The 7-figure Manicure
I am so excited to spend the next week with my wife and 6 other amazing couples we have met over the past 9 years since joining Team Beachbody as a coach. As I logged onto Facebook today I read this post called the 7-figure manicure and it brought a flood of emotions over me today. Jennifer and her husband Michael are flying out today for Big Sky Montana for our 8th annual snowboarding friends trip. Jennifer was the 3rd coach to join my team when I was just a newb willing to learn and with a BIG dream of making $10,000 and bringing my wife home from work. Her initial goal of getting her nails done, led to a 7 figure business, one that allows them to travel to fun and amazing trips like we will be experiencing next week in Montana!
Scottie: So Jennifer – what time can I give you a call so we can go over your getting started information?
Me: { I have to talk on the phone } I thought to myself – I better choose a time I’m alone so my husband won’t make fun of me for signing up. Umm – 5:30?
Then the call…. should I answer or just send to voicemail? I guess I’ll answer.
Scottie: Hey Jennifer. I’m so pumped that you got signed up with us!! So what would you do if you could make an extra $100-$200/month?
Me: ohhh! That would be nice. I’d love to have enough to cover my shakes but also it would be awesome to make enough to get my nails done from time to time. That’s something I really miss being able to do.
Scottie: I believe that if you set that goal you’ll be able to achieve that and more. Just read they this Game Plan and commit to being here in a year.
Ok – so there was more conversation than that. BUT that question did come up and my response WAS getting my nails done. I hated feeling guilty for spending what little bit of extra money we had left at the end of the month. Or using the money my LEO husband was making from a million hours of OT jobs. I labeled this a 7 figure manicure because this one decision lead me to building a 7 figure business, In just 4.5/5 years. I hit my initial goal of some guilt free nail money and then kept going from there!! I started there and then with each goal I achieved I felt more confident to set a bigger one.
Start small! Take baby steps. And little by little you can find yourself achieving things you never dreamed possible. Dreams you thought had to be put by the wayside because too much time had passed. Nails are done and I’m ready to head out to Big Sky, MT this weekend!!I’m so glad I took your call that day Scottie!!
My friends, your DREAM doesn’t have to be BIG right now. You just need to have the passion for our workouts, health, fitness, and improving the mindset. If you have THAT and some debt or savings you want to build. Let’s start right there. However, just like Jennifer and I. You have to START.
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