7 essentials for writing content-rich pieces
I am one of those who wouldn't rant about circumstances. I’m more comfortable in writing about it, while drawing inferences from a certain research or study. As a writer, I have come across a variety of recruiters asking me to write a piece & send it across for review from their “superiors”.
As much I respect these experienced wizards who have far more knowledge than I have, I get disheartened when someone says, “Your writing is very Indian. With time we can help you get better at it”.
Now, honestly, and personally, I believe a natural way of writing is what makes a writer successful at their job. For me creative freedom is everything. Changes? Sure, I am open to a change in the way an article is perceived, a certain word that doesn’t match the article, or the tone going against the idea of the written piece. Trying to change my natural flow of writing? Well, that’s not something I would ever sign up for.
According to me, a writer needs to have the freedom of the following pointers in order to churn out well-researched, well-written & well-curated pieces.
- Fitting briefs & purpose of writing an article - Trust me, as a writer, it unloads a huge burden off the shoulders as I receive an accurate brief along with the purpose of writing an article. Even if that isn’t very clear to the client, a rough note of their thoughts helps immensely.
- Streamlined communication - As a writer if I am not communicated with very well, I feel lost. It may vary for you, but, for me, to have a clear picture of thoughts, aspirations, and goals to be achieved out of a piece stand most important. Communication helps in keeping a track of messages exchanged & tasks allotted which include the brief, purpose, and time of completion.
- Time to research - Research takes time, for, it needs time. I always make sure to read thoroughly about the topic, service, or product I am asked to write about. Taking time to research may help you in building a story-line with regard to your topic.
- Creative freedom - I am great with speaking about a topic while narrating a story. In a way, storytelling is my style of writing. However, I can alter to the way a piece is to be written. Guidance is a very good tool to amazing content. Give yourself enough freedom to write in your natural style.
- Using language that naturally aligns with the writing style - I cannot use words that I need to google their meaning for. I may repeat a word twice or thrice in my articles, however, I cannot use vocabulary that I am not accustomed to. I may add words to my vocabulary every now & then. However, if it isn’t what I picked up, it may hamper the quality of my article.
- Being open to criticism - Hail, critics! I am a huge fan of critics. The feedback as received to improve on a piece can do wonders. However, enough nagging can turn into demotivation & play with the psyche of a writer. Thus, for me, critics play a huge role in being motivators.
- Getting credit - Okay, to most, this point is where one can compromise. Of course, the NDA said I cannot disclose the content allotted to me. However, the NDA also speaks of asking permission to send it as a sample for credibility. Hence, give credit, and take credit.
So, these are some of the points I think are necessary for writers. I would love to get your suggestion & feedback on any of the points. Feel free to tell me about other essentials for writers apart from writing.