7 Dimensions of Money

As a financier that works with companies around the world, money is my daily business in the same way that software is the daily business of a software company.

As a result of this, I am always interested in knowing as much as I can about this concept of money because this will help me uncover solutions and opportunities for my clients because as I always say that success in any area lies in the gap between perception and reality and our ability to perceive differently will help us to overcome our competitors and dominate our niche.

You may say to me, 'Evans, dimensions of money, is this not all tosh, after all what has this got to do with the real issue of making and spending money'.

The answer is very simple, each dimension of money opens up a unique vista through which we can see money and this in turn opens up opportunities for us to serve people better and be more successful in life and in business.

To give an example, there is a social dimension to money and this is only beginning to be exploited by crowdfunding and other Fintech applications because one of the benefits of the social dimension of money is that there is group validation whether it is investing through a crowdfunding website into a business or a social venture.

The person investing feels that they are part of a new and popular movement that also allows them to make money and do something good for society, even within this social dimension, there are multiple layers. I see money as having multiple layers within multiple layers where one is never sure about anything.

Money is at once a very simple concept and at the same time a concept of indescribable complexity because the pieces underlying the concept of money continues to change and shift just like in quantum mechanics.

This is why doing business is such an art form because one is never sure what is the critical driver of your client's beliefs about money especially as this will shape their perception about you and the deal you are offering them.

In this respect, it is totally plausible to negotiate to buy a $1 million commercial property for $50 thousand dollars because you have identified successfully the seller's predominant view about money and finance at that moment.

We all have a predominant view or dimension of money and while this can be said to be linked to our personality, it also goes much deeper into the core of our being and it is directly linked to who we are and what we are on this earth to accomplish as we are all here to fulfill a definite purpose that will give our life meaning, direction and substance.

Over the next 7 days, I will speak more about each of the main dimensions of money but today I want to end with another example of the various dimensions of money. One of the main dimension of money is the cultural dimension and within this, there is a sub dimension of religion.

Religion has shaped the evolution of the concept of money throughout history especially when you consider that the first bank like institutions and treasuries were temples to various gods so unlike in the modern liberal tradition, for many people especially in the East, there is still a irrefutable link between their faith and their money.

A prominent example is Islamic finance, Islamic financial instruments globally was valued at $1.9 trillion in 2016.

It has seen its growth mirror the general disillusionment of the masses with modern finance as practiced in the West because the core principles are fairness, justice and community development.

When one looks at the historical development of finance, these same principles were also at the core of the early Christian and Judaic understanding of finance whereby it was understood that finance is a tool to assist and build people and nations not as a weapon to destroy, this was the main reason for the prohibition of the charging of interest in early Christian finance which is also a fundamental part of Islamic finance.

This is because the charging of interest is a hidden tax on the labors of others and almost every major religion has interpreted that the use of money simply for the goal of collecting interest is ungodly and has no positive utility in society.

While on the other hand, investing and sharing in the risks and rewards of business ventures is the best and highest use of money.

This is a view I agree with because as a society, we have grown up with the concept of interest and do not question it but wonder why gaps continue to grow between the rich and the poor and additionally why more and power people are falling into poverty. The simple answer is interest.

Therefore, as I said earlier, success is in the gap between perception and reality. People of various religious persuasions have over history shaped their money and financial systems to be congruent with their religious faith. In this time in history, this is just the right environment for more people to begin to create and develop currencies, financial instruments and financial systems to meet the particular needs of particular segments in society and over time, these will eventually shift and temper the hard edges of capitalism as we know it in the liberal West.

When we speak further about the legal dimensions of money, I will further examine what are the legal implications of investing in Islamic finance and also how other nations and people who are not Muslim can return back to the core understanding of the fundamental principles of money in order to create instruments that empower and create righteous and vibrant societies.

Speak more tomorrow


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