The 7 Keys To Great Content
Robert C. Stern
As The King of Social Media, I help my clients, individuals and small businesses, create an army of raving fans on their social media platforms which catapults their business.
Everyone is always asking: "How do I make Great Content?" Instead of concentrating on great content, create content your audience wants to know about. Of course, that could be better, but every piece of content you use for your Social Media is broken down into seven parts. And as you saw from the cover photo of this article, you have an idea of what I am talking about.
So Let's Break it down:
Could you tell me why you're creating this piece? Why should you put this particular piece out? Think carefully about the purpose of your content. It should inform the rest of the questions we ask below. Also, could you think about the purpose thoroughly? Do you know if there is a reason to discuss this particular topic now?
What is its purpose? Now that you know why you need to create the content piece and its purpose. You'll need to figure out the format it will take and know what it will contain. What problem or information does it have to help others?
In this case, you should determine whether your strategy revolves around your Website, a third-party site, Landing Page, or a Social Platform. You are using this site as the basis for sending people to see your information or offer.
This question is in two parts. Firstly, who is the content being created for, and secondly, who are you providing the content? Defining your target audience (whom you are talking to) is the first thing you need to know... This helps in knowing that the content you are providing is helping them in some form or matter. As for who you are, the audience must have a clear way of knowing who you are so that you are the authority on the issues you are talking about.
When is the right time to put this content out? Honestly, any day is right to put great content out, but some things are more about seasons, holidays, or trending topics. Use the time of day, week, year, or year to your advantage. Also, trending topics help to keep up with current events. The timing of your content is essential in more ways than the time of year. Please always check your insights of the platform you are using as a base. This is important for the timing of the release of your content.
How will you determine if your content marketing is a hit? Regularly checking your analytics and insights is the primary way to see how your content is doing. But also seeing comments, likes, and shares is another way. If you use a social platform, they have great insights into how many people you have reached vs. how many people clicked on your content. Video insights give you even more information, as how long people watched is just one of them.
And then there is the Mystery.
The unknown can be anything. Most commonly, a mystery is if a catastrophe or disaster occurs. Natural disasters, wars, terror plots, or a significant person's death can change your reach's ability on a particular day. So make sure when your post is going out that no national or world event will keep people from seeing your content.
So There You Have It
Understanding this, even the fundamental piece of content is vital. Think about the 5 W's, H, and the unknown every time you are about to post. Do you think it answers these?
Like always, please let me know what you think. Also, if you have questions, please let me know in the comments below.
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