Stanis?aw PIGO? ????????
Consultant and trainer | Strategy, innovation, management consulting | Keep smiling! I U?miechaj si?!
Part 1 - CORONATION Mirror, mirror on the wall is UNIDO the fairest of them all??
As the Organization has entered the second biennium of #Müllerism era, the Member States - 50 of them were deprived of voting rights prior to the 20th General Conference at the end of 2023 - keep wondering what happened with #Multilateralism. Has #ProgressOfOpportunism already replaced the Organization’s well-heralded motto of #ProgressByInnovation?
The first biennium of #Müllerism was flooded by waves of populistic propaganda and promises of reforms, while a tsunami of “Nur für Deutsche / For Germans only" promotions and appointments brought the Organization into iron German grips. However, the #Müllerism revealed also its more human and innovative face (comparing with the Vienna-based UN Organizations' standards, code of ethics and anti-nepotism best practices): the UNIDO First Couple travelled globally in a truly royal style - always smiling, always with a large entourage of waiting maids and pageboys.
This blog article presents some of the most blatant "achievements" of the Organization since His Majesty King Gerd’s coronation, while #UNIDO disguised as #FitForTheFuture actually becomes #FatForTheFuture.
Has the UNIDO Leadership learned anything from the biggest abuse of power and corruption scandal in United Nations history, i.e. the devastating UNOPS disgrace? That started with the blockage of internal controls, oversight and independent evaluations, persecution of whistleblowers, and hefty rewards of faithful followers who blindly assisted in fraudulent financial operations inflicting heavy losses of tens of millions dollars. Time reveals the truth.
Check for upcoming updates of this blog article. For an easy reference / comparison please also consider viewing documents, including a long list of election campaign promises, chronicled at the “UNIDO DG Election" LinkedIn discussion group .
The #Müllerism trilogy: SEVEN DEADLY SINS.
Part 1 - CORONATION, published January 5th 2024, 13 episodes
Part 2 - ELECTIONS, save the date, starts end of February 2025
Part 3 - ABSOLUTION, publishing date TBD.
"UNIDO, #UNIDO above all, above all else in the world !" or "#Müllerism, #Müllerism above all, above all else in the world ... über alles, über alles in der Welt!" Which does matter more?
In Ancient Greece trilogy meant a series of three tragedies performed one after the other.
Stories that matter are better. Better stories told with a smile matter more. #KeepSmiling!
June 30, 2024
#ProgressByInnovation: How many of his ex-subordinates has the ex-Minister of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), now the UNIDO DG, appointed with the seniority-in-grade requirements waiver? ??
Will a new #UNIDOGender Director (Director of the Division of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment at UNIDO HQs in Vienna) request that women are also eligible for the 2 years' fast-track P3 (junior professional) to D1 (director) promotion at #UNIDO?
Will H.E. European Union Ambassador to the UN Organizations in Vienna ( on X) of ( on X) offer his support?
Seven Deadly Sins ??
#Müllerism #Multilateralism #UNValues #Transparency #GIZ #BMZ #WomenEmpowerment #EmpowermentFemminile #EmpoderamentoFeminino #ParitàDiGenere #IgualdadeDeGêneros #W20 #Women20 #Women #UNIDOGender #ProgressByInnovation
W20 Brazil W20 - Women 20 Delegazione italiana Publish What You Fund PassBlue Transparency International Serious Fraud Office (UK) Ausw?rtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) UNIDO ITPO Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF
June 29, 2024
#ProgressByInnovation: Extraordinary strides of #Müllerism in UNIDO's young professionals promotion bring extraordinary interest.
1. The latest breaking news is the #Müllerism almost miraculous achievement. It is most probably a historic record in the entire United Nations system! In just 2 years, the junior UNIDO staff member - in June 2022 still the P3 level advisor to one of MDs - has leapfrogged or smoothly passed P4, P5 (senior officer) levels to assume D1 (director) post with flying colours. In the past, UNIDO officials had to pass ca. 15+ years of a merit-based internal promotion scheme to achieve D1 prestigious position; 1 of 13 at present (except for professionals jumping in from outside or political appointees).
2. How encouraging this could be for young professional women in #UNIDO, as well as for a newly appointed Director of the Division of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment at UNIDO HQs in Vienna !? Could anyone imagine more ingenious "welcome back to HQs" surprise, when a new Director opens her office doors in Vienna, as soon as farewell rites finish in Addis Ababa?
