7 Habits of Effective CDOs - the Data Driven Architecture
Eddie Short
Chief Digital Officer. I work with People and harness Digital, Data & AI to consistently deliver a step change in results!
I've been working for 30 years in Technology and Digital Transformation, with the past 20 focused on Data, and in that time I've heard all of the jargon, Reporting, Business Intelligence, Visualisation, Data Warehouse, OLAP, Column, Graph Databases, Data Lake, Data Lake House, Data Mining, Advanced Analytics, Data Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence etc etc etc.
Having seen multiple iterations of similar technologies, and quite a few new disruptive ones, my philosophy has always been to embrace Technology Driven Change. To do that requires an Architecturally Driven Approach, as frankly to use a Car analogy it's no good buying the latest turbo charged or for that matter Electric engine, unless you have the chassis, wheels and instruments to support it. Likewise, I saw through my career so many new systems and transformations attempting to deliver, with no thought on Data and or the Reporting required to actually exploit and leverage the new platform.
At the heart of the Intelligent Business is an Architecture which goes beyond managing all of your data, to realise the vision of an architecture where Data masters Process and Technology to serve people. I'd like to explore that in thinking about two of today's hot 'Data Tech' buzz words are Data Mesh and Data Fabric:
These two concepts are being used to address Data Management, but I would like to think of them as how they address a truly Data centric business model. The picture at the top of this blog is my Conceptual Model for a (Intelligent Business) Data Driven Architecture. Logically it builds on the Data Fabric approach, and is, I believe is critical for businesses going future. Data Mesh will certainly allow functions and divisions of a business to manage their own data, but ultimately for an organisation to be sustainably competitive it needs to be able to leverage all of its data and manage that outside of all the enterprise business systems (whether Cloud or on premise).
By transforming your Technology Estate and migrating to a Data Driven (Micro Services) Architecture in the Cloud, you can realise massive efficiencies:
This is of course a massive change for most larger and mature businesses BUT if executed corrected can deliver the agility, flexibility and customer centricity of a start-up, to a mature multi-billion pound/dollar/euro business. Inevitably, it's a journey, which has to be driven around Value, AND this architecture is driven around the biggest source of Value - your Customers. If you want to compete with or partner with Amazon you need to start moving away from the Digital Models that have amounted to 'lipstick on a pig' (a nice web-site or App, hobbled by arcane legacy systems and bad data) and instead embrace the Intelligent Business/Data Driven Architecture.