The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Pharmacists
??Dr. Adam Martin, PharmD
Tony Robbins Results Coach | Mindset & Wellness Professional Speaker | Business Results Trainer at Robbins Research Intl.
Does this blog title sound familiar? Maybe, like the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? Well, you caught me- this was inspired by that book! In what many consider to be the most influential self-develoment book of the twentieth century, selling over 25 MILLION copies, this book serves to teach you your true "character-ethic"- the only surefire way to achieve the level of success you dream about.
While this book is written for all people, I find it to be particularly useful for those who work in healthcare- especially us pharmacists! If you are looking to do more than just "clock in" and go through the motions, but really make an impact in the work that you do for the patients that you serve, I have a feeling that you will find exceptional value in the principles you are about to read about, as I have taken the concepts and applied them to the world of pharmacy.
The number one reason I hear for why people have not read this book is "I just don't have enough time"- problem solved right here! I have spent the time reading the book, and have compiled the cliff notes for you to take the main concepts you can use to apply them to your life to become a highly successful person! Each needs the help of the other, and I am here to assist with the awesome pearls of wisdom from this book- here we go:
Paradigms and Principles
Before we get into the 7 habits, we first need to look at the general concepts or groundwork that must be taken note of in order for the principles themselves to be effective. These are what the author refers to as the guiding paradigms and principles, and they are as follows:
- To become effective, you must improve your character rather than your personality.
- The world is NOT one specific way. The way you perceive a problem is the problem.
- You must have a paradigm shift (the way you see the world) if you are to be successful. You do this by changing your habits.
Habit 1: Be Proactive
The one thing you can count on with absolute certainty is that you cannot control anything. Unforeseeable events, be they good or bad, WILL happen and are an inevitable part of life. However, the thing that you CAN control in every situation is HOW you react to your environment and the circumstances.
That is, choosing how you react to those events, rather than just reacting without conscious choice or a plan of action.
That will make the difference in what the outcome will be as a result of the unforeseen events you encounter.
To that end, playing the victim will do nothing but hurt you. You may get sympathy from others, but aside from that, all that course of action will do to serve you is to stay stuck in the past and wallow in your grief. Who wants to live a life like that?! The first step to overcome this mindset trap is to accept responsibility and recognize that you are NOT a victim of your circumstances. Sure, whatever happened to you may have been unfortunate or even "unlucky", but you MUST eliminate excuses and take action to move past this and on with your life. The cure to any fear or doubt you have around moving on? Taking action- let's call that your RxforSuccess, shall we?
In ClubPharmacy, you cannot predict when a tech will call off, or if a medication delivery order is delayed - but, you CAN prepare for that should it happen. Have a backup plan in place, just in case- this is being proactive, and even though it would not be a good situation should anything like that happen, if you think of this ahead of time, you will be a lot better off with your outcome had you not planned for the possibility.
Habit 2: Backwards Begin
That is, begin with the end in mind. Rather than starting out with your focus on the starting point, shift your energy ahead to your end goal.
What are you looking to achieve?
The most successful look at their endeavors with an opportunity mindset, in that everything happens twice: once in your mind, and twice in reality. You can use this tactic by having a very specific and definite goal for what you want so that you can plan for it- seeing the end goal in mind, you can backtrack to what steps you will need to take in order to make that happen!
One person that exemplifies this mindset is the entrepreneurial guru Gary Vaynerchuk, who says his number one play in life is having as many people at his funeral as humanly possible. He then backtracks and asks, "who would want to come? What value would I need to give to the world?" He then acts and plans accordingly.
So the question can be posed for you:
What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind for pharmacy?
Do you want to be remembered as the wo/man who just clocks in? Or do you want to leave behind something more profound? What actions are you taking NOW to make that legacy a real reality for you?
Habit 3: First is First
With all that we have to do as pharmacists, heads of our household, and really just people, it can be easy to feel lost and suffocated with lists upon lists of things that need to be done. But don't lose focus on where the starting line is: you do what comes first, and it is as simple as that!
The key to making this work effectively is prioritizing your work to do the most important and urgent tasks FIRST.
After that, tackle the tasks that are important but not urgent. Third, go after what is not important, but urgent. Fourth and finally, avoid spending your time with things that are neither important nor urgent- there is no time to waste!
This habit is SO essential to working in ClubPharmacy- I mean, we only have 30 things to do at one time at any given moment, right? The key to succeed is to prioritize your tasks to do exactly what we laid out here: first things first.
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Rather than focusing just on "how can I win", not caring about other people involved in the venture/sale, look for the solution where EVERYBODY wins- often times this option exists more than you would think, and who wouldn't want a solution like that? Not only does this make sense as something all parties involved would agree on, but it helps YOU more in the long run, because it won't leave others to feel slighted as losing, but instead as members of the winning team. Guess which approach will allow you to succeed the next time you try to invoke change?
Another way to look at it is to reframe your mindset around "winning" the conversation as a competition against others' opinions. It's not "I win, you lose", but looking for the option where both or all sides (depending on how many people are involved) win the outcome. If on the other hand there is not a solution or decision that is beneficial to all people involved, eliminate that choice as a viable option.
