7 Good Reasons to use Symfony for Web Development

7 Good Reasons to use Symfony for Web Development

7 Good Reasons to use Symfony for Web Development

Symfony is a renowned and open-source framework with MVC (Model-view-controller) architecture. It is deemed perfect for developing high-end and complex applications. Symfony’s popularity has scaled new heights every year. It doesn’t involve tedious and complicated coding and that reduces the chances of errors and boosts productivity quite significantly.

Software development is always a challenging task including a myriad of intricate processes and when you have a less complicated framework at your disposal, you get rid of monotonous and extensive coding. That’s where Symfony is the real savior.

As you may have understood by now, developers love Symfony as it eliminates the need of writing the code. In fact, they can also their own modules and scale up the development process with growing needs. How amazing is that?

And that’s not all! This astounding framework also contains numerous components and advanced configuration to make you start ready.

Let’s glance through some more benefits of Symfony development and why you should consider it for your next project in 2022.

  1. It is user-friendly?

Symfony is an ideal framework that is highly user-friendly. As discussed earlier, it has MVC components that put you in the driver’s seat. With full control over all vital development features and configuration, Symfony has an edge over its other counterparts.

If you are looking to create dynamic and complex web applications, Symfony is the framework to go for.

Also, if additional features or functionalities are required to be added that can be done as well with sheer ease.

  • Customization

Another major reason behind Symfony framework’s popularity is customizability. It comes ready with a whole suite of features that allow you to customize the functionality of your application your way. OOPS service architecture is a mention-worthy feature that helps scale up your projects. Speaking of its customizability, there are 3 types of customization it offers which are- Brick by brick, Full stack, and Micro Framework.

Brick by brick customization comes in handy if you are specifically looking for some features that do not really need the whole framework. So, how does it help? You can build your own custom framework and build an application with your selected functions.

Full-stack customization, on the other hand, is preferred when developers need to develop a complex product with multiple functionalities.

Speaking of Micro Framework, there are times when you do not need the whole framework like is the case with a brick by brick customization. In this case, you can use Symfony 2 to develop functionality.

  • Stability

Symfony is known for exceptional stability and sustainability. Developers and businesses are encouraged to choose Symfony primarily because Symfony offers 3 years of support for some of the versions and secondly, it offers cutting-edge functional advantages.

It is compatible with the majority of APIs and Symfony 4 is extremely advanced. It comes loaded with a whole array of components that have already been tested in the most renowned PHP development projects.

  • Easy to test

Automated functional testing is one of the key advantages offered by Symfony. Also, unit-testing becomes a breeze as you have PHP Unit Independent Library at your disposal.

If there is one framework that is revered worldwide for behavioral, functional, and unit testing, that’s Symfony.

  • Re-usable and re-sharable bundles

As you may know, Symfony is denoted as a bundle. Each Symfony framework bundle boasts unique functionality. All bundles can be reused and also reshared with the community if need be.

Even the code can be modified to completely reconfigure the framework. Due to these reasons, Symfony has exemplary flexibility.

  • It is performance-centric

Symfony offers detailed documentation to make the development process easy for newbie as well as advanced users. Besides, easy configuration files such as YAML apart from advanced caching mechanisms make Symfony a cut above the rest. That’s because they help ameliorate systems performance by a significant margin.

  • Easy deployment

Symfony2 makes deployment a cakewalk and as a developer, you do not have to waste your time and resources on manual deployment. So, choose Symfony for your next big and bid adieu to hassle-free manual deployments.


To sum things up, it can be safely concluded that Symfony is one of the best frameworks for application development. If you are looking to kick-start your new project and have queries about Symfony web development services, feel free to get in touch with our Symfony developers.

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