs and elements, the logo should be the most significant feature on your card. However, if you are a start-up and you don’t have a logo you can visit Logo Design Team to take pride in owning creative logos. Order for the best business card you want to have.

2. Contact info : don’t forget to include social media

A card is the reflection of your identity, so, it’s effective to include all personal contact details. Although which social profile to include might confuse you, it’s ideal to promote your social media presence relevant to your brand.

3. Keep it simple : minimalist design

Business cards are used ideally to inform about your business and about you to your prospective clients. The best corporate business cards are those that include the essential information like email/social media address, phone number, website address as well as contact details. Therefore, when you plan to create your business card, consider using minimal design. Simple cards with elegant designs enable the reader to focus on the vital information only correctly. Elaborate compositions would create an optical illusion and the reader won’t be able to consume the required information accurately.

So, when you need latest business card design ideas, here’s the most important tip – avoid gaudy designs and give your card a sophisticated look. Fancy elements in your card should not overshadow your company details and company logo. Reducing designs would also reduce costs and you will enjoy affordable business cards.

Image Source: Pinterest

4. New Trend : marry transparency with color

Today’s recent trend is to experiment with designs. Creative business cards have become the top notch professional stationery items. The present design trend is to craft business cards with transparent papers paired with different shades. According to several expert graphic designers, this arrangement of transparent colors presents an interesting overlapping effect. The design produces a wonderful impact when separate, light shines through to reveal content underneath.

5. Interactive Card Design

Many designers have been exploring with unique business card ideas. Graphic designers are creating dual or triple layered cards to make business cards more interactive. In an interactive designed card, small slots of information are kept suspended and users need to pick a sliding inner piece to drag out rest of the card with additional information.

The good rule of thumb is to match the interactive element with rest of the graphic elements of your other business collateral.

As professional graphic designers point out that, a leaflet is often thought as an insignificant marketing tool. But for more impact leaflet design and business card designs should have similar elements.

6. Make a difference with varied shapes

Needless to say, all business cards are almost always available in a rectangular shape worldwide.

Do you know that the standard card size in the U.S should be 3.5×2 inch horizontal rectangle? Similarly, different countries have a different specification.

But HOLD ON! Why should you continue with the same old design ideas?

You can experiment with your card shape if you want to stand out amidst the crowd. With exceptional shapes be a pioneer in showcasing the best business card designs 2018.

Here’s a brief intro to the creative business card designs:

You can design and order business cards in any shape you want. Plan your shape representing your brand and style. With die-cutting, you can create an interactive or stencil design also.

Nevertheless, planning business card shapes are a little tricky. Unusual shapes are sure to be bothersome; it would be inconvenient to carry them, for e.g. if you create bizzare shapes, most likely it won’t fit into your wallet or pocket. Hence, plan for smart business cards with round card corners. While you give your card an impressive look, prevent it from natural wear-and-tear.

Continue Reading: 7 Latest Business Card Design Ideas That Work Wonders


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