The 7 Epic Events of History
by Ken Simmons
With 2020 now behind us, and with many saying good riddance to a year that was hit with a global pandemic that has claimed the lives of some 3.7 million people worldwide, and in the U.S. burning, looting, and murder from groups such as MS-13, the Marxist organization known as Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, open borders, gender confusion, and a rush toward socialism, all of which is tearing at the very fabric of America, we need to put things into perspective on a much, much larger scale.
When we ponder some of the most epochal events in history we typically remember the American Revolutionary War that set in motion the creation of the United States of America, or the Civil War which ended in 1865, but which took more than 100 years before the shackles of slavery of black Americans began to be broken. Then there were World Wars I - II during which more than 50 million people died – events such as these all come to mind.
But this writer makes the case that events such as these were but footnotes in history compared to the seven events that are the subject of this article. Follow along as we make the case for seven events that overshadow everything, before or since.
This event tops the list due to the very nature of the event itself. Virtually everything that exists in the universe today began when God spoke the words, “Let there be” and everything was created from nothing. Before everything came into being – there was nothing. He who always was, the Uncreated One -- spoke. And in an infinitesimal instant He created both space and time. It is hard for us to imagine something of that magnitude. Prior to that time there was no time, and before that instant there was no space. In that instant “nothing” became “everything.”
At that moment God created all of the energy, which in turn created all of the matter -- in the universe! Maybe Einstein got this one right -- E-mc2.
To put that in perspective, imagine if you will all of the matter just on our home, the earth. The words "trillions" and “quadrillions” don't even come close. It’s too staggering to comprehend, but try to extrapolate that to all of the matter in the estimated 400 billion stars in our galaxy, The Milky Way. Now, try to wrap your head around the approximately 170 billion galaxies in the universe, with the trillions of stars and an unimaginable number of planets. It is likely true when the scientists say there are more stars in the universe than all the grains of sand on the earth. This "All-Knowing God" knows how many atoms make up the universe. It's mind-numbing, but that is the purest definition of omniscient. He who always was spoke the words “and it was so” and everything was created from nothing.
From the dust of the ground God created a man, and from that man He created a woman. Every human being that exists today, and all those that came before them, are the result of that life giving moment when He breathed “the breath of lives” into their nostrils and they became living, sentient beings with the awesome ability to create new life. They were, in effect, the life spring of the species we call the human race, and they were created in the likeness of God that they might be a reflection of the glory of the Almighty, the I AM that I AM. These were beings created with God's likeness, Spirit, Soul, and Body.
We all know the story. The devil first tempted Eve, who then in turn tempted Adam, persuading him that the words of Satan might be true. She convinced him that if they ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they might not die after all. Satan had told them “You will not certainly die . . . for God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Throughout all of human history this was the first lie ever told. Think about that for a moment. How many billions of lies have been told by mankind throughout history, and this lie was the very first one. Adam and Eve already knew “good” – but now Satan was now going to teach them “evil.” (See Genesis 3:1-6). This was a cataclysmic event that forever changed humankind, after which no one would ever be the same.
It is because of this very event that you will learn that it became necessary for mankind to go through another change, i.e., a metamorphosis reversing the events that occurred in the garden. Jesus would later call it – being “born again.”
The birth of Jesus had a greater affect than any other birth in the history of mankind. No one, not Buddha, Mohammed, or any philosopher or great world leader that parted the womb had such an impact on the world. That singular birth was accurately and in great detail foretold by more prophets than any in history. Many scholars believe there are more than 300 prophecies that accurately predict the birth of Jesus, His ministry, His miracles, His crucifixion, and His resurrection from the dead.
Angels announced His arrival, and wise men came from far away to see the Son of God. Even His birth changed the way we divide time, from the years before Him, and the years after Him. His was the life that changed the world.
His teachings in the Sermon on the Mount have had such a great impact on human life that philosophers, governments, and laws have been written predicated on those principles. It was the teachings of Jesus that impacted Abraham Lincoln to such an extent that he determined to end slavery once and for all. The United States of America was formed to honor God and Christian principles, and His teachings were the cornerstone of the Bill of Rights.
Jesus, who gave up His position in the Godhead and became a flesh and blood man, and who called Himself “the Son of Man,” performed miracles not as God, but as a man, who had to exercise faith even as we must exercise faith if we desire to see miracles. Yes, even He was tempted even as we are tempted, but throughout his thirty-three years He never yielded and He lived a life without sin. His sayings are quoted by more people around the world than that of any person who ever lived.
Jesus, who once said “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven,” (see Luke 10:18) knew He had an enemy who was out to destroy Him. After His baptism by John in the River Jordan, Satan tempted Him, knowing that if he succeeded he could rule the world without any interference from Jesus, the Christ. Failing in his attempts to tempt Jesus, he plotted again to destroy Him once and for all. He must have thought to himself, “I know, I’ll kill him. I will use all of my powers and have Him crucified. That will be my greatest victory!”
But there was a problem with Satan’s plans – and Jesus knew those plans from the beginning. He knew that when Satan riled up the people to have Him crucified Satan’s foul plan would be turned upside down, resulting in the Devil’s ultimate, eventual defeat. He not only told of His upcoming death, He volunteered for it, deliberately traveling to Jerusalem where He knew he would be hanged on a tree. His crucifixion, and His resurrection from the dead, was an event that was witnessed by more than 500 people over a period of 40 days, and was even confirmed by the secular writer and observer Josephus, who lived in the time of Jesus.
Very few, even of those who call themselves Christian, know that when Jesus said “It is finished” as He breathed his last breath, He then carried all the sins of mankind, descended into hell, ripped the keys of death from Satan, making an open spectacle of him, conquering death, hell, and the grave, so that those whose lives have been surrendered to Him would never have to stand before a righteous God and hear the words – “GUILTY!”
For those who remain faithful to the end no earthly suffering can compare to what awaits believers. They await – THE PRIZE!!
This 7th and last event will be the greatest of all the events that have taken place in human history. When Jesus first came to earth He was the sacrificial Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of mankind. When He returns He will be coming back as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, returning in triumph as He sets foot on the Mount of Olives, and that very mountain will be split in two. His return will be heard around the world as the trumpet of God sounds so that every living creature will hear it, and all the earth will hear a shout from heaven. Jesus Himself will return as the King of kings, and establish His kingdom for a thousand years. The nation of Israel will mourn because they rejected Him as their Messiah, but Israel will be restored forever.
In the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, Satan himself will be cast into the lake of fire where he will remain for a thousand years, who is then released for a time to raise havoc on the earth once again for a season, and God Himself will crush this rebellion and Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire, which was created for him and his rebellious angels who became demonic spirits, and they will experience final punishment that will last forever and ever without end.
I have done my best to explain the impact of these seven events. They are by no means complete, as these events could fill the pages of a thousand books. I can only hope I have done it justice. – Ken.