7 ingredients that make your hair healthy

7 ingredients that make your hair healthy

Hair fall, dandruff, frizzy and unhealthy hair is one of the most common problems we all face today. Hair fall is a natural phenomenon, so there’s is no need to worry over few follicles falling off. It is common in both men and women. While genes play a major role, there are a lot of other factors that cause hair loss. If you are losing your hair lately, you must loosen up your hair. Hairstyles such as ponytails, braids, and artificial hairstyles pull hair or tug hair follicles, and can tend to baldness.              

As proper diet, nutrition and exercise is necessary for healthy body, proper nutrients and vitamins does wonder for hair. “Cleanliness is next to godliness”. So, it’s very important to wash hair with mild shampoo on regular basis. Include enriched diet with full of protein, scalp massage with oil is equally important. Health problems are harbingers of hair loss. It’s very important to cure chronic illness first then go for remedies for healthy hair. What is also common is our lack of knowledge about the wonderful and simple ways through which we can treat the condition. There are millions of people who spend million dollars in having healthy and shining hair. Let’s take a sneak peek of some important and easily available natural ingredients that can be helpful in having healthy hair in long run –

1)  Lemons-

If Life gives you lemon use them for your hair. :P

Lemons are available in our fridge all the time. Lemons are rich source of Vitamin C and when applied on scalp can make your hair dandruff and itch free. All you have to do is cut the lemon in two pieces. Rub the pulp of lemon on your scalp and get shining hair ever. So, don’t just use lemons for shikanji but also use it for your hair.

2)  Coconut Oil-

Massage you scalp with coconut oil and leave it overnight and rinse it with shampoo the other day. The moisturizing property of coconut oil helps in keeping hair moisturised and seal in the essential oil deep into the hair, penetrates deep into shafts and support hair growth.

3)  Green tea and honey-

Honey is composed of glucose and fructose that offer many benefits to hair. According to a survey done by European Journal of medical research, says the therapeutic and prophylactic effects of crude honey that helps in curing hair breakage. Honey when mixed with curd makes a smooth textured pack for your hair.

4)  Green tea-

“Jo chai nahi peete hain- jaane kaise jeete hain”

(People who do not take tea, how do they survive)

With an antioxidant property, green tea prevents harmful free radical damage that contributes to skin aging. It also helps in providing rejuvenated skin and hair. The catechism in green tea contains 5 alpha reductase that prevents hair loss and also prevents skin from harmful UV rays.

5)  Nuts and dry fruit-

“Let people go nuts for your hair”

Almonds and walnuts are rich source of vitamin E. Dry fruit helps in warding off the damaging free radicals of skin and hair. A handful of nuts can be consumed as snacks and can take a toll skin in a long run. Nuts contains essential oil that helps in improving improvising skin and hair. They are rich source of fibre and natural oil that provides nourishment to hair.

6)  Aloe Vera-

Aloe vera contains proteolytic enzymes which repairs dead skin cells on scalp. It also acts as a cooling agent, is a great conditioner and leaves shiner hair when applied. Aloe vera promotes hair growth, prevents itching and reduces dandruff and conditions hair. It acts as natural conditioner for a healthy and shiny hair.      

7)  Curry Leaves-

Curry leaves are the best when it comes to healthy hair. Just apply paste of curry leaves to your hair directly and see the difference in two weeks. It acts as cooling agent and stimulates hair growth and prevents hair from getting grey.  After when aplicated needs to be rinse thoroughly with water. It is the best and unadultrated form of nature that leaves behind a shiny and black hair.

Yoga plays an important role in having healthy hair. So, along with the regular usage of natural remedies we discussed, for a healthier hair, one must imbibe yoga in day to day lives. Ancient India has blessed us with yoga that helps in having great hair. Some yogasanas are really helpful in having great hair for a longer period of time. Like:

·        Adhomukha Savansna- Just It is very helpful in improving blood circulation and is helpful in preventing hair loss.

·        Vajrasana- Yet another posture that can be done anywhere. Just bend your knees and sit down on your buttocks. Keep sides of soles as close as possible. Regular practice of vajrasana cures constipation, reduces obesity and if your stomach is healthy you have a healthy smile throughout the day.

     So, if natural ingredients can help in providing great hair appearing beautiful. Yoga can regulate blood circulation into the body and scalp and end up giving a healthy and shiny hair for a longer period of time.



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