7 Habits of Successful LinkedIn Content Creators??

7 Habits of Successful LinkedIn Content Creators??

Hello, hello! And welcome to the 8th Edition of The Personal Branding Playbook. We've been raving on about the LinkedIn Growth Mindset for a while now (check out our last edition to know why we're crazy about it) but we figured it's time to take the saying to heart - 'To Become Wealthy, Think Like the Rich'.

Did you know that only 1% of users on LinkedIn create content?!

And out of them, only a marginal per cent are LinkedIn influencers with massive following.??

So what separates these “Top Content Creators” who leverage LinkedIn to grow their brand from the masses?

It’s the small habits they’ve inculcated in their routine.

Here are 7 habits you can follow to make noise on LinkedIn with your presence.

1. Make time for inspiration.

Using all of LinkedIn’s features is the quickest way to becoming a content creator.

Like reading is said to be the best habit you can develop in your life, consume a lot of content is the best habit you can develop if you are trying to grow your LinkedIn account.?

Engage with the posts that inspire you or catch your attention and never shy away from commenting your heart out.

2. Make time. Period.

For any skill you’re looking to develop in your life, you’ll have to commit to practising it.

The same goes for content creation on LinkedIn. Dedicate a fixed time daily, when you focus on creating content for your profile.

It can be as little as 30 minutes a day. Or it can be 2 hours on the weekend.

Whatever floats your boat, as long as you are consistent.

3. Use Parkinson’s Law in your favour.

The biggest habit that we ‘non-influencer’ folks make is that we don’t take LinkedIn seriously.

This means that when it comes to building a consistent habit of writing and posting - we often find ourselves delaying it, postponing it or completely skipping it.

Parkinsons’s Law suggests that “work expands to fill the time available for its completion”

Basically, the less important you consider a task, your brain is most likely to delay it or never make time to complete it.

So if you give yourself less time to complete tasks, you’re compelled to focus.?

This means you must develop a consistent mentality of “I NEED TO CREATE CONTENT and POST” - and make it a priority.

4. Automate Your LinkedIn Content Creation

Yes! Imagine only dedicating 2 hours every weekend to create and schedule content for the upcoming week.

We’ve that possible for you with ReachifyMe. This is why it works -

  • You need to dedicate minimum hours
  • Our idea generator tailors ideas to your niche
  • You can read, edit and schedule posts
  • It allows you to sitback and build your profile on autopilot

Consider 70% of your heavywork done for you. Try the tool if you haven’t already!

5. Pick a niche and dedicate yourself to it.

Mindlessly churning out content for the sake of it is a big rookie mistake. If your content is all over the place, no target audience will appreciate being served content that simply has no value for them (or being talked at instead of having a two-way street of communication).?

Find your calling on LinkedIn. When you are just starting out, you need to decide a niche and dedicate yourself to it.

Down the line, you can always expand your niches based on your expertise and your audience.

6. Place yourself in the shoes of your audience

It's simple - people want content created for them. They want to engage in a conversation with you - another person, not feel like you don’t “get” them.

In short, successful content creators put in the effort to get to know their target audiences.

They know:

  • What age bracket they are writing for
  • The demographics and genders of their target audience
  • What the pain points are that they need to address in their writing
  • What language nuances speak to their target audience
  • How to keep their target audiences engaged
  • What types of content immediately attract their target audience’s attention

In the content creation process – whether they do it for their own personal channels or for bosses – they write with an end goal. They know that they need to delight those reading their writing! So, put your target audience first.?

7. Set Achievable Targets

When we can visualise the end-goal, working towards it becomes easier.

Here’s a short template you can use to set achievable monthly targets:

By the end of this month:

  1. I will have ____ no. of followers.
  2. I will have created atleast 2 viral posts.
  3. I will have engaged with ____ no. of posts.
  4. I will have thoughtful conversations with ____ no. of people.
  5. My posts should have left ____ no. of impressions.

Remember, there’s no recipe for success. But you can consider these habits as the star ingredients that will definitely add value to your LinkedIn Masterchef journey.

[P.S - Subscribe to The Personal Branding Playbook if you haven't already and join 700+ others on a journey to change their LinkedIn game]



