7 figures in 8 months!! Woohooo!!!
Fabienne Fredrickson
Business Coaching ?? For 6-figure women in business serious about reaching 7 figures ?? Author of The Leveraged Business ?? TedX Speaker ?? Dynamic onstage ?? Business mindset expert ?? Prolific podcast guest
As we all collectively wind down what is left of summer and start getting into “September Mode” soon (even though I really, really like being at the beach right now), I simply couldn’t let you miss this inspiring update. :)
Today, I’d like to give you a boost of belief in the possibility of miracles by sharing with you another Boldheart 7-figure success!! Holy Cow! Watch this now:
Stacey has been working with us for the last four years. And when she arrived, she had a burning desire to get paid for what she loves to do, but she didn’t have a business. She didn’t have clients. She didn’t have revenue.
But just a week ago, something extraordinary happened. To hear what and how, watch our personal chat now, recorded less than a month ago!
8 months into 2017 and she has crossed the million-dollar mark in her business!
She did it! Less than one month after shooting this video!
Most people look at others who’ve done extraordinary things in their life and say that things like that “just happen” to certain people or that they were just lucky. There is no such thing as “luck.” Successful people make a decision to be successful, they seek out help and then take the next right step, again and again.
What would you be doing right now, today, if you knew that you would cross 7 figures just four years from now? How would you begin? Do you think you could do it on your own or would it require a little bit of help?
Most people can’t do it on their own. They need guidance and accountability. (I do too, which is why I always have at least one mentor I work with.)
Stacey has always said two things to me:
- “Fabienne, I know what gifts I came into this world with, and which ones I didn’t. You’ve got the marketing gifts and the experience to take me where I want to go for the big impact I’m here to make. That’s why I chose you to work with (plus, you’re a mom, happily married, and you have kids, so you GET me and my life).”
- “The reason I get results is that I do everything Fabienne tells me to do. Period. She’s already done all the work, vetted what works and what doesn’t, and I just do what she says…and it works.”
And I promise that Stacey will tell you that it was all worth it. Not only for herself and her family, but mostly for the countless people she has served through her work and will continue to serve in an even bigger way going forward.
Welcome to the Boldheart 7-figure Club, Stacey! You did it!!!!!
This is what we do here. And it is my greatest honor.
To your own 7-figure future,
P.S. If it is your time, if you are ready to start your journey in a supported, proven and systematic way, we are here for you. Let’s set up a time to talk now about your business and see if we can help. If we can’t, we’ll refer you elsewhere, promise. But what I know is that there is no other place like Boldheart Business, where you can start at $0 and make your way, with love, support and community, to $1MM in just four short years.
Go ahead and schedule a chat with a coach today. Go for it. It’s your time and I believe in you. xo
P.P.S. Go ahead and share this quote: