7 Fun Twists on Setting New Years Resolutions
Ms. Shawn Bradford, MS Health Promotion
Corporate Wellness Teacher creating engaging and fun health promotion seminars and trainings for healthy minded businesses
- Borrow your child’s crayon box, call on your inner child and have fun sketching out a tree with long branches. On each branch write an intention for 2016. An intention is: “a thing intended; an aim or plan.â€
- Head over to your local craft store and grab poster board, paint and paint brushes. Have fun playing out your artistic side for an hour and draw out your vision for 2016. For example if you plan on buying a new house then draw a house and add as many details as you wish.
- Write a letter to yourself. Detail exactly how you envision 2016. Put this letter in an envelope, address to yourself, stamp and seal. Give this letter to a trusted friend to mail to you in 3 months.
- Are you trying to let something from 2015 go? A toxic relationship? Smoking? Over eating? Whatever you want to let go write on a sheet of paper. Then have a burning party and watch that bad habit go up in smoke. Good riddance bad habit and don’t come back!
- Write a list of everything you want in 2016. For example: exercise 10 minutes a day, mediate, laugh more, learn to knit, or career change are just a few examples. List as many things as you want. Cut each out and place in a jar. Each week randomly pick a scrap of paper and focus on that intention for the week.
- Have a vision board party. Have a few close friends over and ask everyone to bring several old magazines. Have fun cutting out words and pictures that speak to your heart and your dreams for 2016 by making a collage of your vision for 2016.
- Read a book about manifesting your dreams such as E2 by Pam Grout (a personal favorite). Try the experiments to prove that manifesting does work and then be inspired to make your vision for 2016 happen!
Make sure you post your resolutions/intentions where you will see them on a daily basis. Read them aloud. Believe them. And give yourself permission to change and adjust your dreams and visions as needed.
May 2016 bring you joy and abundance!
All the best, Shawn Bradford