The 7 Habits of Happiness, part 5: Aptitude
Neil McKee
Neuro Change Practitoner and advocate for Mental Health. TRANSFORMATIONAL trainer in Motivational Mapping, Mind Mapping, & TetraMapping - so you can master motivation, EQ, & influence. Author: The Accelerated Trainer ??
Dedicated to Kim Searle
Happiness flows from being MORE You!
"Whatever a person CAN be they MUST be. This need we call self-actualisation." Adapted from and spelling improved from Abraham Maslow!
Einstein is reputed to have said,
“Everybody is a Genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
As it turns out, Einstein never said this so I feel at liberty to say,
“Everybody can be happy, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will neither be happy, nor will it realise its potential – instead remaining stuck in a life of mediocrity.”
The truth is...
You are made of Stardust.
Thus, you were meant to Shine!
Light is meant to Flow from you when you become more you.
You should Sparkle!
It’s about water and light. Think of the Habit 4: Attitude.
In it, we mentioned “Symbiosis” – where two different organisms live together in harmony. I gave the example of Lichen. This is an harmonious partnership – a marriage if you like – between a plant and a fungus. The fungus is great at capturing, storing, and sharing water. The plant is brilliant at fixing energy from the light. When both become more ‘us’ – they enter a flow-state. The light flows. The water flows.
That’s the aim of this Habit – to help you find your flow and then keep fuelling you in that flow so that it flows deeper and wider and faster and broader for the rest of your life’s journey to your chosen destination.
I have a very specific paid-for two-step strategy to achieve this.
The Contribution Compass
Step one is to do an assessment called, “The Contribution Compass.”
The Contribution Compass helps you identify the direction you should go in to deliver the maximum contribution in Life. When you add the best value you can bring to the world, you will open yourself up to receiving the best level of satisfaction, reward, and happiness.
That kind of guidance is worth investing in, and the assessment is not free. But if you value your happiness, you need to “Know Thyself” – the foundation of all Philosophy.
I’ve chosen to promote The Contribution Compass because it’s a friend with benefits! Once we know the direction you should be heading in, I can tell you the type of travelling companions you should be attracting into your “Fellowship” – a bit like, “Lord of the Rings.”
The Compass looks like a compass, and it reveals (perhaps like a certain famous Golden Compass) other truths. The two we are most interested in are two differing types who will enable you to “Be More You” (in the words of Kim Searle) 80% of the time.
Let me help that make more sense by talking about being a one-person-business-owner.
When you start out in business, you need to do the accounts, the marketing, the sales, the product and service development, the customer liaison, and more. You end up working for the business – what entrepreneurs call, “working ‘in’ the business rather than working ‘on’ the business.” It can be exhausting.
Very rapidly, you will realise that you are a ‘natural’ at fulfilling some of the roles, and a liability in others!!!
I can do the paperwork, but I am resistant to carrying out these maintenance tasks. That resistance to knuckling down to doing it suggests I’m a fish trying to climb a tree in this area. Even though my new business is in the early stages of growth, I now have a part-time Personal Assistant to help me keep my promises to both customers and potential customers. Charlotte also helps keep on top of my paperwork. Furthermore, I have an accountant, and I have input from several coaches in my business network to keep me focused. I have a designer who can do my graphics professionally, and I have Martin to look after my web-work. I have a team – none of whom I employ. For me, this means having the benefits of low overheads, yet achieving maximum impact, and optimum flow for me. I can get on with writing – an activity to which I have zero resistance. Writing is my tree to climb.
The Contribution Compass won’t say, “Listener, you are a Writer!” But what it will make the greatest contribution if you flow in one of the following 8 headings.
- North: The Catalyst = the one who contributes most by accelerating change
- North/North East: The Champion = the one who blazes a trail, who champions a cause – a real Captain Kirk from Star Trek!