3. Now the Director just needs to make sure all female P3 posts holders follow that fantastic promotional scheme already well-established in #GenderEquality reality of UNIDO, the #Müllerism style.
4. Et voilà! It's as simple as that. Only three, fully transparent conditions have to be met for a young woman to be promoted - faster than ever - from UNIDO's P3 level (or other junior professional) to D1 level (director), namely: i. she has to support the BMZ-in-exile team within UNIDO zealously committed to the Organization's historic quest for overthrowing the regime in Berlin; ii. she has to be German (double citizenship also counts); and iii. she has to be a man.
Stories that matter are better. Better stories told with a smile matter more. #KeepSmiling!
#UNValues #GIZ #BMZ #WomenEmpowerment #EmpowermentFemminile #EmpoderamentoFeminino #ParitàDiGenere #IgualdadeDeGêneros #W20 #Women20 #Women #UNIDOGender
W20 Brazil W20 - Women 20 Delegazione italiana Publish What You Fund PassBlue Transparency International Serious Fraud Office (UK) Ausw?rtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) UNIDO ITPO Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)
June 27, 2024
#ProgressByInnovation: Is the UNIDO Leadership underpaid, exploited by excess responsibilities, exhausted by never-ending travel hardships and burned out due to work overloads? This, or maybe the other question would be more relevant. Does the gluttonous,?bureaucratic, overblown UNIDO's managerial structure provides good value for Member States’ and Donors’ money?
1. Both the External Auditor Report and the Independent Oversight Advisory Committee Report have exposed the unprecedented EUR 22.15 M (million) forex loss in 2023. What more, during the same year UNIDO has suffered the 99.18% decrease in operating surplus mainly due to increase of operational costs by EUR 16.64 M as compared to 2022. What has happened with that beautiful promise the UNIDO propaganda has trumpeted up to the heavens : "Director General’s reforms make UNIDO an organization #FitForTheFuture" ?
2. Actually, as per the latest reorganization (already the second in 2.5 years) UNIDO is getting #FatForTheFuture. The key management personnel's remuneration disclosure is already outdated, as a new Directorate, with another DDG and plenty of overlapping functions was added.
3. The latest DG's Bulletin also sends a strong message to UNIDO's young, talented, well-educated and hard-working women. Now, they can enjoy a fast track to #GenderEquality in UNIDO, the #Müllerism style. Only three, fully transparent conditions have to be met for a young woman to be promoted - faster than ever - from UNIDO's P3 level (or other junior professional) to D1 level (director), namely: i. she has to support the BMZ-in-exile team within UNIDO zealously committed to the Organization's historic quest for overthrowing the regime in Berlin; ii. she has to be German (double citizenship also counts); and iii. she has to be a man.
4. The disclosure of top management personnel's remuneration is an accounting tip of the iceberg. If Austrian yellow press journalists published details of all tax free perks and hidden privileges they would shock true believers in how some fighters alleviating global hunger through industrialization do suffer.
5. After the #UNIDO Member States eventually forced the Organization to comply with Result Based Management rules, its present 2024-2025 biennium budget lists five main results. Result 4 is "Effective Strategic Management for Results" (5.6% the budget) and Result 5 is "Excellence of Corporate Services and Operations" (6% of the budget). In nominal values that amounts to EUR 35.49 M and EUR 37.71 M respectively, ca. EUR 73.2 in total, all contributed by Member States and Donors.
6. Is the UNIDO Leadership underpaid?
PassBlue European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) Ausw?rtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) UNIDO ITPO Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Screenshot: The External Auditor Report 2023 ??
June 20, 2024
#ProgressByInnovation:?When UNIDO DG and UNIDO Financial Services Director have jointly inked that the Organization lost EUR 22.15 million (sic!); an unprecedented blow, among others, to #UNIDO mission of fighting hunger through industrialization.
1. Diversification of financial portfolio to reduce risk of forex (foreign exchange) losses is taught at basic level courses of economic and financial faculties. Does the UNIDO Leadership suffer from a substantial gap of basic financial knowledge?