It may seem like an easy win now in the short term, but never sacrifice a long-term win for a short-term gain.
Apply this to ClubPharmacy where you could dictate to your technicians that "you just have to do it- suck it up" to roll out an initiative- yes, you win, but how do you think your colleagues will feel about that? Instead, hear out their points of view and concerns, meet them where they are, and above all else, ensure they understand the reason for the new policy/procedure. So many times people put up resistance to change because they don't really understand the logic behind it- they just see it as a change, and most people are not comfortable with that. However, if you explain the why behind the change, and drive the improvements and how they will benefit from buying into the program, you will find so much more success- because they will help you implement it!
Habit 5: Understanding
If you out the other person's needs first before your own, you will be much more successful in all of your conversations and negotiations! Your primary goal in resolving conflict should be first to understand, then to be understood. That is you are better off to first validate the other person's concerns BEFORE you entertain your own.
This is one of the primary traits that define a good leader: you must listen before you will be listened to.
If you genuinely care about and empathize with the person/people you are interacting with, you will find there to be much more resolution and enthusiasm around the topic at hand rather than you had approached with the opposite technique. This is because as humans, when we deeply understand each other, it makes way for creative solutions.
If you ask #pharmacy technicians, and even pharmacists, about what their number one complaint is in regards to their superiors, it is that "they never listen to me." Put yourself in that situation: being told what to do, you raise some objections or concerns, and they are never addressed or considered. I bet you have been in that situation already before- just typing this gets me squirming in my chair! Prevent this distaste among your colleagues by practicing one simple thing that has withstood the test of time as one of the most effective ways to lead: listen and understand your colleagues!
Habit 6: Synergize
Have you ever heard the phrase "two heads are better than one?" It may be cliche and make your eyes roll, but the phrase is still around because it holds its weight in the truth that it bears. If you take one person with tremendous skills and drive, and another with exceptional talent and connections, 100% of the time both of those skill sets are not identical. That means that if both are working together towards the same goal, they will combine their strengths which will likely fill any gaps and supplement each other such that they are a force to be reckoned with.
Said another way, the strength of two boards together is much greater than the summation of their separate powers. That is, 1 + 1 does not simply equal 2, but rather, 1 + 1 = 3. The take-home message from this?
Always seek to work in harmony with others - collaboration is key to success!
There is not one highly successful person in history who made it on his own. There were mentors, partners, and even competitors that drove them to deliver even more than they every thought initially possible.
Sometimes working with others can be intimidating, as the other person brings a strong skill set that you lack. While this may be humbling, do not be intimidated by some else's strengths. Seek to instead learn from their wisdom as a mentor and guide.
Habit 7: Sharpen Your Saw
Saw being a metaphor for whatever tool or skillset you are seeking to master, if you do not fully commit to being a lifelong learner, you will be left behind by those who do adopt this essential practice. This is not a one-dimensional approach- you must aim to constantly improve your physical, spiritual, mental, and relational health. By fully committing to this endeavor, you will guarantee yourself that you will consistently progress upward toward a path of success that will lead you to become a highly successful individual.
There is a reason that continuing education is a legal requirement among pharmacists: we must stay up to date on the latest medications and health guidelines so that we can deliver the best possible care and consultations to our patients! It is our duty and obligation to be as successful and well-versed as possible at our craft, so that we may deliver those benefits we reap from our hard work directly to those we work with and care for in our professional practice.
While the question of "how do I get successful" may seem like a daunting one to ask, the answer has been laid out before you! The concepts may seem overly simple, but simple does not mean easy; now that you have a roadmap to success proven to be effective through the test of time and those highly successful people who have shared these 7 habits, the time is now to put them into practice in your own life to become a highly successful pharmacist!
If your quest for success still is not fulfilled and you are looking to create a lasting legacy as a pharmacist, we can help you with that! Join The Fit Pharmacist, a movement in the profession of pharmacy to BE the best you can be as a pharmacist to deliver your full potential! The core belief is this: If we’re functioning at 100%, our relationships improve, we become energized in our career, and live a fulfilled life! Learn more here.
So there you have it- my top 10 ways to get the goodies while keeping some extra cash saved up. You are well on your way to attain the healthy life you've been seeking!
"If you don't make time for your wellness, you'll be forced to make time for your illness." -Dr. Adam Martin
Yours in health,
It would mean a lot if you could share this article with your colleagues!Adam Martin, PharmD, ACSM-CPT, NAMS-CNC | [email protected]
Are you looking for a great read to improve your level of wellness as a pharmacist? I've got you covered, FitPharmFam!
Available on Amazon, “Rx: YOU! The Pharmacist’s Survival Guide to Managing Stress & Fitting in Fitness” to invest in YOU, so you fully invest in others by dispensing your full potential
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Listen to this episode of The Fit Pharmacist Healthcare Podcast where I share my experiences of serving as a medical missionary pharmacist in Panama with other amazing healthcare professionals: physicians, optometrists, dentists, dermatologists, nurses- and of course other pharmacists! We ended up serving over 4,300 patients in 3 days, and amidst all of the phenomenal interactions, there was ONE that really stood out to me that I share with you here on this podcast!