- East: The Coach = shifts the focus onto the people in the team to bring out their best contribution – Deanna Troy in Star Trek, TNG
- East/South East: The Connector = brilliant at building bridges and bonds between groups and individuals… as well as connecting the paradigms, processes, and products the team will need – a real connection hub
- South: The Custodian = the promise keeper! Supportive and gentle, diplomatic and calm
- South/South West: The Cultivator = nurtures growth by blending support of the team with the data and systems the task needs to move towards completion
- West: The Conductor = the optimiser! A bit of Spock, the Science Officer in Star Trek – logical, factual, unemotional, results-focus
- West/North West: The Calibrator = fine tuning the way everything ‘works’ so that it works better – Mr Scott in Star Trek!
Find out which Star Trek character you are most like at
If you don’t have the funds to invest in a The Contribution Compass profile, know that you already instinctively know, and you may even have hard physical evidence, about what you good at and what needs supporting! (Notice I didn’t say, “What needs more work.” Being in flow is NOT about strengthening your weaknesses – that only creates stronger weaknesses. No, happy people outsource anything that they are not driven to pursue.)
Take a leaf out of the lessons given by Botany. Plants give away the message of what needs support very visually! “That branch is strong,” you see and say, “but that branch needs support!” Be a branch manager!
I also have a set of 27 questions that will help you understand your Aptitude – your purpose and meaning in life. Would you like to hear them?
Q1. What excites you?
Q2. What work would you do as a volunteer? (or What work do you do as a volunteer?)
Q3. What was the last idea that woke you up in the middle of the night?
Q4. What do you want to fix most in the World?
As an idea, here are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:
1 No Poverty
2 Zero Hunger
3 Good Health and Well-Being
4 Quality Education
5 Gender Equality
6 Clean Water and Sanitisation
7 Affordable and Clean Energy
8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10 Reduced Inequalities
11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
12 Responsible Consumption and Production
13 Climate Action
14 Life Below Water
15 Life On Land
16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17 Partnerships For The Goals
My own business activities are aligned with these goals via the amazing work of – which feature in our Contribution habit – Habit 6.
Q5. If you had a year out to study, what subject would you choose?
Q6. If you were famous, what would it be for?
Most of these questions were inspired by the work of the late Scott Dinsmore, of “Live Your Legend” fame.
Q7. What are your gifts or talents?
Q8. What is your unique ability?
Q9. What are you phenomenally good at?
Q10. What aspect of your work do you miss when on holiday? (This makes me laugh because a better question would be, “What aspect of your work do you continue to do even when on holiday?” For me, it is writing. I write when I’m a work. I write when I am tired. I write when I feel ill. I write when I feel on top of the world. I write when I am on holiday. I write therefore I am!)
Q11. What would you like to be most remembered for?
Q12. How would you live if you knew your art could support you?
Q13. What do you do that makes you feel invincible?
Q14. What makes you happiest in your life?
Q15. What would your dream job be?
Q16. What principles are non-negotiable?
Q17. If you could have, be, or do anything, what would you have, be, or do?
Q18. If income wasn’t a limit, how would you spend your time?
Q19. What would you change if you could change the world?
Q20. What were you working on when you last lost track of time?
Q21. What do you want to be known for? Now this one may well be a character-trait – like ‘Kindness’ or it may be an innovation, like Marie Curie’s Nobel Prizewinning works.
Q22. What do people thank you for?
Q23. What would be the title of your book that would change the world? I love this question. It’s fun if you imagine the title of your book would be, “The book that changed the world!” Then the question becomes, what is in it?!
Q24. What is your favourite genre of book, magazine, or movie? This one of the easiest ones to answer, and it clearly shows us the directions you are drawn towards. For example, I used to get photography magazines and music magazines, but it was the music magazines I would read more of. YouTube is another great filter. I will gladly watch more philosophy from channels like, “The School of Life,” and, “Einzelg?nger,” than I will watching ‘how to’ videos on guitar! I’m pretty certain that if there had been an engaging philosophy magazine that I’d known about, I would have read that! My priorities are clear in terms of desire: theology/philosophy/ecology over music and photography and videography. I’m sure you can get the same clarity for your own interests.