2.?UNIDO experienced a significant forex loss of EUR 22.15 M in 2023, which resulted in the Organization reporting an overall deficit of?EUR 22.04 M during that year. According to the Organization propaganda and statements made by DG himself, 2023 was a very successful year. Over EUR 22 M drained through the financial mismanagement sewage pipes! Has any internal procedure been triggered to find out who is responsible? How thick is a carpet in the UNIDO Evaluation and Internal Oversight (EIO) Director's office?
3. What does a deafening silence of ambassadors of the UNIDO Member States mean? Surely, no country would like to see its nationals, political appointees holding highest-ranking UN positions, to be investigated for potential complicity in wasting over EUR 22 M of public funds.
4. What would happen if EUR 22 M deficit have devastated finances, for instance, of Kansallisgalleria | Finnish National Gallery instead of UNIDO? Would the #Finnish financial control and anti-corruption institutions investigate, and responsible official(s) face?possible criminal charges?
5. In the UN system, officials with large 6 digits tax free annual salaries (often doubled by other perks and privileges) enjoy immunity against outside prosecution for abuse of power and financial wrongdoings. The cash mountain that the UNIDO's accountable officials i.e. DG, DDGs/MDs and CFO control is a huge one.?The statement of financial position as of 31 December 2023 shows EUR 512.13 M in cash and cash equivalents; all contributed by Member States and Donors to benefit developing countries that the Organization was established to serve, not to thrive on and exploit them.
6. The Programme and Budget Committee - that held its 40th session on June 10 to 11 - is an advisory body to the Industrial Development Board (IDB), the Policymaking Organ. Will all 53 IDB Member States' representatives stand up at the opening of its 52nd session in November, hailing the UNIDO Leadership? #Müllerism, #Müllerism above all, above all else in the world ... über alles, über alles in der Welt!
Screenshots: the External Auditor Report 2023 ??
Publish What You Fund PassBlue Transparency International Serious Fraud Office (UK) Ausw?rtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) UNIDO ITPO Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
June 14, 2024
#Müllerism vs. #Multilateralism: UNIDO, UNIDO above all, above all else in the world ! When power holders of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and UNIDO shake hands with German opposition politicians ahead of the 2025 elections.
1. In 2025, two elections will coincide: one of the UNIDO DG, the other of the German Chancellor. Which one the UNIDO First Lady keeps her eyes on?
2. After German voters had kicked out their previous Government, many Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) officials emmigrated to Vienna, following their ex-Minister who was just appointed as UNIDO DG. Not coincidently. The history of the BMZ-in-exile began with hefty contracts from UNIDO; the control of political developments at home has never ceased. What will happen after the 2025 elections? Time reveals the truth.
3. The Organization’s Annual Report 2023 broke sensational news. In a single year, Germany outclassed all bilateral donors becoming the number one funder of UNIDO's technical cooperation (TC) projects. So the illusory truths of propaganda imply. According to accounting data the Germany's actual funding was ca. 6 times smaller. UNIDO propaganda masters have simply changed reporting criteria. How smart, isn't it? Illusory versus accounting truths. Which one the UNIDO's Chief Financial Officer keeps her eyes on?
4. The key funding miracle's partner is the GIZ Management that signed 5 grant agreements (3 in December). Declaring the #GIZ incapable and incompetent to spend all its funds, the power holders effectively reversed decisions of the incumbent #BMZ Minister: redirecting allocated funds. How likely is that German state auditors and anti-corruption institutions have already started monitoring if any part of the "miracle money" is not being used to finance the opposition's election campaign, for instance, through UNIDO ITPO Germany in Berlin, under a grip of the BMZ ex-spokeperson? Time reveals the truth.
5. In November 2024, the UNIDO's Policymaking Organ i.e. Industrial Development Board convenes to discuss strategic directions for the Organization and prepare UNIDO's 2025 election. How likely is that Member States from #EU, enlarged #BRICS or G-77 Vienna Chapter will endorse joint GIZ and UNIDO interference during the German 2025 elections to help opposition overthrow the present "German dictator and his regime", while their ambassadors will accept that a rot of #UNValues, a lack of #Transparency and possible corruption of public funds are unavoidable collateral costs of achieving SDGs? Time reveals the truth.
6. Will dreams of the UNIDO First Lady come true after the 2025 elections? Time does reveal the truth.
Spotlight links 13/2024 ??
