7 Different Things You Can do, When You Are Angry:

In 775 crore of population, we are facing very different and difficult situation every day. Some time we get happy, nervous, stuck, sad, and some times we even get angry. Every time we are reacting with different emotion in different situation. And when we got angry, then some time we lose friends, respect, and also we lose our favorite ones. Every one wants to control their anger. Some time we get success in that, but some times we not. Here I will provide 7 ways that will help to react and control your anger.

  • Recognize Your Response To Anger: Some time situation gets out of control when we react in angry. And small things become big. It changes good relationship into toxic. If you are achieve success to control your self, a lot of things don't go bad. If you visualize, what will happen, when you are response in angry, what type of condition will create. And if you are not visualized, you will lose your control on anger, and you will react. Is called that money attract more money, so if you are angry and react then opposite person will also get angry and react. So next time before when you are getting angry, please imagine the result of your reaction.
  • Use Relaxation Exercise: In medical language, when we are getting angry, our blood pressure and heart rate increase. And we all know that high blood pressure is harmful for our health. Here I will share some exercise that will help you to distract from your anger.

  1. Meditation: It is the process of detoxification of our mind. Meditation will help you to divert your thought process, and help you to convert negative into positive thoughts.
  2. Deep Breathing: It is the exercise which help to control your blood flow, clam down your anxiety, increase your energy level. Deep breathing will also help you to clam down your anger. This exercise will give you a time to clear your thoughts and your mind.
  3. Mindfulness: It is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you are sensing and feeling in the moment.

  • Understand Why You Are Feeling Angry: As said that before understand other, first understand yourself. Because we want reason for express our each feeling. And after we getting the reason, we are react according to our understanding. But anger is the emotion in which we can understand the reason of anger after we react. And if the situation has deteriorated to such an extant that can't handle whole situation without angry, so you can go and get angry. But if the situation is easy to control, and you are reacting in anger, then you will lost a lot. So here I want to say that before reacting first you have to understand why you are angry right now? What you want? What is the impact on other when you are react.
  • Follow Your Hobbies: Such a work that gives you happiness, such a work that you don't no how the time has gone, such a work who gives you piece and focus that we call them a hobby. Your hobby will easily divert your mind. Following hobbies is promoting better health and low risk of having high blood pressure. And anger will increase your blood flow and pressure, but your hobby opposite works. So when you are getting angry just follow your hobby.
  • Use Anger As A Fuel: At the age of 20 to 30 people have high energy and potential. But at that age because of hormones, criticisms, problems and destruction people are getting angry in small matter and waste their energy. But if you are at the middle of age 20 to 30 then you can use that energy as a fuel. That energy will help you to boost your business(If you are doing a business). Also it will help to enhance your limitation and explore your mind. So next time when you are getting angry, remember you have also another way to use that anger.
  • Take Time Off: In our busy schedule, we are working 10 to 12 hours a day. But some times we are getting stuck because lack of support in our job/business. In that time we are getting angry because don't work any kind of idea to overcome from that situation. So we are getting angry in that situation. When we are stuck some problem for overcome you have to explore your brain, and before explore you have to give rest your brain. So take some relaxation time off from your work. It will also help you to increase your brain power.
  • Throw Or Break Something: Anger is that's the thing is you don't get peace of your mind until you remove that anger from your mind. There are different ways to remove your anger. If you break or throw something is the one of the best way that will help you to rid from anger. But don't throw any kind of expensive/precious and important things. Because breaking precious things will also break hearts who your love ones. At last after breaking that important thing your relationship will also break with love ones who get hurt by you. This way will give you relief and peace of mind.