Q25. What beliefs would you stand up for?
Q26. What would you go for if you knew you couldn’t fail? This is my favourite in the list. I sincerely think I’m pursuing this… even if rather late in life.
And Q27. Who do you most want to be like? This is a fascinating question because within the answer lies a pathway to its fulfilment. You will become most like the top five people you spend most time engaged with. These may not be the people in your household if you feel detached from them. It’s the people you want to be like. I know the people you spend quantity time with will rub off on you, but you can rescript your Life Story to change all that.
That Step One is a BIG one, isn’t it? Personally, I think it’s far quicker easier to pay for The Contribution Compass Profile and Debrief with me!
Motivational Mapping
Step Two is to use the Motivational Mapping Diagnostic. This is another assessment and debrief that opens the bonnet and looks at what drives your engine, your energy, your motivation. Do you know what motivates you? I can promise you, you will never be as fully happy as you can be unless you tap into these very different energy sources. In fact, if you’re in a role that requires a fuel that doesn’t suit your engine, it will be like putting unleaded petrol in a diesel engine… and we know that doesn’t end well. Of course, if you turn out to be like the Creator, you’ll need Plutonium! Great Scott, Marty!
James Sale, the originator of Motivational Mapping, identifies 9 fuels for motivation, and conveniently splits these into three categories.
The three broad groups are:
- Relationship Motivators,
- Achievement Motivators, and
- Growth Motivators…
...and very aligned with Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
The Relationship Motivators are:
The Defender – motivated by feeling secure. The Defender loves stability and predictability.
The Friend – fuelled by relationships – fulfilling ones! This is Maslow’s sense of belonging and connection, or simply good old-fashioned friendship!
The Star – energised by being in the spotlight and getting rave reviews! You’ve met the type, “Do Re Mi… me, Me, ME!” The type in networking meetings that just won’t shut up and who say things like, “That’s enough about me, what would you like to know about me!”
Seriously, to get the maximum performance from a Star, recognise their excellence, show them respect, and make sure they know how esteemed they are in the team. Give them certificates and public rewards!
The Achievement Motivators are:
The Director – driven by power, control, and influence – control of both people and resources which is why I think they are totally unsuited to 21st Century Leadership! I see this type way too often in a position of control (because that’s what they love) in a world that’s driven by collaboration. The Century of the Rugged Individualist was last century!
If you are this type, you can thrive and keep control… you just need to share it! Doh!
The Builder – built by material success. This motivator wants cash! It wants the good lifestyle and the above average living standards compared with others less ‘successful’ than itself. Not a big fan!
The Expert – drawn towards gaining knowledge and expertise, relishing master and specialisation. Learn, learn, learn – yummy!
The Growth Motivators are:
The Creator – those of us who must create, innovate, express the novel! This is a fuel that allows for quick burns – like a Rocket! Exhausting to be around for those who don’t ‘get’ this type. Oh, by the way, they find the rest of the types too slow and frankly boring, lacking imagination. If you think these types are compatible, think again. They can, however, work brilliantly together!
The Spirit – who is set free by freedom itself. These are those of us who need to be independent, calling the shots for directing their own lives. If you’ve watched the excellent 2013 remake of “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” – the Spirit is Sean O’Connell, a photojournalist played by Sean Penn. Well worth watching. Ignore the silly bits and get the message – if you’re a Spirit-type that is!
The Searcher – craves meaning and purpose and making a difference in the world. Each day must be ‘worthwhile’. This is why I will be talking about B1G1 – Business For Good in our Habit 6: Contribution.
Do you need to do the profile? You can make a very good guess of your top three motivators from the above descriptions but then you wouldn’t get the excellent debrief and direction from me or one of my team who can show you how to mine the maximum value from the Motivational Maps diagnostic!
