7 definite steps to give Life to your ideas.

7 definite steps to give Life to your ideas.

The late Dr Myles Munroe spoke these thoughts provoking words to his audience " The cemetery is the richest mine which could ever been discovered. Not a uranium mine from South Africa, not the golden mines of Ghana nor the diamond mines of Congo but rather a mine of Ideas''. If only a the cemetery could be the mine of ideas, my guts tell me they would discover cures to AIDS and even to Covid19. Many are those who see their ideas die on their lips as they come out. Ideas are as worthless as the lips which spoke them absence of actions to follow through. Bringing ideas to life is comparable to a giving one's self a new beginning, a new pathway leading to a new destination. Bringing an idea to life is therefore a breath of fresh air in our lives, it is source of confidence, a step away from complacence, a step closer to self fulfillment and greatness. How does one bring an idea to life?

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1-Find your purpose

The first step is to determine the purpose of the realization of this idea. Purpose is defined as the aspiration of an inspiration. What is the aspiration of your inspiration? In other words, what would the realization of your idea serve for? You didn't come to this world to fill a gap, you came here to create your name and leave a mark. When the objective is clear, the certainty and confidence to pursue it grow firmer.

An idea without purpose is useless.

2-Create your dream, dream as big as possible

It is said that the higher the goals, the higher the success, but I would suggest you build an idea and then a staircase to your dream. Now take baby steps towards your destination. Very carefully, focusing on your dream, take little steps. Set small goals, but stay focused, do not deviate from your path, keep your eyes on the main goal and keep going.

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3-Believe in your dreams

Believe, and you are halfway there. It is crucial to have confidence that you are the chosen one for this purpose, and you will do it no matter what. Nothing can stop you until you believe in yourself.

4-Create your vision

Your vision should be bright and vivid. Your eyes shall stay on your goal only, no distractions, no shortcuts, just love for your purpose, passion for your dream.

5-Set your goals,

Set small goals that will lead to your dream. These small targets are easy to achieve, and when you accomplish on a step, it encourages you further to keep moving forward.

6-Have an action plan

Work smarter, not harder. Strategies building is also an art. You make a strategy, follow your plan. If you succeed, you get encouraged. And if you fail, you get to learn a lesson. So it is a hit and trial method.

A vision without a strategy remains an illusion." Lee Bolman.

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6-Take action and revisit and take action again

Now it is time to put all your efforts in the right orientation. Gather up all of your energy and keep that dream in your mind. Now start implementing your strategy and keep your heart and soul open for every kind of experience and response. This is how life is, unpredictable and vague, but when you put enough effort, you are sure that you'll be rewarded no matter what. It is said that intelligence can fail, but hardwork can never fail.

7-Feedback and repeat the process

Once you cover a milestone, take a little recap of your journey so far. Reconsider every step you took. I would suggest you keep an account of what things helped you make your task easier and what were the factors that made things worse. It. Will help you remember the mistakes you made and the lessons you learnt.

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No matter what,we have to pay the price to feed our stomach but make sure it does not cost you your dreams and ambitions. Always know your worth and never settle for less. Be sure that you will get what you deserve, so work hard to earn the best.

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