7 Habits of Highly Effective Leadership
Martin Kettelhut, PhD - Clarity Catalyst
To fulfilling even more of your truth
#7 Highly Effective Leadership empowers. Regardless whether I'm in a "leadership position," if I'm not having an empowering effect--but want to--then I must “Seek first to understand and then to be understood.” (#5 of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) Leadership recognizes that the partnership / team / community’s growth goes hand in hand with my own growth.?
#6? As soon as Highly Effective Leadership senses the slightest disintegration of the symbiosis between work and life, it immediately corrects course. You cannot work well if you have no quality of life from which to draw integral strength.
#5 Highly Effective Leadership defines success in terms of alignment with True Self, bringing that quality that is one’s most essential nature and purpose in this life to whatever one does. See pp. 78-80 of LISTEN…Till You Disappear to learn how purpose-driven leadership saves time, money, and stress, while engendering enjoyment, connection, and freedom.
#4 Highly Effective Leadership concentrates on “knock-your-socks-off service,” in Ron Zemke’s more than a quarter-century old words. Trust the habit of serving all of life will attract the right relationships, mend any mistakes permanently, respond to everyone’s needs (including your own), and leave the world in better condition than you found it.
#3 Reactivity is the enemy of forward motion, and it is for this reason that Highly Effective Leadership is always working a well-designed plan. If a plan is to produce the desired results, then--along with a strong vision, conditions of satisfaction, practices, and conversations, all arranged on a do-able timeline (See pp. 250-61 in Leadership as Relation)—the plan must be backcasted from the end-state to today, by simply asking: “What will have made each milestone (along the way to success) the inevitable and easeful outcome of the last milestone?”
#2 All Highly Effective Leadership is unapologetically selective about whom to do business with (team-members, strategic partners, customers). The price of settling for ‘anyone who will fog a mirror’ is much greater than the negligible cost of holding out for the right people in the right positions.
#1 Highly Effective Leadership?begins and ends each day with meditation, the return to reality-outside-the-mind.
Please be in touch if you'd like a Gift (meaning, FREE) Coaching Session on any of these 7 Habits of Highly Effective Leadership! ?
Sincerely, Martin Kettelhut, PhD
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Read?Leadership as Relation -?https://tinyurl.com/4zr7vb6w
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