7 Groundbreaking Studies That Will Change Your Perception On weight Loss

7 Groundbreaking Studies That Will Change Your Perception On weight Loss

In this article, I want to share with you facts that will change the way you look at weight loss. There is a lot of misinformation out there on how to lose weight. Below are seven unique recommendations that are based on multiple studies, these will help you tremendously with improving your health and losing weight for good.

1) You Snooze, You Lose...

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The first study shows us the surprising connection between sleep and weight. Many epidemiologic studies show that poor sleep leads to weight gain. In this study, they wanted to see how appetite will be promoted by restricting people’s sleep. The results were astonishing, the group of people who shaved off a couple of hours of sleep every night, started eating an average of 677 more calories a day compared to the normal-sleep control group!

677 more calories a day is a lot, this may be a major unknown to the public contributor to obesity.?

Many people overlook this aspect, but, if you’re looking to lose weight, prioritize your sleep, it’s as important as diet & physical activity.?

2) Diet Soda, Not What You Thought…

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There is, unfortunately, a big misunderstanding about artificial sweeteners, we all have thought that is just a sweet innocent substitute. However, large-scale population studies have found that artificial sweeteners, particularly in diet sodas, are associated with increased weight gain and abdominal fat over time.

They are so powerful that artificial sweeteners lead to a disconnect that develops between the amount of sweetness the brain tastes on the tongue and how much blood sugar actually ends up reaching the brain. Your brain feels cheated by the artificial sweeteners, figuring you have to consume more and more sweetness in order to get the calories it has anticipated. In the end, people end up eating more calories hours later to compensate for the “sweet trick”, leading to substantial weight gain.?

3) The Shocking Fat-Burn Accelerator

Did you know that the more brown fat you have and the more active it is, the thinner you tend to be?

Brown fat is a special type of body fat that is activated when you get cold. Brown fat produces heat to help maintain your body temperature in cold conditions.?

The special benefit of brown fat is its ability to use “regular” body fat as fuel. Excess white fat cells are the fat we want to burn and get rid of, but brown fat is located high in our chests and is essential for thermogenesis.

So how can you activate this metabolic booster?

Cold exposure is the most powerful known stimulus for BAT (brown adipose fat tissue) activation and amping up your metabolism. Try to aim for 11min per week, of deliberate cold exposure (cold shower, ice bath, cold lake, ocean, or any other safe submersion). Do this protocol for 3-4min per session, 3-4 sessions a week.

How cold? Think “I really want to get out(!) but I can stay in safely.”

4) How Fast Do You Eat?

A fascinating phenomenon happens when we take our time to eat, so much so that every one of a dozen population studies found that those who eat faster are at higher risk of obesity, approximately doubling their odds!

One study sent people home with a chew-recording device, a headband with electrodes placed over their jaw muscles (how cool is that!), and found that those scoring fewer chews had up to nine times the odds of gaining more than twenty pounds over the subsequent decades.?

Eating slower has a tremendous impact on lowering your caloric intake, increasing your satiety & satisfaction from a meal, and surprisingly reducing your cravings hours after the meal.?

You can increase the duration of a meal by the number of chews, decreasing bite-size and eating rate, or choose firmer foods that usually are consumed in smaller bites, eaten more slowly, and with longer chewing.

5) Same Burger, But 125 Calories Less. How?

Adding a healthy option to the menu can actually make people choose worse choices.

Wait, what?

Yes, a healthy option pushes people to make unhealthier choices! The title given to the paper describing this series of experiments is “Vicarious Goal Fulfillment: When the Mere Presence of a Healthy Option Leads to an Ironically Indulgent Decision.”?

The thinking is that just by seeing the salad or any other healthy option, have people make the mental note to choose that the next time, thereby giving them the excuse to indulge now.

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The halo of healthy foods is so powerful that it can even distort our perceptions. When weight-conscious people were shown a burger on its own and asked to estimate its calories, the average answer was 734 calories. What happened when people were shown the exact same burger, but this time, it was shown with three celery sticks? The estimated number of calories dropped to 619!

Be conscious and catch yourself when it happens, it happens to all of us and it has a tremendous effect on whether you achieve your weight goals or not.

6) Drinking Water. Is It Really Effective?

According to a national survey, “Drink plenty of water” was one of the weight control practices most associated with successful weight loss. The strategy was also associated with unsuccessful attempts at losing weight!

I know this is the most common tip health practitioners have when it comes to health & weight loss, but I thought knowing the degree of importance of drinking more water, will motivate you to adhere more to this crucial practice.?

7) Genes Don’t make you Fat

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Many people claim they are overweight because of their genes.

To date, about one hundred genetic markers have been linked to obesity, but when you put all of them together, they account for less than 3 percent of the difference in body mass index between people.

In the end, genes don’t play a big role, because this only appears to result in a difference in intake of a few hundred extra calories a year, while what it takes to lead a person to obesity is more like a few hundred calories a day.?

Genes don’t play a major role in your weight, what’s far more important is your diet, environment & physical activity. (Link to an article we wrote about genes and weight loss)

?? We hope you enjoyed today's article. If it helped you enrich your knowledge regarding this topic, make sure to like this article so more people can get this important information!



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