#ProgressByInnovation #PublishWhatYouFund PassBlue Devex Transparency International Ausw?rtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany
Photo source and ??: UNIDO on X and
April 18, 2024
#PortraitsOfProsperity on #TBThursday: "O tempora! O mores!" Oh, the times! Oh, the customs! – exclaimed Cicero in 70 BC. Two millennia later, an idiomatic rendering in English is "Shame on this age and on its lost principles!" Does it apply to United Nations and what is happening now with #UNValues?
1. A year and a half ago, the UNIDO DG vowed to make the Organization #FitForTheFuture and declared that “the 'new' UNIDO would be a modern, leaner and more effective organization”. He pledged to overcome difficult financial situation by “a decrease in operating costs, improvements in internal processes and increased efficiency”. Two of six D2 posts - the managerial highest, including one post of Managing Director who was his internal competitor in elections - were cancelled. Everyone applauded.
2. During covid pandemic #UNIDO's key personnel remuneration (DG and six D2) increased by 67,36% surpassing EUR 2 million (M) in 2021. No decrease was recorded in 2022, the remunerations remained at over EUR 2 M level, including EUR 597 thousand for a reformist DG. The UNIDO External Auditor is expected to disclose soon the UNIDO DG’s financial fitness status in 2023.
3. What is an expected decrease of UNIDO operating costs in 2024? Judging by the DG’s recent decision to add back fifth D2 post (sic!) the UNIDO's financial crisis is gone. It is "la dolce vita - the sweet life" again, as the Cicero's successors would exclaim in Rome now. Wiping off his promises instantly, the UNIDO DG has overridden decisions he previously wanted to be remembered for. What a double success it could be:?both?one of his most devoted supporters is possibly rewarded with a lucrative D2 post and the G-77 Vienna Chapter protests against a violation of equitable geographical representation principles laid in the Constitution are suppressed.
4. Will the sixth D2 post be restored as well? To make the Organization more #FatForTheFuture. Where will the money come from?
5. The updated scale of assessed contributions by Member States largely shifted payers’ bills to developing world and medium income countries, including #G77 states, with China alone contributing 22% of regular budget. Richer than ever UNIDO may also enjoy EUR 15 million flowing through the innovative "cows feeding fund".
6. In 2025, the External Auditor publishes its report as usual, for all to see how many cows were well-fed in 2024 AC i.e., 3 ME (#Müllerism Era).
PassBlue Devex Transparency International Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization - CTBTO IOM - UN Migration UNODC International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Ausw?rtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany
Photo ?? UNIDO ??
April 5, 2024
#ProgressByInnovation: Is a #Müllerism for the People as well ?
1. In 2024, UNIDO has entered the second biennium of the #Müllerism era. According to the Organization's tremendously victorious?Führerprinzip / Chiefdom Principle propaganda, the first biennium passed triumphantly: inspired by revolutionary rants and populistic speeches of the one and only #UNIDO DG, and pompous globetrotter voyages of the UNIDO First Couple designedly organized by their devoted "Nur für Deutsche / For Germans only" managerial team to promote a gender balanced world without poverty and hunger where a low-emission industry sustainably leaves no one behind on fair supply chain trails towards net-zero. The tsunami of German promotions and takeovers of the most lucrative, high ranking and managerial positions to hold tightly the Organization is another glorious milestone on the #Müllerism success path.
2. In 2023, as a very rare case in the UNIDO history, Member States of G-77 Vienna Chapter and China have called upon the UNIDO Leadership accountability during the 20th Session of the UNIDO General Conference. "The Group calls upon the Director General to address this concern and requests the Secretariat to report to the 52nd session of the Industrial Development Board (IDB) on the implementation of this principle, the achievements made so far and the proposals to improve the current representation of Member States in UNIDO." - reads the Statement protesting a dire violation of the UNIDO Constitution's rules of equitable geographical representation. The Member States (MS) have also alarmed about "different project support costs between Member States and non-Member States ... taking into account the budgetary situation of the Organization, to strengthen UNIDO's financial situation."
3. In 2021, at 49th Session of IDB presided by H.E. Ambassador of Poland, the European Union Member States' representatives (except for 6 EU countries that left UNIDO long ago) - with #Multilateralism on their lips and banners all the time - persuaded a narrow majority to choose the German and European candidate as next UNIDO DG. Is there #Müllerism on all banners now?