That’s enough for this chapter on “Aptitude”. The point, I hope, is clear. Happiness flows and is sustained or fuelled by first knowing the direction you should head in (using The Contribution Compass and the 27 Questions), and secondly getting tanked up with the right fuel through Motivational Mapping…
Except, in true Columbo style, there’s one last thing.
For decades, I have shared an inspired system developed by Dr Susan Dellinger. It’s called PsychoGeometrics and you may have come across it delivered by well-meaning trainers who think it is free intellectual property! It isn’t. It is a trademarked and copyrighted system, and speaking from my own experience, every trainer I’ve seen deliver this who hasn’t been accredited by Dr Susan really doesn’t understand its depths.
As with the case of The Contribution Compass and Motivational Maps, it pays to know what you’re talking about – which translates to this little gem from Alexander Pope’s, “An Essay on Criticism,” (1709)
“A little learning is a dangerous thing;
“drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
“there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
“and drinking largely sobers us again.”
By the way, just in case, like me, you lack an education in the Classics, the Pierian Spring was believed to be the fount of knowledge! The Muses of Ancient Greece were said to play around it soon after their birth (according to Wikipedia!). Drinking deeply from it would bring inspiration though a sip would seem to merely intoxicate! This reminds me of the shelves full of training materials – Course Trophies – I’ve gathered over the years but have yet to dig deep enough into to reap the benefits. Do you have these, too?
Dr Susan’s system involves a rapid and intuitive choice of five preferences. It’s another hierarchy.
Simply put, you reorder these five shapes in order of personal preference:
- Box
- Triangle
- Circle
- Squiggle (a wavy line from top to bottom)
- Rectangle
To be explicit, my preferences have remained the same over the decades.
Namely, I like the Squiggle most, followed by the Circle, then the Triangle. The Box and the Rectangle, I find I am not drawn towards so they are my fourth and fifth preferences respectively. However, I find it fascinating that I love graph paper and symmetrical architecture! Go figure!
What are your preferences?
More importantly, what might they reveal about your Aptitude?
Dr Susan has consistently assured me that the intuitive test is 82% accurate around the world, regardless of culture or age or gender or education. I find this claim fascinating and not true for any other preference system such as numbers or colours. For example, if you’re Chinese, the dominant statistical numerical preference between 1-10 is 8! For Americans, Canadians, and just about every other culture in the Anglosphere, it’s 7!
Please do not proceed until you have put your shapes in order of preference.
As a reminder, Box, Triangle, Circle, Squiggle, Rectangle.
If we swopped an ‘X’ for the Squiggle, and forgot about the Rectangle, we’d end up with the symbols on the controller for a very famous Games’ Console, wouldn’t we? However, in practice the ‘X’ has negative associations for many and so doesn’t work psychogeometrically.
Here’s what your preferences say about your aptitude, at least in 82% of scenarios where people respond to this important ‘game’.
Box first? Perfect. Literally. You have an aptitude for perfection! “It’s got to be perfect!” as the song goes. You’ll be happy working on your own without pesky interruptions!
If a job is worth doing, it is worth you doing it because, as another lyric says, “Nobody does it better… baby, you’re the best!” Except, you don’t like being called, “Baby,” do you, Babe?
LinkedIn suits you, Sir… Ma’am. Business-like and no pointless pictures of coffee in a café none of us care about.
Triangle as your primary? Just like the UK’s road warning signs, it’s all about command and control. You like people, just like a triangle has, to get to the point… and frankly three points is enough. You have a secret ambition to slay anyone who puts more than three points on a slide. Tolerant? Nah! You do not suffer ‘fools’ gladly or easily or for long. I’ve see you on a Zoom call… zoned out, unless you’re speaking! Results focus! Why am I hearing, “Eye of the Tiger?” in my mind. Oh, yes, it’s because you’re a knockout! Punchy, precise, powerful!
