7 Favorite Napoleon Hill Quotes

7 Favorite Napoleon Hill Quotes

  • You can listen to the author narrate this article here.

Napoleon Hill was born in Virginia in 1883, and he became one of the most influential authors on success. As a young man, he met Andrew Carnegie, an industrialist, and philanthropist. Carnegie challenged Hill to focus his research on discovering the formula for success. He accepted Carnegie's challenge, and the rest is history.

Hill’s work led to The Philosophy of Achievement presented in study courses and books. His writings include some of the best-selling books of all time, such as The Law of Success and Think and Grow Rich. His philosophies and practical ideas about achievement are among the most famous quotations used for personal development.

Here are seven of Hill’s quotes about vision, achievement, and success among my favorites.

“The starting point of all achievement is desire.”

Through the years I’ve encountered several people who did a lot of dreaming but did nothing at all toward realizing those dreams. Desire is a craving for something, and without it, there’s no motivation to act.

The desire to start an activity is the initial step toward accomplishing it. Without action, dreams can’t be realized, and goals won’t be achieved.

Zig Ziglar said, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

The first step toward greatness, or achieving anything, begins with desire. Do you have it?

“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”

Many endeavors are intrinsically difficult, and you may face numerous challenges pursuing your dreams. Patience is one key to achieving your goals.

Quitting early on is easy, persisting not so much. An attitude of patience coupled with perseverance enables a constant effort toward the desired outcome even in the face of difficulty or obstacles. 

Perseverance is "sticking to it long enough." Perseverance supplies the power to sustain your effort while enduring unrelenting challenges or setbacks. Perseverance prods and enables you to try again.

Thomas Edison said, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” He did that, thousands of times, and gave us a practical incandescent light bulb.

You can achieve success if you work hard and stick to it. Don’t give up and miss out.

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.”

One of the most well-known acronyms for goal setting is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Hill said that time—setting a deadline—is the key to transforming dreams into goals and aspirations into achievements.

I said above that some people do a lot of dreaming but take no action toward realizing their dreams.

Setting a due date for a goal gives you a target and can prompt you to get started. The impending deadline can motivate you to continue working toward reaching your goal.

We all have dreams. How many of yours are also actionable goals because you’ve set a due date for achieving the desired outcomes?

Convert your dreams into goals by putting them on your calendar. Today.

“Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.”

You may think that to achieve something greater you need a more significant opportunity, such as increased responsibility or a promotion. That might be the case. However, you may have more opportunity than you realize in your current position.

When I advise people on career development, I tell them one way to succeed now and foster opportunities for the future is to enlarge their current role. I often hear in response, “But isn’t job enlargement HR’s function?”

Human resources and organizational development professionals work together with line leaders to modify the scope of roles, but it’s usually to meet the needs of the organization, not to develop individuals. So, don’t leave your career development up to HR or your manager.

Find ways that you can enlarge your contribution and influence in your current role. You likely possess knowledge, skills, and abilities that you can use in innovative ways to expand and enhance what you deliver to your team, department, business unit, or the enterprise.

Begin exploring how you add more value to your team by leveraging your expertise in unexpected ways. You’ll be surprised how refreshing it is for managers to see such initiative.

“First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.”

Imagination is vision. Nothing gets done without vision. It is the first step in any endeavor.

A grand building began as a vision in the mind’s eye of the developer. An architect made the vision tangible in a blueprint. Builders made the vision manifest when they assembled materials according to the design plans. The developer's gratification comes when the idea initially conceived in vision ultimately is seen and experienced in reality.

Leaders must have a vision and convey it to their followers. An organization can succeed because of its leader’s vision. And, an organization can fail where its leader lacks vision.

Each of us must have a vision for our lives, where we are headed, what we hope to accomplish, how we want to manifest in the world, and what we want to add to the lives of others.

Vision begins in your imagination. So, what’s your vision?

“Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.”

Thomas Edison said, “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Successful people don’t cease their effort after encountering a setback or a complete failure. They continue working toward their desired outcome. In many cases, it was the immediate next effort that yielded the coveted reward.

You may have encountered numerous obstacles causing delay and disappointment in achieving an important goal. If you do much in life, failures are inevitable. Learn from them and continue moving forward.

Don’t stop with failure. Resume your effort, take the next step. Success may be right around the corner!

“There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.”

Henry Ford said, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.

Some people limit their contributions and accomplishments because they acknowledge limiting beliefs. Accepting such beliefs influences their behaviors, which in turn may prevent them from even trying to do things they’re capable of doing.

Here’s one of my quotes:

“Obstacles that impede you should be unavoidable and come only from external sources. Don’t create them yourself through negative self-talk that fosters limiting beliefs.”

Do a self-awareness assessment to discover any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Determine to replace them with empowering beliefs. You can choose what you believe.

Look at Hill’s quote in this section again and Ford’s as well. I advise you to believe that you can do a thing!

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  • Listen to author narrate this article here.
  • Get a PDF of this article here. Use the content for discussion with your colleagues in a team meeting or in class with your students.
  • Learn more about Napoleon Hill here.
  • These quotes and more are found at www.brainyquote.com.
  • You may also enjoy 7 Favorite Quotes from Zig Ziglar and Earl Nightingale.

Gary J. Lanham is an analyst in the Learning Group at OneMain Financial and an experienced manager, trainer, and presenter. He received his MBA from Winthrop University where he volunteers as a mentor in the Mentoring Business Minds program in the College of Business Administration. Gary helps people develop effective personal work styles by focusing on organization, prioritization, workflow, and time management. Follow Gary on LinkedIn or Twitter @GaryJLanham. Contact him at [email protected].

Learn more about Winthrop University at www.winthrop.edu. Follow on Twitter @winthropu.

Keywords: #achievement #failure #goals #patience #planning #success #vision

Global Quotes

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