4. In two years, the #Müllerism might?have undone decades of the Organization’s transparency progress, while the #EU taxpayers money spent?to facilitate information sharing and #Transparency of UNIDO might have been wasted.?The compatibility of the UNIDO Open Data Platform with the EU Aid Explorer and the International Aid Transparency Initiative standards is a song from the past. What does the UNIDO Leadership sweep under the carpet? Those dangerously injurious #Multilateral things that are not for the People, perhaps?
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Ausw?rtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany European Commission
Cover page in graph ? FFO
February 23 , 2024
#PortraitsOfProsperity: UNIDO ITPO Germany has published its Travel Catalogue 2023.
1. Guessing how many photos of the #UNIDOITPOGermany Godfather (the ex-#BMZ Minister, now the incumbent UNIDO DG) the catalogue features, could make a good weekend quiz. A sneak pre-review of the catalogue's online version gives 13 results, but it's worth checking all details indeed.
2. Where to and how many times have the #ITPOGermany 2 Heads and 2 Deputy Heads travelled? It's another great idea for a weekend quiz, while getting acquainted with disruptive #ProgressByInnovation propaganda techniques and the #Führerprinzip / Chiefdom Principle.
3. #Germany is one of the richest countries in the world and someone could rightly ask why bother how the country taxpayers' heavy millions are drained? Especially during weekends. One reason is the ITPO Germany funds, generously donated by the #German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), are actually "laundered" through the United Nations i.e., #UNIDO accounts. Despite spending Euro heavy millions since its establishment the ITPO Germany has never been independently evaluated, contrary to provisions of already 3 project documents signed; leaving alone #UNValues and #FinancialTransparency rules.
4. Tourism agents in Germany publish their travel catalogues in winter to lure clients with dreams of sunny destinations during cold and often cloudy days. To compare, the ITPO Germany propaganda technique is not that innovative as it appears. The only difference is that tourism offices in advance hope to plunge in #Germans' pockets, while the ITPO Germany travel catalogue demonstrates ex-post how easy has been the budget spending. Money (das #Geld) has made the world go round, also at UN Bonn, hasn't it?
5. Eight countries have decided to finance UNIDO ITPOs (Investment and Technology Promotion Offices). As impressive as the Germany's spending is, it still gives the country the second place only. The most lavishly funded is UNIDO ITPO Nigeria that - with ca. USD 10 Million budget for its present 5 years' cycle - hasn't published any annual or evaluation report since 2018. Instead, it seems to take the #PortraitsOfProsperity UNIDO's campaign more literally, flooding social media accounts with selfies of #ITPONigeria's Head and Staff.
Spotlight links 8/24 ??
#PublishWhatYouFund #FinancialTransparency #Müllerism #Multilateralism #SDG9 #GIZ #AHK #Nigeria #Nigerian
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Ausw?rtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Germany Trade & Invest KfW GIZ Somalia GIZ South Sudan German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria (AHK Nigeria) Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission GIZ Nigeria & ECOWAS
The website screenshot in graph ?? UNIDO ITPO Germany
February 20, 2024
#ProgressByInnovation: UNIDO DG gives the money away !
1. What meme The Pioneer would?illustrate?a sequel of "King M. seeks the money" with, if they wrote it? Robin Hood lookalike seems?unlikely?as the Sherwood outlaw had robbed rich and gave?away?the money to poor. Perhaps, the British Viceroy of India or the Sovereign of Congo, the Belgian King Leopold II could be more appropriate?
2. In 2023, the UNIDO DG both sought the money and was giving it away. To #BuildBackBetter the UK economy he started?– with the British Embassy Vienna vital support - a sort of?the Aid for UK project or the Marshall Plan for UK, a unique #Neocolonization programme of (and via) UNIDO by a non-Member State,?dynamically?titled Accelerate to Demonstrate Facility, #A2D in short. UNIDO?initially offered very generous gift: at least GBP 3.6 million in-cash?disguised as a?46% discount of?support costs?plus in-kind tributes, for instance premises of the A2D Secretariat at the UN HQs Vienna; potentially the best Center of Excellence for #EconomicEspionage ever.
3. This is no surprise. It does show UNIDO determination in implementing its mandate to promote #Industrialization in the world without #Poverty and #Hunger. In one of his rousing speeches, the DG appealed:?“It is an absolute scandal that the ten richest people on earth have as much wealth as another four billion – the poorest of the poor. We don‘t need to be travelling to Mars. “
4. H.E. Ambassador of India, Excellencies representing BRICS+ States and developing world listened to DG’s revolutionary rants during opening of the 50th?session of Industrial Development Board (#IDB), one of UNIDO’s Policymaking Organs (PMO).