“Getting Things Done,” by David Allen, is your favourite Business Book – either get stuff done or get out of the way. Happiness is an ex-To-Do list!
Twitter is pretty cool for you… Then you can Trump the competition!
Circle as your first focus? Yes… that’s right… you take your time… Why? Because you, “move in circles,” and it takes time to build relationships – especially in Influential Circles. “Know, Like, Trust,” is your mantra! “Getting to know you,” is your song lyric.
Where the Triangle type has certificates, awards, and trophies bedecking their workspace, you have a mini-fridge. In it are beverages you don’t even like… because they are not for you. They are for your guests.
And why would you need certificates when you can have hand-drawn works of art from your children and grandchildren, interspersed with pictures of these human gems in the diadem of your connections of friends and family! That’s what Facebook’s for.
Squiggle? Hey, you there! Put that Instagram away for a nano-second! You’re into Instaeverything! Fast paced, exhilarating, exciting, energised, enthusiastic… exhausted. You’ve got two speeds: supersonic and off!
You either love honey or you don’t, don’t you, Tigger? Where the Triangle is the Tiger of, “Eye of the Tiger,” fame, you are the Tigger of Winnie the Pooh fame. Fickle, you? Nah! Yes! No, I mean, “Nah!” or do I mean, “Yes!”? Like the Squiggle icon, you flex! All the *^$£* time! Creative, innovative, unbound by any frame – boundless in imagination, energy, and potential. Go you!
Ah, the Rectangle first?????? And this is where those who haven’t been trained by Dr Sues, don’t get it. The Rectangle is like yin and yang, light and shadow. If you’ve been forced into the Rectangle phase, you’re a reactive Rectangle because it is the frame for change.
Many people choose the Rectangle as a sign that they are shape-shifting. They don’t know if they are supposed to be a Box or a Triangle, a Circle or a Squiggle. Your first Supervisory position is likely to be a reactive Rectangle for the first three weeks. Suddenly your peers are now your direct-reports (ouch for the Circle), and you need to get results in a new way (Triangle says, “Bring it on!) You are not sure what your boundaries are so you may close the office door (nice new office, btw!) and in your Box, begin to focus on all the new policies and procedures you need to know!
*^@! This says your Inner Squiggle, all work and no play makes Jack, Jose, Jo, Jeff, and Jonesie a dull boy, girl, or neutral! So you go and buy doughnuts for the team and play Jenga so you can all bond…
Hmmm, I can imagine the confusion on the faces of your team. You don’t know your boundaries, so they don’t know their boundaries. But these things come to pass.
The Proactive Rectangle is a different animal. When you proactively choose the Rectangle, you are choosing flexibility and balance, and balance is power! The Proactive Rectangle has the call to action: “You can choose the shape you’re in!”
Happiness for the Proactive Rectangle position is to choose the right shape for the right scenario – just like we did as children with our shape sorter games!
Columbo's Conclusion... honestly!
There you go! I’ve given you some strong direction on a paid way forward (The Contribution Compass and Motivation Maps profiles with their professional debriefs) and the free way forward via PsychoGeometrics and my 27 questions inspired by Scott Dinsmore and other great questioners like Richard Bandler & John Grinder (NLP) and Dan Sullivan (Strategic Coach).
Why am I mentioning these specific names? Because someone did the same for me in the late 1980s. This was when I went on my first Corporate Training Programme and had the doors of happiness opened for me. The "Corridor of Happiness" would be a better description because it led to many doors:
- Transactional Analysis,
- Neuro Linguistic Programming,
- Customer Experience,
- Time Management,
- Philosophy…
...the list is endless but the recommended reading list at the end of this publication isn’t!
See you for the next habit, Habit 6: Contribution.
Improving Business & People Impact | Change Management | Culture Transformation | Strategic Mentor | Working with CEO's, CFO's, HR & Business Leaders
4 年I'm going to make a cuppa then try ?? hope your book is on audio though as that would be awesome ??