7 Impact of Negotiation with High Productivity on Sales Strategy Implementation
Jazak Yus Afriansyah, S.E., M.M.
Author | Coach | Trainer | Consultant | Lecturer for Growing People and Business
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In the first edition, we have discussed what is the positive impact of negotiations carried out with high productivity on human resource development, especially the development of negotiation teams that carry it out and in the second edition we have discussed how the impact of negotiations with high productivity on sustainable business development.
So in this third edition we will convey 7 important impacts of negotiations with high productivity on the implementation of sales strategies, where sales are the first and main instrument for businesses to generate revenue which will then be processed into profits.
As it is understood that the negotiation process and the sales process are closely related to each other with high frequency, both need each other, but in reality often the two processes overlap and have a bad influence on each other throughout the sales cycle, so that this does not happen, especially for sales and marketing teams, they need to understand the 7 impacts of productive negotiation that function to support the implementation of sales strategies,? Let's go straight to these 7 impacts:
The first impact is Lead Preparation and Development, a productive negotiation process and consultative sales techniques starting with the preparation and search for potential customers who have high potential. In the sales process, this involves identifying potential customers who are relevant to products and services, understanding their specific needs, and preparing to interact with them productively.
Similarly, in productive negotiations, negotiation preparation involves research and an in-depth understanding of the interests or Best Points and Limit Points ?of the negotiating partners in this case are very poetic prospects or even existing customers, so that productive negotiations support the implementation of sales strategies in terms of identifying potential agreements that satisfy all parties, and formulating negotiation strategies that are sustainable profits.
The second impact is Building Good Relationships and Building Trust, in the consultative sales process, building good relationships and building trust with potential customers or even with existing ?customers is essential for the success of consultative sales engagement in a sustainable manner.
Similarly, in productive negotiations, building trust and good relationships with parties involved in the negotiation process can facilitate impressive open communication and mutually fostering collaboration, thus becoming the foundation for productive negotiations and mutually strengthening all parties involved, then this condition will support the implementation of sales and marketing strategies more strongly and precisely against the target.
The third impact is to explore and understand needs, in a consultative sales process, a professional sales team must be involved in a conversation in order to explore customer needs to understand customer needs, wants, challenges, and goals more specifically. This information guides the sales process and helps tailor solutions to meet the needs of customers who are more specialized or specific.
In productive negotiations, a similar process of digging and assessing the needs of customers or clients also occurs, where the negotiator seeks to understand the interests, priorities, and concerns of the other party to identify potential areas of agreement, so that productive negotiations will support the implementation of sales strategies in particular to help the sales team develop unique and specific solutions that benefit each party involved.
The fourth impact is the strengthening of Presentations and Proposals, in the consultative sales process, sales professionals present their products or services to potential customers, conveying specific features, benefits, and value propositions that meet the needs and problems of customers as a whole and specifically.
In productive negotiations, specific techniques are developed that support the sales team to involve the delivery of proposals or offers that address the interests and concerns of both parties, seeking to create useful value for the benefit of the sales process and reach an agreement that is highly profitable and mutually acceptable to all parties involved, especially key customers.
The fifth impact is Handling Objections and Overcoming Challenges, both the consultative sales process and the productive negotiation process, all of which inevitably involve handling objections and overcoming very dynamic challenges for a variety of reasons. In consultative selling, this may involve addressing customer concerns or objections regarding pricing, features, or competition.
In productive negotiations, negotiators or negotiators, who may also act as professional salespeople, will face various objections or rejections from other parties regarding terms, conditions, or concessions. Productive negotiations have proven to support the implementation of sales strategies by involving handling all these objections constructively and finding satisfactory solutions to meet the needs of both parties.
The sixth impact is Sales Closing and Deal Making, in a consultative sales process, closing sales or sales closure that leads to an agreement will involve completing the consultative sales process and securing customer commitment to buy or choose the services offered.
Similarly, in productive negotiations, closing a sale involves reaching an agreement on terms, conditions, and commitments that meet the interests of both parties. This may involve negotiation strategies in the form of: collaboration, compromise, concession, or creative solutions, thus productive negotiations support the implementation of the sales strategy by bridging differences and concluding the agreement with mutual benefit of all parties involved.
The seventh impact is Follow-up and Relationship Building, after a consultative sale or productive negotiation is completed, both processes involve follow-up and building business relationships in a sustainable and strategic manner. With productive negotiations, a professional sales team can follow up with customers to ensure satisfaction, resolve any issues, and look for opportunities for upselling or cross-selling.
In other words, productive negotiation strengthens upselling and cross-selling strategies, so negotiators can engage in post-negotiation discussions to implement sales agreements, address unresolved issues, and foster ongoing relationships with all customers.
Overall, the impact of productive negotiation is very beneficial in supporting the sales strategy implementation process, although the consultative sales process focuses on securing a commitment to purchase a product or service, the productive negotiation process focuses on achieving an agreement that meets the interests of both parties involved, in other words Highly Productive Negotiation Skill Functions as a catalyst and accelerator for the achievement of sales targets so that they grow more and continue to be resilient.
Congratulations and continue to be enthusiastic about implementing all your sales strategies with the support of Negotiation with High Productivity Techniques, until we see you in the fourth edition.
Greetings Success Always to all of us!