7 keys to tackle Negative Marking in Exam
Roshan Jaiswal
Training Head at Itvedant Education Pvt. Ltd. | Data Science Expert | Tech Educator | Traveler | Fitness Enthusiast
Now days, most examinations are on objective pattern where you are to choose the appropriate option among the given answers. This can be a big pain for individuals who like to write long answers in examination believing; “the more you write, the more you score”. This cannot be a correct approach if you are planning to write one of these objective examination as most of them comes with negative marking. These questions just check your ability to find solution with whatever situation given in least amount of time. It does not consider how you reach to that answer.
Every year thousands of candidates apply for competitive exams, but few of them get selected. Applicants need to be aware of certain things before they attempt the exam which can help them to get success in the exam. It is important to minimize your negative marking while attempting the paper as it decreases your score and affect your score card a lot.
Candidates should keep following 7 key points in mind while attempting the paper:
1) The first & foremost thing is practice well and hence you won’t be prone to frequent mistakes.
2) Read the questions and all its options carefully before jumping to conclusions and avoid blind guess work.
3) Solve the confident questions first.
4) Be calm and composed in the examination hall while answering or else you would mistake the known ones too.
5) Improve your speed beforehand by learning tricks rather than being panic at the last moment.
6) Do try to solve the left questions by eliminating wrong options.
7) Do not stick to a particular question or section if you are not able to solve it just switch to some other problem and try the left ones afterwards with some freshness in your brain.
Since the examination is divided into various sections, one may be asked to show a fair bit of competence in each section rather than showing excellence in any one particular section. Keep that in mind as well.
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