5. Outer space exploration by #Indian scientists make invaluable contribution to climate change studies, among others. In 2015, the Indian Mars Orbiter #Mangalyaan, studied the Solar Corona on the opposite side of the Sun. In 2023, the Indian lunar lander #Chandrayaan-3 reached the South pole region of the Moon. How unfair! The money could be better used for subsidizing the UK's import of #CriticalMinerals in #EnergyTransition times!
6. Fortunately, UNIDO DG does practice what he preaches. #India’s contribution to #UNIDO regular budget (RB) is increased by 29% in the present biennium, all #BRICS+ states must pay now more than 30% of RB, all medium income and developing countries contribute some 60% of RB. All donors funded projects in developing world are charged much more through the Full Cost Recovery scheme on the top of standard support costs … No mercy, no discounts.
7. If effective neo-colonization is to become one of the UNIDO Vision 2030 success stories, the Member States do need to forget that naive Robin Hood ideology. UNIDO DG will further instruct them in November 2024, during the 52 Session of IDB.
Screenshot in graph ??
King M. seeks the money - K?nig Müller sucht das Geld, a piece by The Pioneer piece dated May 16th, 2023.
UNIDO Policymaking Organs - documents, speeches and statements.
February 6th, 2024
#ProgressByInnovation: Blunders in propaganda do happen, but what does the photo tell about UNIDO credibility in Africa in the #Müllerism era ?
UNIDO DG reiterated his calls for a Marshall Plan with Africa at Italy-Africa Summit in Rome - @UNIDO status on X
1. The photo depicts UNIDO Director-General speaking at #ItaliaAfricaSummit2024 session on January 30th. Why didn't distinguished participants slow the scroll on their smartphones and listen to him? Isn't high time #UNIDODG stepped out of shoes of the ex-Minister at Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and stopped promoting programs for Africa that the Ministry had abandoned since 2021?
2. Does?#Africa?need a recycled German Marshall Plan delivered by?UNIDO now, when the Organization became more costly than ever?
3. The Organization has just released the Report on Decisions and Resolutions adopted during its 20th General Conference held at the end of November 2023. One of three main resolutions relates to "UNIDO Strategy for Africa 2023 -2025"; lots of not-so-optimistic statistics and analyses with many questions without answers presented in the 35 pages' annex. For instance, what UNIDO, as the #IDDA3 leading Organization responsible in front of UN General Assembly, will do now with completion of the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa that ends next year? The independent evaluation reports could not be replaced with propaganda of another Marshall Plan with floating completion date, could they?
4. In November 2022, at The African Union Summit for Industrialization and Economic Diversification held in Niamey, Niger the UNIDO DG in his populistic speech also tried to catch attention of the African leaders: " Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, You do not need others telling you what to do... " Isn't high time UNIDO DG practiced what he had preached? Maybe then audiences would slow their scroll and listen.
5. The #MarshallPlan?became a popular, generic name for numerous recovery and resilience programs globally, inspired by the US plan for Western Europe after the WWII. Launched in 2017, the?#German?version of Marshall Plan with Africa - that faded as soon as the Chancellor Merkel retired - had never made a major developmental impact, neither it had been a total failure. Many critics alleged its core concept “aid in exchange for reforms” might been abused: a kind of bribing African countries governments to create favourable expansion conditions for German businesses. The latest?#AfricaStrategy?by #BMZ is?called?“Shaping the Future with Africa” and doesn’t make any reference to the former German Marshall Plan with Africa.
The IDDA3 LinkedIn group ??
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbHUNIDO ITPO Germany?Ausw?rtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) GermanyFederal Press Office – German Government Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
January 18th, 2024
#A2DFacility: Does the UK Ambassador in Vienna carry a copy of the UNIDO Credentials?in her handbag? Will the #UK rejoin or recolonize #UNIDO?
1. Both propaganda team of British Embassy Vienna and UNIDO DG's “Nur für Deutsche / For Germans Only" managerial squad are allegedly working hard to coordinate the two VIPs costumes for the upcoming Charity Maskenball in Vienna. Chances are good they repeat tremendous success of the previous two 2023 shows they starred in.
