7 Day Nightmare
Last Saturday my life changed forever.
Palestinian Hamas terrorists forced their way into Israel and began a campaign of unimaginable terror.?
They started gunning down civilians at will, kidnapping our girls, raping them, taking them into Gaza to be raped and humiliated some more. They butchered whole families, and communities, tied their hands and burnt them alive, gunned down teenagers at a music festival for peace and committed other unspeakable crimes against humanity.?
Many hostages remain in Gaza, hopefully, they’re alive and are as safe as they can be, but after what they have been through let’s face it, they’re probably already dead inside.?
Jews, Christians, Druze, and Muslims make up the citizens of Israel. Hamas killed them all.
We’ve had over 6,000 rockets fired at us from Gaza, thank god Israel invests its money in defence. Without that, we’d be flattened.?
My family has been in and out of bomb shelters for the past 7 days as the rockets indiscriminately fired all across Israel at our civilians continue to rain down. Just now a week later we’re still being terrorized and running to the shelter every time a siren goes off.?
You’d think after the biggest act of terrorism since 9/11 and the highest number of Jews killed since the Holocaust that the world would be outraged. We turned on social media expecting to see the world support us but they’re more concerned about the Palestinians, the same people who elected Hamas to be their leaders.?
All of the atrocities they committed are being challenged by an online global army who demonise Israel and Jews, so our story, the truth doesn't even make it out. People around the world are being brainwashed by Palestinian propaganda, disputing evidence and the facts. How many testimonies from raped women, how many images and videos of dead children and babies do you need to see until you believe us??
Today I was sickened to see the pro-Palestinian rallies around the world, especially the day after Hamas called for a global day of rage against Jews.?
I am ashamed of my British citizens taking to the street to take part in this Palestinian Jew-witchhunt ceremony. These same people would have happily turned a blind eye to the suffering of Jews in the Holocaust, I have no doubt.?
There are monsters living among you who are so inhumane they can’t call out the despicable actions of the ISIS-like Gazans.?
You can advocate for peace for Palestinians and also advocate for peace for Israelis at the same time. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive.?
Clearly, there is no safe space for Jews, this is why Israel exists.?
This week has been the hardest of my life and at times has broken me, but I’m strong for my family and strong for my country.?
After what happened, and continues to happen to the people of Israel I can still however consider myself lucky. Lucky to be able to hug my kids and wife at night. So many others can’t.
I want this nightmare to end. Now!?