2. However, some of the UNIDO 172 Member States as well as international media keep raising issues that may disturb self-indulgence of #UNIDO_UK publicity stunts leadership and teams. It seems that #UNRules, #FinancialTransparency, #EconomicEspionage, and devastating effects of huge financial (colonial-style) tribute inflicted on UNIDO budget by a non Member State via its Accelerate-to-Demonstrate project, are still not fully swept under the ballroom carpet.
3. Indeed, the Embassy has been quite successful in promoting a spiderweb of His Majesty subjects to tactical positions within UNIDO, from supervising the digitalization processes and IT systems to copywriting DG's speeches. #UNIDODG may enjoy having his speeches proofread at the Embassy before delivery, but what about the Project Managers' (PM) / UN civil servant status being trivialized as the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero official gets the grips with UNIDO Account Holder controls, in fast-tracked mode. UNIDO Open Data Portal displays the A2D PMs names, leaving no doubts who is accountable. Haven't PMs heard about the UNOPS financial scandal and related calls for criminal accountability, while rejoicing in the TV-series-style photo session at #UNIDOInnovationLab?
4. Despite "colonization attempts" UNIDO has remained the UN System Organization ruled by its Constitution and by-laws. The Member States' Ambassadors, after presenting their Credentials, are elected (in a rotating scheme) to lead the Organization's Policy Making Organs. Presently, Their Excellencies Ambassadors of Sudan and Pakistan chair Industrial Development Board and Programme and Budget Committee, respectively. H.E. Ambassador of Italy presides the 20th General Conference.
5. It's just a start of a ball season in Vienna, but gossips are the UK Ambassador's flamboyant diplomacy has already earned her the Debutante of Jokes title for the Vienna 2024 Ball Season, in advance.
6. Like Vienna diplomatic circles, supervisors at Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in London know there are neither UNIDO Credentials (after 2012 #Brexit) nor £ 65 million in the Ambassador's handbag. The London's Ball Season is not less spectacular as the Viennese one, but when it comes to spending of heavy millions public funds the #SFO Serious Fraud Office (UK) Head is always the master of ceremonies.
Keep smiling and wait, more entertainment is coming.
A Project With A View - A2D Facts & Faqs part I : ??
Money Tells Money Tales - A2D Facts & Facts part II ??
January 11th, 2024
#ProgressByInnovation: The servant of two masters. Does UNIDO DG still know who pulls his strings?
1. In May 2023, during an audience at the British Embassy Vienna, #UNIDO DG has subjected the Organization to a non-Member State, opening widely doors for the British post-colonial project. The UK governmental reports / webpages don't hide subordination conditions, strings attached and huge financial tribute that UNIDO DG offered, while assisting British companies in easy access to developing countries resources; to source #criticalminerals among others.
2. In January 2024, at Future Minerals Forum in Riyadh, UNIDO DG announced widening cooperation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by the "Global Alliance for Responsible and Green Minerals in cooperation with #SaudiArabia" (Ministry of Economy and Planning - MEPsaudi and Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources); to protect developing countries interests against abuse of their #minerals resources, such as cobalt, lithium, gallium, tin etc. Does the Alliance foresee protection against aggressive post-colonial activities of the British companies via #A2DFacility?
3. International media claim intelligence operatives fight openly for their countries interests in Vienna, and that happens at #UN and UNIDO premises as well. The UK (that left UNIDO in 2012) has established within UNIDO the so called #A2D Project Secretariat, championed by the #UK's Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, with Ayrton Fund involvement fully aligned with the "#A2D parasitism" paradigm.
4. Will a new #UNIDO_Saudi Alliance team be housed on the same floor at UNIDO HQs where the other countries agents may potentially operate? Have the minutes of DG meetings with Saudi Ministers in Riyadh been already submitted to the A2D Secretariat ?
5. In November 2023, UNIDO DG and his powerful "Nur für Deutsche / For Germans only"?managerial team suspended voting rights of 50 Member States (172 MS in total) ahead of the Organization's 20th General Conference. #Nigeria, the present #ECOWAS Presidency country is amongst them. Most of the Least Developed countries (#LDCs) and developing Member States with abundant #CriticalMinerals and other natural reserves were deprived of their voting rights as well. Is it because they may protest / vote against intelligence agencies' activities at UNIDO?
6. "The Servant of Two Masters" is a?comedy?by the Italian?playwright Carlo Goldoni?written in 1746. Some of the most famous actors in theatre history played the comedy's main character Truffaldino, which can be translated into English as Fraudolent. The UNIDO DG's official CV does not reveal any information about his comedian capabilities / acting experience.
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A Project With A View - Facts & Faqs: ??
#DESNZ #AyrtonFund #UNIDO_EU #FutureMineralsForum #UNIDOInnoLab #UNIDOVentureLabs #MüllerismMinistry of Foreign Affairs, Saudi Arabia Ma'aden Saudi Fund for Development
Photo: UK Mission Vienna on X ??
January 3rd , 2024
#ProgressByInnovation: Voluntourism or humanitarian sightseeing has been re-(in)novated by UNIDO ITPO Germany in their offices at UN Bonn compound, with stunning sunset views of the Rhine River.
1. #Voluntourism business exploits an ancient Chinese wisdom as its slogan, often wrongly crediting it to Benjamin Franklin, whose portrait features on USD 100 banknotes several millennia after Confucius. “Tell me, I forget; show me, I remember; involve me, I understand.”
2. As attractive as it sounds (humanitarian travellers participate in voluntary work, typically for a charity) the voluntourism is quite controversial although it generates ca. USD 3 billion a year. The Guardian has alarmed that western do-gooders might actually do harm.?"Every year, millions of people from wealthy nations travel to poor countries, hoping to do good ... Now you can buy a volunteer experience with a few clicks.”
3. Who pays the check for the #UNIDOITPOGermany's experience? German taxpayers do via Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), but the experience's cost-benefit analysis remains a tabu, because ITPO Germany has never been independently evaluated. Quite surprising, as ca. USD 10 million has already been spent, and going. #Germany is a very rich country, indeed.
4. The ITPO's concept of bringing (mostly German) small companies for selfie sessions at refugee camps in Africa is allegedly a "win - win" situation. "This mission gave us much new knowledge about the real needs of people in those countries and gave us a lot of inspiration and strength to act." - commented participants of the sightseeing tour to the #Kakuma Refugee Camp in #Kenya (due to pandemic the mission was postponed to 2022). Apparently, the companies got a good value for money. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency co-organized the tour and hosted daily wrap-up dinners. What about refugees?
5. Some participating companies have supplied humanitarian projects before the tour: solar systems for water desalination, off-grid refrigeration, plastic recycling machines, micro milling and others. Has anything been manufactured locally?
6. What's next on humanitarian tours to promote German export? Invitations have been sent for German companies to join #DIHAD 2024 (a fancy humanitarian fair/show in Dubai), and a tour to be co-organized with #UNHCR again, ?in April/May 2024 to #Somalia
7. The travel business is expected to bloom, #BMZ to continue paying. Yet, some vital questions loom unanswered, until financial transparency, accountability, #sustainability and #UNRules become more important than selfies and group photos of shiny, happy travellers in #UNIDO ITPO Germany's annual reports.
8. Have UNIDO ITP Network Head and UNIDO Evaluation and Internal Oversight officials considered sustainability and cost-benefit analysis, and a fully-fledged independent evaluation, pending since 2017?
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Photo ? UNIDO ITPO Germany
Consultant and trainer | Strategy, innovation, management consulting | Keep smiling! I U?miechaj si?!
1 年Tags: Global Platform for Action (GPA) Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Ausw?rtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Germany Trade & Invest KfW GIZ Somalia GIZ South Sudan German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria (AHK Nigeria) UNIDO IAP UNIDO Environment UNIDO Egypt UNIDO Jordan LKDF - Learning and Knowledge Development Facility UNIDO's Industrial Decarbonization Accelerator UNIDO ITPO Nigeria UNIDO ITPO Shanghai UNIDO Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) United Nations Industrial Development Organization - Philippine Office (UNIDO) ONUDI Maroc ONUDI Cono Sur ONUDI Maroc West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP) West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP)-Ghana UNIDO South Africa UNIDO ITPO Bahrain The Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry UNIDO Environment UNIDO Trends in Industrial Development and Statistics G-77 Vienna Chapter World Food Programme World Health Organization IOM - UN Migration UNESCO UNICEF African Union FAO UNIDO Brussels Office #UNIDO2023